Any reason why only Republican states open up?

Are deaths really a political matter in America?

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The honest answer is that red states want citizens to have freedom and blue states are using this as an opportunity to permanently increase their power over their citizens.

>Are deaths really a political matter in America?



Because apart from a few big cities, those states are a lot more dispersed and the disease won't thrive with that.

Te disease will thrive everywhere where people are.
Even if the small cities are remote and far from one another, as long as there is trade you can be certain that some truck driver will get the coof into the cities. It is just a matter of time.
And then once it spreads undetected for two weeks, one of the infected blokes will walk into a reopened club or bar. And thats how you get ants.

Demcorats want the whole country shut down until after November so they can use a fraud-filled mail-in voting system to steal the election.


Dems are authoritarian by nature. The constitution means nothing to them.

Because Democrat governors want to keep their states in lockdown to extend the panic so that Democrats in Congress can push for mail-in voting in the upcoming presidential election, so that they can cheat like they always do to steal the election. Screen cap this.

This is the best and most succinct explanation I've seen.

democrats are all evil bastards who hate the people they represent. some republicans are okay

Simple. Republicans dont care about the well being of others in any capacity whatsoever. They care about preaching, being outraged for attention, and denying science.

>Are deaths really a political matter
Death is always a political matter , if it wasn't why would politicians lock down in the first place?

No memes, this is the truth. This is the heart of America's politics

I would argue that the red states just value the economy higher, and therefore want to restore corporate americas full ability of profit generation.

But what do I know? I'm just a foreigner lol

Also Wisconsin isn't in a offical lockdown it has a Shelter at home "request" because Evers is a spineless cockslime who knows what wisconsinites would do to his ass if he tried completely locking us down. I have seen some of my neighbors going to work and others doing lawn work.

>Republicans hate the people
>Republicans don't believe in SCIENCE
What a fine npc specimen

Idiotic Democrat governors who actually make the decision. Real mortality rate with widespread testing has been proven to be about 1%. I didn't realize it until the data came in, but it really is just the flu... bro. Dems don't realize this.

Of course it has nothing to do with city sizes and people densities.


Please user. Provide sources for your numbers.
Otherwise you are just another case of:
"Dude trust me lmao"

This and I can see both in action in my home state. I live in Nashville, and TN’s governor is letting the shelter in place order expire on the 30th while allowing major TN (and Dem-led) cities to operate on their own timeline. Other than bootlicking hipsterfags, a lot of people here in Blue territory are just disregarding the retarded mask rules, employees included.

Woah someone screen cap the most obvious post of this decade

because republican states are better. but it's not even republicans really, because half the red states are still closed on that map.

These doctors are the head of the University of California infectious epidemiology department. They blew the whistle.

Go be retarded somewhere else

There a shit ton of huge cities in the opening states

Just asking out of curiosity, what kind of mask rules do you guys have in place?
Over here it is:
You enter a store or public transport, you wear a mask.
And that's it.

Republicans want money.

Attached: E19F838C-429D-4650-A276-7B48CFE2D7C9.jpg (828x1208, 624.23K)

Top video link is not available for me.
Apparently it got taken down for jewtube rule violations.

Now do you see the (((agenda))).... ugh. It's well known that jewtube are a bunch of leftists.
t. physician

Blue States are trying to use this as a way to get money to fix their budgets. The longer it lasts the more they can play victim.
Red State Govts don't do a whole lot for the people so no massive budget shortfalls.

refer to

God bless you bro.

Control is important to Democratic governors. They think they own us.

Our mayor wants masks on if you’re out of your house AT ALL which not many follow. I walk my dog around the neighborhood daily and nobody has a mask on. When I make a grocery run only about half the people in the store have one on, employees included. I’m not sure if the governor’s orders said anything about masks, I’m just familiar with the local requirements.

Also Nashville is a city of 692,000 and we’ve only had about 2000 confirmed cases and 20 deaths when I last checked. Pathetic.

Both parties were fine with the Patriot Act.

Centralized government was a fucking mistake: everything in America is just a dick wagging contest and a tug of war between the two parties

Gret so when 99.9999% if the infected live, what the fuck is the problem?

Well, it ain't called jewtube for nothing.

I did watch the other video though, and what the doctor sais does not contradict any info I have on the virus. This however goes for Germany. Idk how it is reported on over at your place. I just know that companies running agendas is as old as economies. And plagues hitting different regions differently is as old as diseases. Even the black plague completely avoided some areas in Europe, back in the days.

This, I really hope the blue states remain shut down and it will further accelerate the decline of the large urban democratic strongholds.

only if enough of them happen to help dems win this nov

literally everything in the universe is political now, the universe itself, just ask a leftist

my local grocery store has armed guards at the entrance to keep anyone from entering without a mask.

that's a lie

>accelerate the decline of the large urban democratic strongholds.
the virus disproportionately kills older people, who tend to be conservative.
why is that not sinking in?

And blue state shitholes tend to be infested with liberals and people looking for gibs, an easy place for a virus to spread. Makes sense the red states open first

I don't know why you think that is a good thing considering that if the people if those cities start migrating to red states.

Thank you user. I really appreciate the effort of linking this. However I won't watch an hour long video on something that has no application for me, since things are completely different over here.

The problem is that its not 99,999%
All it comes down to is an economical tradeoff.
Is it worth it to sacrifice a small percentage of your citizens, and take a permanent loss in GDP for decades, or is it preferable to have a relatively short term shutdown, and just take the damage right now.

For us the stimulus package is appropriately sized to allow for economic recovery within 2 years after the scare right now is over. However if we would just let the virus spread all projections show that the long term loss would be way worse than the short term hit.
That is the tradeoff the Germans are having right now. But thats a completely different economy.

Watch the first video. Maybe it's because I am a physcian, but I can tell you their argument is downright compelling and supports the data I have read through to date as well as many other sets. I am highly suspicious that this is being used in Democratic states to create more panic. Dems have the majority of voters, but they don't vote. They think if they piss them off enough with "orange man bad" virus mediated scare tactics, they will mobilize them to vote Trump out. That would be my bet.

Democrats are doing something right for once.