Do you respect bread? I know how stupid this question sounds

Do you respect bread? I know how stupid this question sounds.

In Poland bread is the collective symbol of food and you can become target of public ostracism if you waste it.


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bread is love. bread is life.

I only eat organic, non gmo, non irradiated, sprouted, bran and germ removed, fermented sour fucking grainlets

Toasting in epic bread

bread is for peasants

Thats because Christ was made out of bread. And we eat parts of his body every time we go to church.

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I love bread, but man I just cannot handle carbs so have to steer clear

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I feel that jesus and his connection to bread to be interesting. Seeing how jews dig on unleavened bread, and jesus is all about riaing from the dead.
I also heard that the middle east has some places that have yogurt and sourdough cultures that are highly guarded and hella old.

I have been thinking about this connection so much that everytime i smell a smelly cheese, a faint whiff of armpit, or feet, or even a yeastey crotch that stings my nostrils i think about jesus and start believing that it is a sign that he is with me.

I have generally avoided bread for many years because of the carbs, but being locked in at home have been eating a fair amount lately out of laziness and i must say my turds have been triumphant big bastards of late, I think i made an error all these years.

I don't know if I respect it, but I like it

>food is the symbol of food

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It takes about 1000 square feet to grow a sixty pounds of wheat grain.
You can turn that into enough flour for about 90 loaves of bread, or 40ish if you go for grocery store size loaves.
Wheat takes eight months to grow.
1000 square feet can be the size of a back yard. So if you have a decent backyard you could use even half of it to make enough flour to create 45 1 kilo loaves of bread a year.
That's a pretty significant food source and it makes sense that people value and respect bread so much.

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Checkd fellow norcalifornian

You have no bread. If you call this shit in OP "bread" you are not white.

My wife bakes home made bread.

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You can throw away carrots. People will not notice.

But when you are caught throwing away bread it will be like
>lmao HOW DARE YOU xD Don't you have a shame!!!?? You bastrad!

R1b peasant food.

Become aryan again, let a mongol fuck your wife.

That isn't bread. Your wife cheats on you and will divorce you soon if this is what she has to offer to you.

10/10 would cuddle with and watch movies with under a blanket after dinner

Bread is an empty calorie and a legacy of a time when you need to supplement your calories with grain. I respect both bread but more so beer.

Please, take time away from Yas Forums for awhile.

>Do you respect bread?
Yes, my mother would always call me a carboholic even though I'm not overweight or even chubby. Whenever she got French bread I'd literally just rip a huge chunk off and take it to my room with a glass of milk

Checked, but you are wrong. I watched her mix in the yeast and saw it rise.

We play cards instead of watching (((movies))).

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Bread + potato = turbo slav diet.

Same for Germany, kolega

I understand exactly what you mean. But your pic is not bread. It is ok to waste the white wheat flour thing. But not bread.

Bread is a food made of rye. It is darkish brown or black. If you throw it away you must kiss it first.

>Do you respect bread

Lol classic Pole!

Good bread made from good wheat is good, I always appreciate a nice loaf of homemade bread

That's slavic thing, like rice for asians.

Same in Germany

I only respect brown soda bread it's the only bread suitable for making a sandwich, white bread is inferior in all ways except for when making toast and even then only when it's stale and as I'm not poor I can afford fresh bread and only eat toast to larp as a poor person even going so far to only toast the stale white bread on one side with a can of beans to drink

Do you really eat that stuff?

What are you, a boomer?

Ok Muhammad

Gross dude if that's his body then are some of those christ crackers actually part of his dick or something man that's gaaaayyyyy you're putting that dickbread in your mouth

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>If you throw it away you must kiss it first.

This is what I'm exactly trying to emphasise xD

>christ crackers

Ayo, so you want to tell my that sonovabitch is whyte or what?

I sell bread, good bread not the cheap shit. I can eat bread for free every day. I don't eat it.

Wasting food should be a crime, junk food should be banned

It was a staple of peasant food for millennia, so yeah, it's a big thing. We have a saying "Nobody is bigger than the bread" and the expression for working is "Making my bread".

>t. poorfag

Don't respect, but do love.


This girl loves bread. Eat bread, get this body girls.

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Lucky nigger

Bread is awesome

>That's slavic thing
Lmao no