At first I disagreed with her but after the embarrassing failure of the TikTok campaign I've realized that she was right. Groypers really are the new Kekistan.
At first I disagreed with her but after the embarrassing failure of the TikTok campaign I've realized that she was...
Other urls found in this thread:
Built for big black cock
She fucks white guys sorry to break the news to you
Holy fuck she's gorgeous. I literally cannot get enough of her amazing body and charming personality.
>Catholic nationalists
That's a paradox... you can't be Catholic and have your own nation. Groypers used to be cool when they were on twitter years ago, but now with all this Spic Fuentes shit they are absolute cringe.
She looks like a fucking fish
She looks like she fucks black men
The only correct interpretation of Christianity comes from Kierkegaard.
Bitch you're dog shit and I'd smear your face in your own vomit
fuck this nigger.
smells worse than a dead one I'll warrant
>Groypers really are the new Kekistan
It's almost as if we're getting flooded with generation after generation of tourists who are too fucking lazy and stupid to even run an internet campaign.
She needs to get BLACKED asap
Is it her?
detecting a serious need for sex having in this thread
t. professional sex haver
But I'm a creep, I'm a weirdo, what the hell am I doing here
Dramanaut detected
who the fuck is this thot and wtf is a groyper? this thread sucks BBC
How old is she?
wtf is a groyper?
is it some anti semitic ground mole or something?
>if yes i want one as a pet
Pidor detected.
Old enough to get long dicked by a black BVLL
Sometimes I think I should make her honorary Aryan and breed her so her children will be Aryan. She has blue eyes. I would hate for those genes to be wasted on some brown eyed nigger.
Exactly we are not obliged to know all your subpar cheap whores.
the fuck is a groyper?
Side note, I just watch that yesterday, Blade Runner is such a good fucking franchise.
her mother is black.
Fucking underage whores coming here. Yas Forums should start registration and allow males only.
She is gross but at least her ginger bf will bleach her womb good and her kids won't be as odd looking. Her hair is disgusting.
Oh god I want to groid up with her and have some groids.
Well she is part nigger.
someone please respond
>another cope thread made by wignat trash
people that hate nick are the biggest laughing stocks of the board, they know that america first is inevitable, but hiss like the white trash losers they are because he's not a complete nazi
Spic Fuentes confirmed irrelevant
Reminder that despite all of her claims to be anti-ethot and anti-prostitution she is dating a Jewish (((producer))) to further her career, making her no different than the people she content cops.
Internet retards that changed from saying “cuck” to “cringe” to everyone that they disagree with.
Fuck off mutt. Stop posting here to try and get views.
Post feet venti
My edgelord e-grifter is cool guys stop laughing
Originally a big fat edit of Pepe, it is now what fans of Nick Fuentes call themselves.
What they call the pussies who watch some stupid circle jerk alt right show.
Way to refute the central point groyperdope
Hi Brittany. Everyone on Yas Forums knows you shill yourself here. You are fat and ugly. Fuck you.
Seething M i?
Vomits into your ugly coont
old enough for kisses
Rare footage of me taking down an HRT transport vehicle:
Thanks, MasterLawlz
She IS part black man.
>Groypers really are the new Kekistan.
i'll take "sentences that make me embarrassed to visit this website" for $500, Alex
It’s not wrong.
She hates coloureds too does Britters.
I'd be surprised if she fucks anyone at all.
>Tfw no qt 3.14 mutt Yas Forumsack waifu
poor larry. he could taken the pacers all the way
this thread fucking sucks, fuck you OP you stupid cunt
Der Ewige Christcuck is always at odds with nationalism because they will be forced to choose between their nation and a billion niggers that are their coreligionists.
she is so fucking hot, would impregnate.
>You are fat and ugly. Fuck you.
Beautifully stated, almost poetic.
>1 post by OP
Dammit Britney stop this foolishness and just move in with me in my palatial upstate compound
Ill be Gomez, you be Morticia we'll make sweet music together
Who cares about this mutt women are stupid and so is Fuentes.
So is your dead grandmothers rotted cunt. That's why you exist.
Imagine spitting on her face as you explode inside of her
Brittany, pls be my gf.
Is that Kaitlyn Augustas?
>TikTok campaign
What was that?