>women can't be smart or do scie-
Here you go. She's smarter than you. How do you COPE?
Women can't be smart or do scie-
Literally who?
Literally what did you mean by this?
A punch in the mouth would fix this. Then I'd get a look at those feet.
>Takes a photo of herself standing in a ring of newspaper
Female autism is real
She seems kinda cute. I'd have sex with her.
I love the Aryan woman. Second to none.
This kind of shit is actually super based, humans are ultimate pattern recognition machines and she's putting these predispositions to a good use.
Literally no fucking duh.
So fucking what if a woman did it? Keep dilating, faggot.
>women can't be smart or do science
Clearly, otherwise she'd be writing papers instead of modeling / doing photoshoots.
>women scientists
Seething incels. She was winning math olympiads when she was a little kid while you fapped to Chinese cartoons and played video games.
>an outlier makes the norm
>deciphers bizarre patterns in the soil
what kind of bullshit study is that?
its almost like education works
I'm pretty sure that the argument isn't that woman are incapable of rational thought, and being able to be good scientists. The argument is that the VAST MAJORITY of them are incapable of doing so. By the vast majority I mean over 99%
There are more male geniuses than there are female geniuses for a reason.
Woman didn't have an evolutionary reason to learn how to do this shit. Up until very recently they had a very clear job, and it didn't require even knowing how to read.
>Takes a photo of herself
L0Lno fgt pls
>So fucking what
So fucking seethemoar, faggot.
Science is always is great when advanced but when a scientist makes something up, I would kill her for it. What she discovered or invented is just a ecology set-up which determines the habitability of a area for nature. It isn't groundbreaking or anything special. These ecology theorems already exist in form of guides and plain rational.
>mistaking bullshit popsci description for actual study content
so retarded
Literally, he didn't even answer my question, WHO is she?
>I'm pretty sure
No, you are not.
You pulled that percentage out of your ass, in a very emotional and irrational manner, exactly the way you accuse women of being like. Very ironic.
>when the team finally finishes and you can take a selfie
>thinking this was a selfie
>more footprints good
>less footprints bad
>me good math
Cringe thread sage
Now she is not smart at all or compere to who?
To you? Picture with Jewish fraternity masonic lie in it. Point what is not truth in that picture.
Its like 'corona virus' , intelligent test and vaccines will be like prune the roses.
>A punch in the mouth would fix this.
so retarded
>How do you COPE?
wahmen makes 1 discovery per 100 years.
Men makes 999 discoveries per 100 years.
How do i cope? Do you have down syndrome son?
I was 15 when i was thinking about DNA and that it can contain data from parents to kids, and i read 10 years later how parents that went through traumatic stress they actually pass a gene that made their kids be more susceptible to stress.
But nooh me dumdum, wahmen smart.
I want you to go suck a bag of big black juicy dicks.
Or muslim dicks, whatever you prefer.
>Decodes pattern
Nigga, I can push this through a neural net on a google coral and let it solve it by itself
who cares about her sex?
i want to know about the study and of we can apply this to humanity (check if humanity is about to collapse, which i really hope).
she had one of her beta orbiters take the picture
Bro there are a ton of people smarter than me.
Idc that one is a chick
But most of them definitely aren’t chicks
It’s like every now and then a brown makes a smart person
Much like a giant pumpkin or a very smart dog, it is interesting- because it is an anomaly.
>what is Bell curve
For fuck's sake, making such pleb tier arguments on pol, even ironically, is a sign of declining standards.
Guys, were do we go next, after this place turns to complete shit?
Rather than looking at patterns in fucking dirt, how about you just look out the window. The things people call research. Jesus Christ.