Is porn bad or is jacking off bad? Is it fine if I watch porn without fapping?

Is porn bad or is jacking off bad? Is it fine if I watch porn without fapping?

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I don’t give a shit what you do, pal.

Dddoes she have a dick?

Stop filling your mind with that trash. Get a hobby. Jack off without porn if you absolutely have to.

>Is porn bad
>is jacking off bad?
not as bad as porn
>Is it fine if I watch porn without fapping?
of course not and why would you do this?

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Anyone who cares about dudes touching themselves is a certified faggot.

Of course. That’s the whole purpose of sissy hypno.


Beating off once a week or so for maintenance is fine and good imho

Just as long as your still hitting the weights, and if your not lifting weights you better start.

Porn is awful for you and excessive masturbation isn't doing you any good. Accept that you are addicted to both porn and masturbation as most of us have been, and take action to save your mind and body without relying on willpower alone.

Porn is degeneracy. Jacking off is necessary.

porn is bad
jacking off is okay if done in moderation ofc (no coomer)
Yes but don't over do it or it'll hurt your test levels and shit user

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this. without the porn or anything else distracting you from making gains and becoming a based huge ripped-as-fuck monster


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I think the worst thing is the jacking off for hours thing and not cooming thing. It fries your dopamine receptors. A quick jackoff every few days without porn is probably the way to go.

nowadays if i see this kind of nigger "dance" i just want to vomit

This. It's healthy for the prostate. However, watching porn is what fucks you up. Don't whack off more than once every five days or so, and when you do, use your imagination and don't view porn.

Porn is degeneracy. Jacking off is unnecessary.

Built for substantial coal mining equipment

Are you gay?

pedo < porn < masturbation < coitus < coitus with a human < coitus with a woman < saving your seed to gas the kikes and race war now

Porn is a vice. Watch in moderation.
Or binge watch out and burn yourself out.

Also, I hate these women body types because it is almost a guarantee that it comes with a loud, bitchy, "please shut the fuck up"-personality.

Sometime I think ... maybe ... would be easier. I just would like a sane woman who does not want to behave like a baboon just because that's the fav now.

Why? What's wrong with a bit of dancing?

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shes claim her girl would take over if the white girls didnt step up their game...UNTIL WYPIPO IN AMERICA GET A CULTURE...BLACK CULTURE WILL DOMINATE

It's bad, but I can't help it

porn is bad. fapping too much is bad. fap once a week. porn never. maybe on your birthday

I'd be okay with it but every young girl and 60 year old woman is dancing like this...7 out of 10 girl/women believe its the only way to attract a man attention

Nothing wrong with either.

What's bad are a bunch of dudes on the internet obsessed with how often other guys stroke off.

Sounds pretty gay to me.

NoFappers are flaming closet fags.

Go wild.

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nah negro there is nothing wrong with sexuality its just boomer magic they complain about its only bad if you dont enjoy it then probably if that happens youre a faggot or a lesbian but not normal

Porn is linked to sex trafficking. As for fapping, better to not do it at all if you don't want to feel like mush afterwards.

Why do retards on thid board claim that it's fine to jack off once weekly, but not twice, thrice, or more?

What retarded white nigger broscience is this?

What am I looking at here?

Depends on the porn. If it's 2d then it's okay.

remember don't start dating any woman until you get her coalfax. go to to learn more.

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that site is going to be taken down with every ip logged
retarded fag

I work out for an hour while watching porn. Then I jack off.

Disconcerting to see a modern Western woman perform a subhuman jungle mating dance.

And yes, porn is bad. Prostitution is bad. Sexual "liberation" is bad. Homosexuality is bad.

It's all terrible for civilized people. Only subhumans are so completely obsessed with orgasms.

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Watching porn without masturbating raises your T levels. In fact, the best would be to edge then go work out. Better than any protein shake. Basically natural steroids.

>making gains
Only gains I make are on the stock market.

within the past few weeks, leftists have launched an attack on pol where they use sexual images and webms. most ask a question in a single line. this is one of those.

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It's better if you jack off without watching porn.

people who don’t jack off
>Miles Davis
>Alexander the Great
>King Henry
I dunno, seems like influential people don’t fap. Maybe nofap makes you stronger

Edging is a one way trip to erectile dysfunction