The ultimate redpill is that there are NO genders

The ultimate redpill is that there are NO genders

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Remember Aryans don't owe jesus anything because he is not our savior. Aryans don't descend from Adam therefore Aryans don't need Jesus to die for their sins.
here is the evidence.

The Chaldean Account of Genesis, by George Smith, [1876] we see the truth of what Adam means. It doesn’t mean the first man, but it refers to a race. Here is a quote showing you what race.

"the Babylonians recognized two principal races: the Adamu, or dark race, and the Sarku, or light race, probably in the same manner that two races are mentioned in Genesis, the sons of Adam and the sons of God.” (Ref 1)

As you can see Adam doesn’t mean mankind. This disproves the original sin narrative. Since we did not inherit sin from Adam there is no Messiah coming and there never was one to be a sacrifice for mankind. For those who think we descended from that race the Babylonians referred to as Adamites is the evidence completely destroying that lie.

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"Seven thousand five hundred fifty-six (7556) haplotypes of 46 subclades in 17 major haplogroups were considered in terms of their base (ancestral) haplotypes and timespans to their common ancestors, for the purposes of designing of time-balanced haplogroup tree. It was found that African haplogroup A (originated 132,000 ± 12,000 years before present) is very remote time-wise from all other haplogroups, which have a separate common ancestor, named β-haplogroup, and originated 64,000 ± 6000 ybp. It includes a family of Europeoid (Caucasoid) haplogroups from F through T that originated 58,000 ± 5000 ybp. A downstream common ancestor for haplogroup A and β-haplogroup, coined the α-haplogroup emerged 160,000 ± 12,000 ybp. A territorial origin of haplogroups α- and β-remains unknown; however, the most likely origin for each of them is a vast triangle stretched from Central Europe in the west through the Russian Plain to the east and to Levant to the south. Haplogroup B is descended from β-haplogroup (and not from haplogroup A, from which it is very distant, and separated by as much as 123,000 years of “lat- eral” mutational evolution) likely migrated to Africa after 46,000 ybp. The finding that the Europeoid haplogroups did not descend from “African” haplogroups A or B is supported by the fact that bearers of the Europeoid haplogroups, as well as all non-African haplogroups do not carry either SNPs M91, P97, M31, P82, M23, M114, P262, M32, M59, P289, P291, P102, M13, M171, M118 (haplogroup A and its subclades SNPs) or M60, M181, P90 (haplogroup B ), as it was shown recently in “Walk through Y” FTDNA Project (the reference is incorporated therein) on several hundred people from various haplogroups.” Klyosov, A. & Rozhanskii, I. (2012). Re-Examining the “Out of Africa” Theory and the Origin of Europeoids (Caucasoids) in Light of DNA Genealogy. Advances in Anthropology, 2, 80-86. doi: 10.4236/aa.2012.22009. (Ref 2).


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Christcucks are enemies of the white race.

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You're on point friend.

the fact that Whites can tell you who the first ancestor to jews are, but can't tell you who is the first Ancestor to Whites is because of christianity

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Hang yourself, christcuck.

You are not an aryan

>On point
>Justifies tranny bullshit
Pick one(1). On point would be more like

>There are only two genders and anyone who says otherwise is a closet pedophile

In the modern tongue today we are called Aryan. Why? Because we descend from a person who’s name is FRYA.
Aryan in the original tongue is pronounced Frea-jian or Fryan. We know this account because of written word and transmission from older times. In a manual script called the Oera Linda Book there is a Hymn in it that predates the all other writings of our people.
The Hymn tells us that FRYA is the Great Mother of our people and from Her all Whites descend from. This Hymn is back up by other manual scripts.

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>The Promethean myth is a prophecy indeed: but it does not relate to any of the cyclic Saviours who have appeared periodically in various countries and among various nations, in their transitionary conditions of evolution. It points to the last of the mysteries of cyclic transformations, in the series of which mankind, having passed from the ethereal to the solid physical state, from spiritual to physiological procreation, is now carried onward on the opposite arc of the cycle, toward that second phase of its primitive state, when women knew no man, and human progeny was created, not begotten.

Blavatsky says that when men evolve, aka, become Christs, or angels, gods, whatever you want to call it, they will be able to create children mentally. Animals have genders. Gods are beyond them. They are a whole being.

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Two manual scripts that date back to 1500 BCE. The Khorda Avesta and the Avesta Yasna. In the Oera Linda Book it has an historical account where a contingent of Aryans or Fryans left Europe around 1600 BCE. They made their way to a place called Ira (Iran) with Tyrian sailors and families. As you can see the Khorda Avesta and the Avesta Yasna (see pics) backs the migration of the Aryans who left Europe around 1600 BCE. These passages backs this because it mentions the Fryans and the Tyrians together. The Hymn and the historical account in the Oera Linda Book are found on pages 19 and 61.
In Iraq today the descendants of the small contingent who left Europe are called the Yazidi. Even though they mixed with the Tyrians they were able to preserve their Aryan genetics by practicing an ethno-Religion that only allowed to be born into the group forbidding converts.
This shows the genetic link and the oral as well as the written link. This tells without a doubt who we are and who is our first Ancestor.

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A Goddess religion. Lame. Just be Catholic.

Literally the opposite of the truth. Adam was the first white man, and that belief was shared by early Christians as confirmed in targums.

You misunderstand, I'm not saying there are no aryans. I'm saying YOU are not an aryan. You are playing pretend to cope.

erm, that's actually the furthest position about gender on the left, gender abolitionism is the idea that gender is socially constructed and ascribed by society rather than influenced by biology.

Christianity is Marxism

Yas Forums gets less intelligent every year.

XX is woman made for making eggs
XY is man and made for fertilizing them.
Gender definition is simply lawyering natural law of man, classic talmud loopholing.

Imagine worshipping some pacifist hippie who never managed to reproduce.

The Messiah is when man comes to know himself, meaning, when there is no longer a belief in man and God as separate but when they are one, as the verse in OP suggests.

There is only one gender, women are property.
t. Islam pilled

explain the reference where the Gentiles were under the table of Jesus hiding and Jesus said "let them stay. It is better that they receive crumbs (because one of the Jewish apostles called them dogs.. crumbs being scraps) then receive nothing at all. allowing the Gentiles into his fold.

Read more books, friend.
Gender is a mean of polarization, a punishment of sorts, an universal theme along all myths of all civilizations. You can call it prisca theologia or psychoanalysis, this belief is inseparable from human condition it seems.
We're not talking about trannies, and you know it.
There's only one path to God, Enlightenment, The Source, Kia, or whatever you want to call it. Reject the polarization inherent to the flesh.
You have to accept your masculine and feminine, as one is a force without direction and the other is direction without force.

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here is the Aryan prophecy

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this. Christian equality is what cucked us.
Old testament woman below man is the way.

>there are NO genders
Ya, tell that to my cock.

Hermaphrodite represen'

Debtors are losers 100% of the time. selfish, greedy, priggish, undeserving and irresponsible human filth.
part 1:
part 2:

Black Israelites say White people who worship jesus Christ will be their slaves. you already agree to being a slave because you agree to eating the crumbs from them.

With Frya we will ascend the death and rebirth cycle be Free and no longer under the control of a foreign nation.

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>You have to accept your masculine and feminine, as one is a force without direction and the other is direction without force.

i soncerly hope you don't refer to the feminine as the direction because little will you know a women, they are the least suceptible to hold opinions, to make risky choices based on principles etc... nah really find a real contribution to the actual manifestation and come back.

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this ypu need a good foundation myth for your people.

It sounds like an inverse of Jewish prophecies of conquering the goyim. Not just in the races changing but in the common man theme where Jews are ruled by the learned, clerical class.

I would rather be a servant in Heaven than a Master in White Hell.

Also, this is a cycle of God. A new Earth and a New Heaven is built. and this living test or the game will start all over again.

And when we're in heaven. I doubt we're going to be lazy spiritual creatures playing harps on a

But I disagree with this I will be a servant to the one creator alongside his chosen.