Is it possible that use of drugs like Shrooms, LSD, and DMT unlocks a “psychic potential” in the brain...

Is it possible that use of drugs like Shrooms, LSD, and DMT unlocks a “psychic potential” in the brain? Just saw Hotdiggetydemon’s new cartoon, and it got me thinking about the prevalence of statements from the Richard Alpert all the way to joe rogan that psychedelics can help you astral project and transcend your body and such.

Perhaps if there is any truth to this claim, it’s that we all possess innate knowledge of the condition of the universe, our origin, and the metaphysical rules that govern everything, but that people like big bald headed Buddha joe rogan “explain it to themselves” in the form of little drug trip induced aliens

If this is true, then why does LSD cause mental illness in certain people (and supposedly, help people who already had severe mental impairments)? Can you achieve the same state through simple meditation (as the dogen was rumored to have done)?

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No it turns you into a fucking burnout who will accept anything the kikes do to you.

I dunno man I did shrooms once and I ended up pissing myself and tried to strangle one of my friends.

Possibly but this is some /X/ type shit.

Your brain is a map.

Somewhere on this map, treasure is buried.

Drugs are ONE method of putting an X on the map. The good feeling is the "eureka" from seeing that X appear on the map. Don't get hooked.

You'll need to be sober to find the treasure.

Most tards just consoom and scribble X-s all over their map until its permanently unreadable.

Meditation and Trauma healing. Check Wilhelm Reich and Bioenergetics. Also try Ayuhuasca or iboga

DMT = White trash psychedelic.

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I have an anecdote for this. I have a friend who was already slightly unhinged, and did acid on a vacation, followed by molly. He’s almost assuredly angrier, more quick tempered, and essentially different. I’m not saying the experience would be similar for everyone, but I don’t think the risk is worth it.

To be fair, real-life mystic gurus (new wave spiritualists) have basically confirmed this. One of the first experimenters with acid apparently went on to preach achieving that same feeling through natural meditation. But I never got that, maybe cause I have raging ADD, but how does sitting quietly and reflecting trip you out into some sort of materialistic experience? Though, the fact that MKUltra exists and I believe still goes on should say something towards its validity. Wasn’t that a major influence on the Akira movie/manga?

Fine DMT, acid, shrooms, ayahuasca, salvia, take your pick

No user. I've been growing my own for about a decade now with various TEKs and I'm still a normie retard. Still, shits good for the giggles.

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What’s TEK

I did shrooms once and I’ve felt alienated from my body and the world for the last 10 years. Does it seem like druggies are on the something? Not really. Not worth it.

so basically it's psychology and nothing relayed with spirituality, chemicals that our brain/body produces .
I understand the benefits of substances in brain chemistry and to balance the mind .
But I think it has nothing to do with religion or spirituality at all . It's more scientific then anything .

Technique, there's all different methods you can use. For example, currently very popular is "Uncle Bens TEK", as it doesn't really require any equipment you don't already have or can't just get with your weekly shop.

Yes. I've unlocked many things from psychedelic experiences. You must treat these chemicals as a spiritual them solo with a guide or with a small group of like minded people. Do not party with it. Chemicals are a cheap way to attain enlightenment, but effective. Throughout history people have had to endure intense fasting, hours of ecstatic dance, physical pain, etc to attain enlightenment. But the results, the experiences are legit.

I thought uncle Ben died

I did mushrooms regularly in my late teens and every once in a while I could predict cards in poker games. It was a unique feeling but it was clear and reliable. I couldn't control when it happened but when I felt that feeling I jumped on it and used it to my advantage. I have no witnesses to back it up because it only lasted seconds. It's something I keep to myself because who would believe it. But I do.

Ok kike

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This is so stupid I am sorry but after I read your post it just strike me that animals do the same in nature, they get high on nature chemicals are they being spiritual?
What is spirituality?
I«ve tried Lsd , mushrooms and I never felt nothing of those, I was alone first time I tried lsd and went for a walk outside and made me more logical about life and existence and actually made me for more to this nature and more human like my mind was balanced and logic .
Made me think about space and that spirituality is just a word .

Maybe made your focus state amplify on that task.
Human brain is like a computer, but biological

Everyone says don't do psychedelics alone, but what is the risk from something like, say, DMT? My understanding is that a trip lasts 15-30 minutes, and you're basically just sitting/lying there the whole time, you don't move around. Why would you need a buddy?

These drugs show you things from a different perspective. They don’t tell you where to go. Wisdom and self-reflection are required for that.
Anyone who says they can gain enlightenment from any substance is not enlightened. They can help, but so can nature walks. If someone told you nature walks made them enlightened you’d think they were an idiot.

No, that's just cope.

you can tard out on dmt and panic. but you'll be fine alone too. you might get scared.

this is for you delusional human

you are same spiritual level then any deer

Deer Eating Psychedelic Mushrooms

Many types of deer will dine on psychedelic mushrooms, including moose and caribou.

While foraging, the deer will seek out fly agaric (Amanita muscaria) mushrooms frozen beneath winter snow.7 Human observers have stated that after eating the fungi, the deer often display “drunken” behavior, including aimless running, head-twitching, and noise-making.

Caribou that are under the influence of fly agaric will separate themselves from their herd, often at a high cost. Their intoxication leaves them in a vulnerable state which can be taken advantage of by predators, and their unattended calves are put in the same danger.

Ingestion of the mushroom infuses the caribou’s urine with pyschoactive agents, meaning that it too can be consumed for a high. Caribou will fight amongst each other in order to access the urine of a herdmate that has eaten fly agaric. In noticing this, humans realized that they too could benefit from the consumption of intoxicated caribou urine.

In Siberia, Scandinavia, and other regions where caribou herds abound, this became a native custom. After passing through the deer’s system, the psychoactive agents of the fungi are actually more potent, and many of the chemicals that cause undesirable side effects have been filtered out. Whether caribou or human, any being that drinks this urine will experience a more powerful high than the original eater of the mushrooms.

no you just see funny colors and the walls vibrate
it’s good fun but nothing deeper

Tripping on dmt I have encountered several machine elves, and went into a great chamber with a watcher in the middle...crazy thing was someone posted this pic 3 days later on fb and looks almost identical

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Been doing the same and just started can get nodules to fruit before contains set in so tiresome getting it dialed in

>why do drugs cause mental illness
While drugs can definitely expand your mind and illuminate you to many new things, ultimately if you chase after these experiences too much, you will begin to lose sight of the real world and live entirely in your mind. In many ways people are already doing this with their phones which is why mental illness is also more common these days.

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Sometimes I think there's more to life. Some spiritual layer of reality, maybe god, whatever. Then I spend a few days sober and am reminded that even if there is, it doesn't matter. What good does knowledge of this stuff do? Does it end this jewish nightmare we call life? Does it allow us to escape? Does it change anything? No. If there is a God, he's clearly doesn't give a shit about any of us. He put us here and gave jews the means to take total control over us. If there is any spiritual truth to life, it's that this life is hell and the jews are Satan.

spirituality is just a human word like ketchup
can you define what spirituality his, can you actually scientific define what state of mind is spirituality?

What is spirituality ? A mindset , belief ?
So if I say I think Aliens are out there , am I being spiritual because I am looking outside of planet earth bubble ?

why is it so easy to guess the flag of a thread before opening it

Sometimes knowledge in and of itself is the reward. Even if it drives you mad, it can let you serve a grander purpose, even if only for posterity. On the other hand those who go mad tend to be thoughtful people who just couldn’t reach any meaningful conclusions.

To answer your question, all you have to do is look at the fucking druggies. If you claim that psychedelics & cia are a positive psychic teaching experience/spiritual awakening, you have A LOT OF EXPLAINING TO DO.

The objective results are in, dude. Just open your eyes and you'll realize whether drugs are good or bad for you.