I saw two Tweets today, one from a White female Canadian politican in Alberta, and one from a British female politician, both wrapped in head scarves and declaring thier support for Muslim Ramadam.
White Female Western Politicians Fasting For Ramadam
Other urls found in this thread:
Canadian White female politician celebrating Islam.
Wheres the Swedish politicians?.
>wearing religious garb for a religion your're not involved in
Isn't that heresy? You don't see politicians wearing pope hats during easter.
>Isn't that heresy? You don't see politicians wearing pope hats during easter.
I don't know what the fuck is going on anymore in Canada and the UK. I'm so fuckin' confused.
What are you talking about schizo posting aussie bastard.
This belief is so stupid. My coworker says he wakes up at an ungodly hour like 4 AM, prays then gorges himself before the sun comes up. Every day he comes in tired falling asleep at his desk. He had another Muslim holiday he celebrated where it only happened when a local Imam sees the moon in the sky, if its covered by clouds then its not a holiday. He said he might need the day off tomorrow and I asked "what do you mean might you gotta tell us in advance" and he said "I won't know until tonight until I see the moon" what do you say to stupid shit like that?
It's no different than celebrating christmas
>Wheres the Swedish politicians?.
Yeah, you're right. And New Zealand. I'm sure the female leaders are in line with this there, also. Men: Stop voting women into power.
christmas is a pagan festival
What can you say women like structure and to be submissive whether they admit to it or not.
Whiter than you, stripey-starry.
Like if she put on a sombrero and posted that she just had a taco and said “Happy cinco de Mayo”-
I'm an actual Muslim and even I haven't fasted thus far
Frankly I'd rather see this than an ultra-sjw that wants to turn my son into a fag or my daughter into a whore.
Muslims historically haven't been an enemy to western civilization until very recently. I for one don't think its that bad to teach women a modicum of modesty and restraint in a world that preaches unrestrained hedonism and excess.
Right, and people celebrate it despite not being pagan
Ramadan is "The Hot Month" and I'm going to call it that from now on. Fuck Arabic terms we're converting ISLAM to western values like we did with Catholicism.
>It's no different than celebrating christmas
Females are not loyal in any sense. I know, neither are the Trudeau family, but that's due to ideology. Women simply go with whomever is winning. They can sense which way the wind is blowing. But I think that these women are just vote whores, so they're pandering to Muslims because that's the growing demographic.
Even worse, Moran has Christian Arab ancestry on both sides, and is now taking up habits of the very people that conquered their lands (before the Jews did).
Islam is just right about women no matter how much you try to deny it.
Didn't you get the memo though? Christian holidays aren't cool anymore. My small mostly white town has a FB group page. The last two months its been full of "chag sameach" (Happy Passover) and "Ramadan Mubarak" (Happy Ramadan) but anyone that said Happy Easter was ignored or attacked by other whites and (((whites))). I will never understand this obsession white people have belittling their own beliefs as a way to appease foreigners and it's almost always woman.
>Went 12 hours without eating
This is starving in America
I bet an inch of my cock they all learned it at some social event or conference sponsored indirectly or directly by a man named George "of the jungle" Soros
>Frankly I'd rather see this than an ultra-sjw that wants to turn my son into a fag or my daughter into a whore.
>Muslims historically haven't been an enemy to western civilization until very recently. I for one don't think its that bad to teach women a modicum of modesty and restraint in a world that preaches unrestrained hedonism and excess.
These Canadian and British women doing this have nothing to do with what you're saying. It's completely unrelated.
>they all learned it at some social event or conference sponsored indirectly or directly by a man named George "of the jungle" Soros
Yeah, sure, they all have advisors. They are Machiavellian bitches, and probably sociopathic. They have no loyalty to their race, people or men.
>not sarmale
>Muslims historically haven't been an enemy to western civilization until very recently.
top kek. you do realize that most of the ME used to be Christian?
Are Muslims part werewolves?
Her name is program
Canada’s dead, man.
Canada’s dead.
Just let it go, man.
>Canada’s dead, man.
>Canada’s dead.
>Just let it go, man.
I'm Canadaian. I left a few years ago. I'm now trying to condition myself to understand that Canada is no longer mine. I have not stake in Canada. It's gone. Done. Finished. And I'm never going back.
>don't eat during the daytime
>call it a learning experience
>Muslims haven't been a historical enemy of western civilisation.
Are you retarded? Or just a dirty lying kike?
Layla moran is a liberal Democrat politician who u believe has one parwnt of Islamic heritage.
She's culturally British and went to private school full of cliques and skinny white blonde girls
She fasts because she wants a summer body, that's it. White women doing ramadan is because they want to be thin and look virtuous and holy
Eh let them be traitors. Doesn’t bother me at all.
How did you leave?