>can easily dissect the mind of an Atheist
>Owns libtards as a mental warmup
>Gives the best life advice
>Supports Kekistan
IS Jordan Peterson, um, dare I say, er... BASED and /ourguy/?
Can easily dissect the mind of an Atheist
Other urls found in this thread:
No, he refuses to talk about ((them))
>is a schitzo
He really is, but the haters and the losers don't like being told to take responsibility
He is. Butthurt fags will character attack him all day, but everything he says is good advice and should be heeded. The newfags can't seem to separate the man from his message.
>Can't see the forest for the trees
Who do you think he is talking about when he says the "bloody neomarxist"? Who do you think he is talking about? Hitler himself could resurrect like Jesus 2.0 and if he didn't talk about Jews 24/7 you would call him a shill
Right now, the main thing we need, in the US at least, is a reform and he is against it. So no he isn’t based
He is a retard. Just watch Sam Harris & JP debate.
How is that "best life advice" working out for his thot progeny?
Well let's see, she has kids. she's probably got a good income. She seems to be fit and in shape. Is it really going that badly?
The best life advice is a gift, how you use it is up to you.
>muh nat sockkkk
Whatcha doin rabbi
Found the liberast.
>Gives the best life advice
>Make your bed, clean your room.
Show pics of your room fags
>can easily dissect the mind of an Atheist
He's also an Atheist
No one gives a shit about them any more.
>is this drug addicted man based
No. He is a degenerate that needs to be put down
A lot of what he says is right but he is not the end all and be all of philosophical insight.
JP is merely a stepping stone to enlightenment
He pushes SSRIs and sedatives as treatments and they damn near destroyed him. I would like to know if he regrets pushing those mind killing pills.
>Gives helpful but unoriginal advice to sad zoomer/millennials
>Says to be precise in your language but uses the most cryptic language and bitches about being misinterpreted
>Didn’t even read up on Zizek and had a boring “debate” that lobsters claimed as a victory
>Became addicted to benzos
>Destroyed his brain in a coma in Russia so he wouldn’t have to go through withdrawals consciously
>Going zippy zap with RC cars in rehab
Honestly not a bad life considering he made millions from pathetic faggots
I think peterson made some really good points in those debates. I think he touched on something very important with his discussion about truth... although I would agree that harris came out looking better.
Lol, he's too brilliant to be an atheist
Even if there was a time he could dissect the mind of an atheis and le epically own the libs, he certainly can't now. Your daddy's brain damaged.
he's literally a tankie, all his bullshit about individualism is bullshit to keep whites fragmented
it doesn't really matter since he's a brain dead vegetable now though
The eternal leaf is wrong yet again
>OP Is newfag
>OP asks newfag question
have you not seen his house that's covered in 8 foot wide murals of bolsheviks?
well the only reason he believe in god is to not kill himself as he have a long depression
he's a drug-addicted boomer who wants to protect the status quo above all else