If nazis were so great why did their leader off himself
Cowards death
Does it rly matter in 2020?
he wanted to avoid torture and trial
If trannies are so great why do they kill themselves?
Because it was much better for him to go out on his own terms than for the Allied nations to parade him around. Calling a man who received the highest medals of honour his country could give him during WW1 a coward is a bit stupid honestly.
If you havent noticed, nazism and nazi apologism is rising really fast in the west
He saw into the future using his Occult magick and saw a world where his Aryans fell to the might of the BBC. Even though he personally would not have lived to see that come to fruition, he still shot himself out of shame and disgrace as he could not dare compete.
>best war trophy ever
>no body
Ask the Ducce.
>he wanted to avoid torture and trial
So he's a giant pussy who can't take responsibility for his actions.
bc he didnt want to give the enemy the victory they wanted.
but you dont understand that. he took away what they so all hoped to have.
ikr , some ppl dont understand the rules of war.
He very well didn't, and the Nazis successfully infiltrated the USA through Operation Paperclip anyways.
Fake image
Torturing someone into a false confession is not a proportionate consequence of ones actions, Muhammad
Rudolf höss was in charge of the concentration camps (built to quarantine people with typhus decease)
It was kinda like the chinese camps, except the roof didn't fall off, there were swimming pools and better accommodation.
America never had such a decease to justify their camps.
Anyway when the allied bombed several factories and sometimes even the camps themselves, they figured they had to blame all the dead people they had made on someone.
So they tortured poor Rudolf int confessing for having killed a couple trillion people, rudolf even over state the numbers on purpose to show us just how retarded the claims really were, and now he is known as the greatest mass murderer in all time and he got hanged.
Trust the jews, you get humiliated, and then killed.
Isn’t it confirmed that he escaped to Argentina?
He knew the savage red army would torture him. He only had one choice.
he didn't kill himself
he saw how Mussolini was tortured and strung up. anyone with a pistol would've done the same, and you're a lying faggot if you say you wouldn't
if you believed hitler committed suicide then never call someone else a NPC because you'd only be projecting
/pol, follow your leader.
You mean he escaped to Argentina? At least it wasn't an ice pick
We should go to Argentinia?
oh and btw england, you bombed a children school in norway where around 200 civilian norwegian died.
And some English blokes also blew up a dutch ship in Bergen and killed another 200 civilian people.
No one was punished for these crimes tho, shit happens in war i guess, even mas murder.
But as long as it comes from random bombs it is just collateral damage.
When you commit suicide you dont point your gun at your forehead, you point if at the side of your head or in your mouth pointing towards your brain
Lots of communist and shills threads like this uo right now? Are we getting raided again? Im so done with this shit board. Mods dont do jack shit.
Thats unironically a good thing. Go back Achmed.
If he could see what the world's come to he'd shoot himself again.
That was some tranny. The real Hitler is in Argentina.
Ya’ll must be some newfags to not know that
Fuck off Kike.
>leftist cuc.ks still seething in 2020 that they couldn't put the Fuhrer through a mock trial and publicly execute him