Highest unemployment rate in the civilized world

> Highest unemployment rate in the civilized world
> Stupid populace boasting that "tourism is our heavy industry"
> Highest expenditure on pensions in the world
> Soon 200+% debt to GDP ratio
> GDP as high as it is because of boomer pensions, wages actually as low as Mexico, Russia and Turkey
> Literally a colony since it's inception, didn't do anything useful in the past 200 years
> Retarded populace that somehow loves immigrants, gays and socialism but is also religious fanatics at the same time
> Spends all day gossiping like a woman at a cafe..."Why aren't we as rich as Germans REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE?"

Can someone please put this shithole out of it's misery. Greek history should have ended with the last stand in 1453, everything after that is a bad retcon reboot no one likes.

Attached: istockphoto-184945748-612x612.jpg (612x434, 58.17K)

>Has soul
>You don't

You are not european turkroach

>diaspora turkroach can't even tell the difference between "its" and "it's"

Attached: pure cringe.webm (1222x1080, 1.8M)

user Greece was pretty based , the downfall really startet after 1975 , in the 1980s came "the Change" with socialist politics and systematic destruction of industrial production and moral values , in the 1990 open borders , mafias, hookers, devaluation of the indigenous worker and fake economy through depts.

I ll take you are a black pilled Greek user living in GB , don't worry , we are all fucked.

I am Greek you pathetic fags

Yeah we fucked up after the junta. Now we have to pay the price or at least those who didn't leave the sinking ship.

What gets me most mad is not the boomers who wrecked us but the millenials and zoomer who don't give a fuck and are ven more degenerate than them despite having their future stolen.

Attached: passport.jpg (4000x3000, 1.45M)

>greek siding with anglo
Sure you are bud, alaaaaaaaaah be with ya up there roach and keep swallow anglo cum
divide and conquer like a fucking roach that you are

Attached: Eternalanglo.png (1056x4224, 369.35K)

>Lives in UK
>"greek siding with Anglo"
> EU flag

You are exactly the type of retard I'm talking about in my first post. All of you people and your genes should have been eradicated by the junta if they had balls but unfortunately they did not.

And now we are ruled by junkie communists playing at being part of the first-world

You know what the turks say now about turk nationalist diasporas right?
Go to Holland faggot.

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>> Retarded populace that somehow loves immigrants, gays and socialism but is also religious fanatics at the same time
>> Spends all day gossiping like a woman at a cafe..."Why aren't we as rich as Germans


It doesn't effect you, so why bother moaning?

I am black pilled since the mid 90s , i recently became more red pilled.

Whole Europe is fucked big time , in Germany i rearely see advertisments having german looking guys it's always blacks , muzzies and white women. I asked my friends if they also observed it , they didn't and if they appointet it to ... blacks beeing cheaper that is why...

That's the playbook lefties/communists everywhere follow, it's amazing how some people haven't noticed yet.
They know that the proletariat class will not take part in their revolution.. the lumpenproletariat however

I want a Greek gf soooooo bad.

Yup this is Democrats have been doing to America for decades.

Your friends are that oblivious?

The ones i can commend stuff like that ... imagine the others

Kostas is that you?

I am fucking greek and I agree with you . Fuck turkey anyway homo bitch ass nigger.

So they're fine with niggers breeding like a plague within Germany, Europe and seeing them with European women? There's no sign of genetic security with them, no sign of racial vigor?

I hope Pajeet steals your job and random Somali acid attacks you user. Don't come back.

>space after le meme arrow
>strawmen and lies
yup, op is a faggot

So what isn't wrong with Greece? How are the young actually doing there?

Don't let nationalism, or any other ideology, distort your perceptions.

>the young
we dont have any young, the fertility is lower than japans and the majority of the population is elders on welfare
lmao what, all the parties conspired to make nationalism literally illegal here now, best you can vote for is ND and thats center left

The only comments (if) you ll hear would be about islam, mind you the belief not the muzzies themselves and Erdogan bad because TV says he is värschischt and bad , but the ataturk and grey wolf stickers on cars are perfectly fine examples of cultural expression.

So your dead men walking?

walking? more like crawling

Turks raped ur ass

So if you told them that IT IS in fact the muzzies themselves who are entirely to blame they'd deny it?

Lol gonna start using Dutch as gay

You have no jobs yet still get bengalis to pick your strawberries
Let ur fat asses starve

Yet I'd rather visit Greece and be an ally to them over you any day of millennia, Perfidious Albion

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What are the actual demographics of Greece?

Says you while kostas is keeping kebab out of Europe. Why are british people such cunts?

There are two kinds of people in Germany , the official pozzed narative and the nazis.

Have kids and move out of Athens , build a community with close friends and improvise for your economic sustainabillity

There will be only ruins in the end just make sure we stand over the ruins.

Τσεκουρι και Φωτια

Good night

Whatever happened to the British-Portuguese alliance?

it is illegal to move out of your municipality atm, we are locked in

Turkish rape baby

He's right, though.

No Western government has even been on our side and only has been for strategic gains later on against us.

Have to separate ourselves from them.

>> Stupid populace boasting that "tourism is our heavy industry"
this is the biggest lie my generation was told. The tourism industry is literally a McIndustry. Only jobs it offers are dead end basic wage slaving. I hate tourism with a passion.

Portugal hasn't existed since 1580