Why should 1st world countries help 3rd world countries
Why should 1st world countries help 3rd world countries
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they shouldnt, though the arguement is to keep their population under control as a baby boom happens after industrialization but before widespread contraception
well if u want to keep the population down wouldn't you stop giving them stuff so that they realized that maybe they should stop having kids
If a 1st world country wants resources from a 3rd world country, they should help build infrastructure and systems for clean water. If a 1st world country doesn't want anything from said 3rd world country, then the answer is no
This 1st world countries only help when there is a profitable reason to do so. Even most charities wouldn't help 3rd world countries if they didn't profit off donations.
Everyone should be wealthier
it's called being a decent fucking human being?
Damn, she must really love that fence...
The problem with your clear thought is Groups like the imf dont want function tier worlds. They want slaves so they just give the warlords your money and then you make nigger hate threads about how much you hate shitskins reaching into your pocket
So we can sell them shit.
To each other not to invasive species like nogs
No real benefit
wrong-ish. they (1st.wc) should do what's best for themselves. everything else is 'suicide'.
We're the ones that need help.
Yeah RIGHT.. most poc will be infinitely more successful than you will ever be
Why won't she kick the ball back?
Every once in a while, we do it, to prove we deserve our title.
Flex our gunships, medicine, music, construction, computers, porno, new ideas, and freedom.
They shouldnt. They should eradicate the natives and colonize.
we shouldnt
Nothing so they can learn to do shit themselves
To make money you ding dong
>If a 1st world country wants resources from a 3rd world country, they should help build infrastructure and systems for clean water.
Lol, no! We pay for stuff they sell, and they use the money to get their shit together. We're not their parents!
>Why should 1st world countries help 3rd world countries
Took a couple posts, but this one: It's extremely fucking Jewish to simultaneously seize resources and labor at bottom prices from 3rd & 2nd world nations, but then at the same time treat them like subhuman shit holes (not that some of them aren't) that we don't have at least some obligation to.
This behavior also makes us, the 1st world, self-sufficient on this kind of behavior and constantly compromises the stability & integrity of our economy. It's just fancy globalist slavery, OP.
I don't mean sending them money- the blank cheques need to fucking stop, but at the very least we should be out there 'enabling' the means to build and manage some basic infrastructure and ensure some safety from the dozens of militant groups trying to enslave them.
Because you took and still take all our resources. Your time is coming.
If you'd like the 3rd worlders to stay home and not come to where you live, helping to make their country more liveable means less immigration.
It used to be "to stop the expansion of communism" and it was a pretty solid argument back in the days, nowdays there isn't much of a geopolitical reason except "muh feelings"
That's not the whole copypaste you hack!
my nigga
>America wants to focus on itself
>America gets involved in foreign affairs
You can't win.
>'enabling' the means to build and manage some basic infrastructure and ensure some safety from the dozens of militant groups
So colonize them.
this and the others stunts like this is why I cant take anything she say serious...its mostly all affects tricks and bullshit
Because it benefits you in the long run. Watch this popsci video.
A trillion dollars of foreign aid and africa is still a shithole. Maybe we shouldn't help at all.
Nonsense. If this were true, the US would have collapse centuries ago. We're a country of immigrants.
>So colonize them.
We damn well fuckin' should be, user.
Literally every single limp-wristed effort to improve Africa as a continent has failed. We SHOULD be colonizing them at this point.
I'd like to see you break down where all the aid went
>dont worry Ill wait for you to use google
That thing behind her does not have knees or ankles