What do you think of Serbia?
What do you think of Serbia?
I love it and hate it idk really
>Socialist leader
>Bootlicking and asking for gibs
Yeah, just like always.
he's not wrong, but he needs to name his own country, not a fucking loan shark
Looks like a chink, they've obviously been subverted
Faggots. Glad Croatia did what they did
eastern hordes rapebabies, just like the russians... that's why they long for a sort of eastern tyrant to rule them
solidarity has always been a communist meme word
very fitting
i dont know or care who serbia is
Faggots, go ahead serbs continue to suck that tiny yellow dick.
Association with EU: gibs in exchange for forcing you to take in brown and black economic migrants
Association with China: gibs in exchange for fealty to China
The latter seems like a better deal to me unless you want to end up 56% like us
ignorant retard
Seething amerimutts
YOUR NATION IS DYING and you still laugh at others, you wont be laughing in 20-30 years
>don't laugh now because you may not be able to laugh later
You must be a happy fella.
He looks like a Jew
as the rest, he's being paid massively for this stuff, also plastering billboards with Pooh's face.
It is true that EU is less likely to help (aka throw money at you) for nothing. They ask for things in return (such as less corruption, more freedom press, cleanness) while China doesn't ask for anything in return (ofc they gain control)
He who laughs last laughs best
You must be a very calculating and sensible amerimutt.
I think they got falsely blamed for the breaking up of Yugoslavia and about things they didn't even do during that whole travesty, dont really know that much about them desu, I think they are pretty based overall even though Yas Forumsack serbs seem to hate finns for some reason, no idea who the faggot in OPs pic is
Remove kebab...serbia strong
> What do you think of Serbia?
Defeated by the zog, it's a good example of why the zog took over the bigger more powerul countries first (UK & USA)
To be honest, I'm borderline retarded. Still, I'm interested in a concise history of Serbia's relations with the EU and China that have led to your president's statement. If you can point me to one, thanks.
Every serb I've met 1) needs to take a shower and 2) seems like a generally solid dude. My exposure is limited to those smart and/or rich enough to make it to a top university in the US.
He is a jew puppet with no spine and no core believes, he sucks EUs dick and brings us migrants while also suckings china dick for infrastructure, its really sad, most of the people in russia either want serbia to be alone or on russias side, no one likes chinks here and we dont like what are goverment is doing, i dont have to tell you why we are against eu and usa but then again the madman hired tony blair as a councillor
It's the way he says it. Sounds like he was bought
why would the eu favor a non member country?
and yes, only china can help them as they are not part of the eu.
so they been bought by gooks im sure thats gona work out great
serbia is aligned with russia so obviously they will align with china
it's stupid, because china would have no problem putting them all in concentration camps and harvesting their organs if the opportunity was given to them.
Its really pathetic how this little weasle always finds a foreign cock to suck, he even starded calling chinks brothers, im sorry but no
is it unusual in 2020 for a Serb and a Croat to be friends?