Help the illegals :(

>Coronavirus has proven most deadly among Hispanics in New York State, and in Brentwood, one of Long Island’s largest Latino immigrant communities, undocumented day laborers are among the most vulnerable.

>The men, often seen waiting for work from contractors outside of local Home Depots or on street corners, work temporary jobs, often in construction. But with work drying up along with most other business due to coronavirus, undocumented El Salvadoran, Honduran, and Guatemalan day laborers living in the shadows in Brentwood — which has the most COVID-19 cases of any community on LI — are struggling for survival in the face of both the pandemic and lack of food.

>“If the virus doesn’t kill us, hunger will kill us,” one Brentwood day laborer who declined to give his name for fear of deportation told Noticia Long Island. “An immigrant has to go out looking for food … Who helps immigrants here? They only help those who have papers.”

>As of Monday, there were 3,376 confirmed coronavirus cases in Brentwood — the most of any one comunity on LI. The figure made up 10 percent of all COVID-19 cases in Suffolk County, which had 33,140 cases for the same time period. Hispanics make up 34 percent of coronavirus fatalities statewide.

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Good, fucking die already

Fuck spics nigger

>help the illegal
kill your self you fucking waste of space

It would be more just if each of their deaths was matched by one of the greedy white boomers hiring them who provide the means for them to be here in the first place

plenty of planes ready to go right now. time to go back

Fucking illegal trash

Every single one of these posts makes me happy that the opioid crisis is affecting mostly whites.

I'm sure hardworking papi is proud of his fent dealing wannabe nig kid

Kek wills it

every single one of these posts makes me happy that they are as much of a failure at statistics as they are life

Won't be a problem once the illegals die from corona.

The 34% hispanic fatality rate in NY likely comes from Puerto Ricans for being a bunch of fat fuck ogres, not illegals.

>the opioid crisis
ffs, you buy that shit too?
just fucking kys, seriously, please consider this

>help the illegals
No get fucked

Pinches Gringos Pendejos. Las Americas nos pertenece en su totalidad. Ustedes son los inmigrantes.

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You obviously are 14. Even in the south I know 4 people who have died from overdose.

>34% of deaths
>only 23,000 total dead

>muh dik
Always the cry of one who values their blood

Why? They're the ones doing all the hard labor whites are too lazy to do. America relies on immigrants

good let them die, don't let them come back here It will only make it worse.

In my experience, hispanics don't follow any kind of safety protocols no matter the situation, and they live in buildings with like 40 other people in close quarters.
>“An immigrant has to go out looking for food … Who helps immigrants here? They only help those who have papers.”
You're not an immigrant, you're an illegal alien. The country to which you're a citizen should be paying you, not mine

>I know 4 people
weak ass pussy mother fuckers your friends are, Our grand parents use to get 100 count scripts of Oxy filled with no junkies, ITS YOU that are the fucking problem

Meet the Doctor Who Refuses to Stop Prescribing Opioids to Pain Patients

In have an easy and straightforward plan for racial justice.
You start off with sterilizing and euthanizing all white males and Asians. Next, you have the government seize the assets of all white people and Asians. You then give all of that money to people of color in this order: first lgbtq+ people of color, next black women, next Hispanic women, next black males, and then finally Hispanic males*
So this is how racial justice ought to be achieved. Whites that remain will be slaves. People of color will become the new nobility and heirs of society. We will finally enter a Golden Age of prosperity and peace -- no longer will there we war.

*if you are Hispanic you will be required to take a DNA test proving that you are at least 51 percent non European. If you are a Hispanic with more than 51 percent European DNA, your assets should be seized by government and you should be euthanized with the rest of the whites

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Who helped them get from Guatemala to the US?

He should ask THOSE fuckers for help.... when he gets back to Guatemala

>in Brentwood, one of Long Island’s largest Latino immigrant communities

>Be me
>Be oldfag
>Grow up on LI
>Know in the marrow of your bones that the word "Brentwood" is synonymous with the word "niggertown"
>Always avoid Brentwood
>Drive around it if possible
>"We can't go there, we're white!"
>Grow up
>Move away
>Decades pass
>Be reading Yas Forums
>Read this quote
>Realize that somehow the spics managed to wipe out the niggers and take their town
>Wonder how this happened
>Wonder where the niggers went

There aren't enough jobs for everyone. Plenty of nationals would like to work, but they can't.

Whites are the illegals, its not their land

I don't see any disgusting spics doing my job you faggot

These are marriages, not tinder whore stats. This isn't Stacy getting back at her racist daddy by getting railed by Tyrone and his niggas. This is the future which you wont be a part of.

>millions and millions

That's 100 million bucko

>labor whites are too lazy to do
that's why we bought all those niggers in the first fucking place

is this your way of saying you wanna be frens?
I'm willing to let you come here and help you fight the faggots and kikes.

No one cares about criminals. Choose to be criminals, pay the price to be criminals.

I don't understand why leftists think illegal aliens are some special class of humanity. They're not like white colonists and pioneers. These "migrants" are parasites who destroy Western culture and create more debt slaves.

You do realize that WMHF and HMWF are roughly equal, with a slight weighting towards the former

We could lure them onto planes heading to the country that matches their passport with tacos

my city has have a lot of Hispanics and the corona virus cases have pretty much flatlined for the past 4 days.
The only people here I'm seeing not following the guidelines are blacks.

I think you just don't care about anyone that isn't you. The whole law abiding thing just comes off as a fraudulent front.

OK Mohammad

Are you fucking kidding me? Carpentry was booming until the fucking spics started flooding it. My dad was a professional carpenter with years of experience and couldnt find anywhere hiring because every construction team was full of pablos and joses.

we should round up all the illegals and deport them for their own safety

This is hard to believe. The few times I've been to the grocery store since this happened I see old white and black people alone usually wearing masks and then the fat Mexican women walking around with 8 kids and no masks.

She no afraid

>Implying you can't hate both

it's like in sopranos where tony goes back to the old neighbourhood and instead of italians it's all blacks

>Have to go to Home Depot to finish up projects I started before kung-flu
>Cautious, stressed, feeling of anxiety and uncertainty for what I'm about to walk into.
>N95 strapped, maintain dispersion aka social distancing, 6 foot perimeter.
>Parking lot packed.
>Line at the door to get in.
>Mexicans everywhere inside.
>Familias with 12 ninos running around unsupervised screaming and touching everything in sight.
>Arguing loudly in the middle of aisles.
>Buying dumb shit.
>No PPE, no masks, no gloves.

Just a normal day in the apocalypse. Mexicans just don't care.

>Why? They're the ones doing all the hard labor whites are too lazy to do.
Bullshit we have a huge problem with fraud and ID theft among Hispanics int he Oil Field. LOTS of people want those jobs but its hard to get your foot in the door (have to know people).

Furthermore wages are suppressed with cheap labor, Americans don't want a job you simple raise the wage enough to where they are willing to take it. You may not want to work in a job with the 3 Ds but you are more willing to take it if it pays well.

>America relies on immigrants
Only thing we rely on them to do is pick fruits and vegetables on a seasonal basis. Even then we could hire locally your produce would be more expensive.

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Open borders is a function of freedom and enables entrepreneurship, innovation, and robust economic activity.