Come on guys, try me!

> The Federal Reserve System is not "owned" by anyone.
Prove me wrong!

Pro tip: you can't


Attached: fed.png (2000x2000, 274.83K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Wasn't it owned by usgov now?

No, as I have already written, it is not owned by anyone

then who skims the interest

>what is a corporation?

the crown temple are the "U.S. investors":
>What You Didn't Know About Taxes & The 'Crown'
and foreign nations too

Attached: national debt breakdown.jpg (569x398, 40.17K)

> In fact, the Reserve Banks are required by law to transfer net earnings to the U.S. Treasury, after providing for all necessary expenses of the Reserve Banks, legally required dividend payments, and maintaining a limited balance in a surplus fund.

it's owned by the Jesuit papal bloodline, as are all the banks, all the nations with private central banks, this includes canuckistan and burgerland since their inception

Will read now. Also... Clever if the graph is true. Did trump printing 9trill dollars just make us (theoretical "us") the majority owner?

that was the plan; use new loan money to buy out the entire system with the help of Blackrock

> it's owned by the Jesuit papal bloodline
No. see:
> The Board—appointed by the President and confirmed by the Senate—provides general guidance for the Federal Reserve System and oversees the 12 Reserve Banks.

boy thats a neat trick where I loan money to myself then use someone else's money to pay my wife to then pay myself back the money with other people's money while I also generate interest.

wikikike is not a source, don't bother trying again

now is this a noble act for the good of the country or is it snake like behavior smash and grab by external parties?

please elaborate

Baron Alfred Rothschild was the architect of the Federal Reserve Act:
>Secrets of the Federal Reserve

Attached: Baron Alfred Rothshchild - Federal Reserve Act.png (632x153, 63.67K)

It is from the official government page...

I really don't know what to trust anymore so I can't give you an honest answer.
My gut tells me that it's for good but it's full of shit so that's not a worthy response.

it's also right off wikikike and if it's on both then it's bullshit.
i told you to stop, now stop

We don't care who "owns" it. Send them all to the minecraft nether.

Well makes sense that someone like him designs the system. After all, he and his family have been in the business for centuries

>After all necessary expenses of a Federal reserve bank have been paid or provided for, the stockholders shall be entitled to receive an annual dividend of six per centum on the paid-in capital stock, which dividend shall be cumulative.

you know nothing

I do not like (()) either. Yet, the fed is not private like you guys always say.

Attached: maxresdefault.jpg (1280x720, 87.78K)

read Tragedy and Hope. Carroll explains it like the FED being the sun and the membership banks so close to the sun that they can't be distinguished from the sun itself.
The benefactors of the FED are the membership banks who are granted ability to produce loans and collect interest on those loans. The FED is a meme, sure, but it saying it doesn't have owners is kike pilpul

Jews ran the US federal reserve for the last 40 years. Now what, faggot?

Then please, tell me how (()) should benefit from this if they neither own it nor the intrest...

Is it a seperate entity not owned by the people or the state?

Its owned by the banks.

Banks are required to own stock in the federal reserve bank they fall under the jurisdiction of in the amount of 6% of their total deposits.

The largest single owner of federal reserve stock is an entity with the legal name that is just 'BANK'

Go look it all up. Good luck finding info on the 'BANK' though.

correct, the government, and by extension the people, haven't owned the national money supply since 1914 when the Federal Reserve Act came into play

Attached: nothing to see here.png (300x404, 7.66K)

Banks are guaranteed to make 0.9% payout in dividends on their total deposits every year.

source please

As i have said: it directed by a board which is appointed by the senate and potus. legally, all shareholders 'own' it

because they have been voted into this position by senate and potus (represenatives of the us people)

thanks will read

In 1933 when the US government was bankrupted Roosevelt signed the Emergency Banking Act which gave all governmental power to the owners of the national debt.
In the same year HJR 192 of the 73rd congress suspended paying debts with gold, this was the beginning of the end of the gold standard, and the switch to having income tax back the Federal Reserve Note dollar.

Attached: Emergency Banking Act 1933.png (1521x607, 623.09K)

where does it say that there is a guarantee on that?

Try the book "Secrets of the Federal Reserve" by Eustace Mullins. You can find .pdf for free download with a quick web search and it is very well sourced.

Attached: jewlaugh.jpg (480x360, 18.93K)

Who are the shareholders?

>Who are the shareholders?

Attached: who nose 3.png (560x407, 13.31K)

banks. i am fully aware of that. but nobody stops you from buying shares for yourself..

I don’t care to convince you since you seem convinced of the opposite already.
You are the enemy and if you ever step in the way your thick skull will be smashed in.

Its a group of private banks collaborating together and they all work for whoever manages Bohemian grove


All the information you need is freely available to you but you demand the time of others like the lecherous person you are. You don’t care for anything but wasting other people’s time. Vehement doesn’t even begin to describe it. You are an evil worm.