>be sweden
>isolated, amazing headstart on COVID-19 vs. other countries, even lower population density than US
>first death not until nearly 2 weeks after U.S.'s first
>fuck it: no lockdown
>1.5 months later: more deaths per capita than the US, with almost 10% death rate
How could a country with this many natural advantages completely squander them?
Be sweden
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Guys how much do you think this is gonna spread during Valborg??
The cure is worse than the disease. Probably the only thing sweden did right in the past few years
we have too many old people diverting tax money away from black people that really need it.
for real tho, the virus isn't going away.
it's better to let it run its course as long as our healthcare system doesn't collapse
We might find a vaccine or good treatments though.
I don't see how the did any great blunders compared to other European countries, since very few of them seem to be trying to totally extinguish and control the disease spread. They are trying to keep hospitals from going over capacity. The same thing US is doing.
yeah and until then we tank the economy just to save some retarded boomers
I really, really , really hope all normalfags and spic fucks dies from it.
Based ass fucking sweden
I for one embrace this Covid-19. I don't think Sweden is a country anyways as everything we have comes from other nations, and that's why are not isolated as we have no right to be safe.
well Lund is closing stadsparken, so that should do something, but there are plenty of parks in the city. at the very least it shouldn't be all 10k people in one place, and just groups of under 50 like we all know is safe.
It's mostly killing old somalis and boomers who ruined the country, sweden is so based
"muh economy" types are using sweden as an example of why we dont need a lock down in the UK
how are things really over there lads? what restrictions have you had the last month?
So many free apartments for brown Swedes!
This they are killing the migrants. Soon many will move back to africa because its safer
well, in my city the official police word is that on valborg (big first of May celebration where like 10-20 thousand students normally gather to drink all day together in a park) they can't legally tell anyone to leave, because it's not an officially organized event. They've closed the park that it normally happens in, but if everyone happens to go to a different park, the police have admitted that they can't do anything about it. So organized event with 51 people is illegal, and "unorganized" event with 20k is ok.
Looks like someone hates their grandparents.
I don't.
I'm afraid people will just do house parties instead though, my friends will still go to parties and I have no fucking clue why...
>economy intact
>less boomers
>less shitskins
>immunity in the long run
breddy based
they closed like 5 bars and restaurants in stockholm because they were too crowded. There are barely any restrictions but everything is just fucking boring.
over here police patrol almost empty parks on a sunny day stopping groups of more than 2 playing sport and stopping anyone sun bathing
its honestly sad
It's crazy that when you see through people's psycopathic bullshit and understand when they say boomers they mean anyone and everyone that isn't them and doesn't affect them.
are people choosing to not go out in public unnecessarily even if its not a law then? if you went to your local pub or restaurant would it be almost empty?
They are killing all their old people so they can afford to import what Swedes crave most: BBC
as a 41yo average britfag, can i come over and nail your 15-21yo swede women at this may celebration? either that or you'll be letting the wave of immigrant shitskins nail them
I work in a restaurant and we're pretty busy. We have taken precautions so that people are seated apart from eachother.
It feels like more people are going out now than in the beginning of the pandemic. It's a lot less than usual though.
Things are still kinda full here :|
People still chose to go out in public unnecessarily.
>It feels like more people are going out now than in the beginning of the pandemic. It's a lot less than usual though.
This, I really hope we start with some restrictions soon!
I hope that's a joke...
Nah fuck that, I want to buy an apartment
if you're white/whiteadjacent, you'll get accused of rape at first contact. Or after they sober up if you sneak in.
nice bait but i'll bite, thanks for confirming you're the majority of incels who cry out at their own race marrying different races
>no children at 41, or even a wife
Fair enough lol
No Sweden is doing pretty good you absolute fucking mutt
No we're not.
Sweden is going all to try to get to #1 in deaths per capita.
How not Sven? Make sure you take Ali's cock out of your mouth when you answer.
The lockdown was never supposed to prevent the spread and the death.
It was sold as a way to flatten the curve.
Prevent hospitals from being overwhelmed and give hospitals and government time to secure materials needed.
All that has been accomplished and yet we still can't assemble or move freely.
It's bullshit coronahoax they admit to lieing about the numbers. Blame trump when the hardest fake numbers are coming from liberal shit holes. If anything this proves less urban more guns needed. Fuck the UN. And fuck the WHO
Anders Tegnell is a black swan event in a black swan event. Nobody could imagine we would have someone like that in charge of fighting corona.
Because our death rate is A LOT higher than our neighbors.
Perhaps this will explain:
And how old is the average population of Sweden. So many variables about this. Remember everything they are telling you is a lie. The tests give false positives. Coronavirus is a category of viruses.
This is an attempt by the NWO to usher in their vision for the world.
Cope & seethe
Good goy