Pretty funny how Yas Forums changed since 2016

pretty funny how Yas Forums changed since 2016

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What a shitty meme and even worse thread. You can do better Ahmed.

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we're still voting for him again, proxy chang noodle nigger.

True Yas Forums hasnt like Trump since he got elected and sold his soul to the ZOG.

im pretty sure you retards will vote for him. i mean the other is an old man with dementia.

Go back to reddeet chink shill

Yas Forumsnow uses chink instead of kike... interesting

>The left can't m-

Go die in a hole, retard shills.

>pretty funny how Yas Forums changed since 2016
yes because of garbage shill slide threads like this

lol r/thedonald finally completely took over this place

Go back to plebbit faggot. Trump will win again and there's nothing you trannie niggers can do to stop it.

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You can't deny it's funny how they are stabbing themselves.
Now pizzagate goys are coming again kek

Its the same picture

somewhere in 2016 pol was taken over by new mods and they allowed /r/the_donald to take over.

Imagine living your life in a foreign country, yet basing your daily life around what another country does.

Can you imagine being so cucked, that you literally can't go online without feeling the need to talk about that country?

God it must be awful to be in the EU, just look at the state of this guy

It's entertainment, you no coper haha
> closing this tab
> sleeping happily waiting for beautiful tomorrow

I think the biggest change is that we don't really find Trump funny anymore. The meme magic is dead. I think most here pretty much just tolerate him as president now.

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Yes I'm sure you're making a big difference bro. Now back to your containment thread.

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Are we still saying that Trump said drink bleach?

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No one cares faggot you'll never be a woman.

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Are you both for real? omg the cope

>trump will win again
Mathematically impossible due to demographic shifts. But let's assume he does win again. What will that get us? He hasn't done anything differently than Obama or Hillary would have. They're all (((controlled))) by the same people you braindead fuck. The only difference is what comes out of their mouths, which means exactly nothing.

If you just want to trigger libs epic style then more power to you I guess. MAGA r*dditors have become so insufferable though I can't wait for their seething in Nov.

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How dare you @ me.

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Still looking for sauce where Trump says drink bleach? Post them if you find it.

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>germans still cucks posting slide threads
nothings changed since 2016

Have you seen the whole briefing?
He is just babbling stupid shit he didn't understand.

And your coping with instagram stories is not science. I'm so sorry burger.
You joke big time
We laugh
Win-Win situation, right?

pretty funny how gay this thread is lol

>he didn’t say drink it he said inject it

So he’s even more retarded than the media claims?

>Mathematically impossible due to demographic shifts.

watch, youll pretend you never said otherwise when it happens too

just like every other deceiptful attempt to undermine the populist movement and new, dominant and ultimately threatening right wing idealogy that will kick the shit out of your favorite socialist/progressive/neolibshit candidates

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Niggers are moving more towards Trump these days, they're happy due to the Trumpbux. Even they are realizing there's nothing in it for them by voting Dems.

Trump is not perfect but he's better than any Democrat by far.
Also Q might be real, come at me faggot.

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because jews are based just like black man are based aaoowoaa maga!

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