/cvg/ - Corona Virus General #3508

► Detected: 3,118,393 (+55,983) ► Died: 216,205 (+4,756) ► Day: 110 (-06:12:22)

— 5.1 billion people under lockdown —
— 215 countries and territories infected —
— 11x more confirmed deaths than swine flu —
— 83 vaccines and 312 treatments announced —
— 3,655 strains have been sequenced —


Over 122,000 deaths went unreported in 14 countries

Antibody tests vastly underperform advertised accuracy

Archive of content deleted by China

New reports suggest virus might not be harmless in kids

Study claims genetics explain 50% of difference in symptoms

Blood thickening associated to infection

Asymptomatic concentrate virions at nose, more infectious

High cytokine in blood of critical patients

Several "mild cases" actually suffered permanent lung damage

H1N1 estimates took confirmed deaths and multiplied by 15

H1N1 only had 3,433 confirmed deaths in the US, rest is estimated

Dutch deaths up to 2 times higher than reported, official data

Mayor in Italy says death toll 4 times higher than detected

▶ 16281 new cases and 1468 new deaths in the United States
▶ 367 new deaths in France
▶ 173 new cases and 6 new deaths in Israel
▶ 1909 new cases and 69 new deaths in India
▶ 673 new cases and 89 new deaths in Germany
▶ 1788 new cases and 140 new deaths in Brazil
▶ 203 new cases and 3 new deaths in South Africa
▶ 1315 new cases and 145 new deaths in Canada
▶ 3996 new cases and 586 new deaths in the United Kingdom


Attached: CVG.webm (480x600, 2.86M)

Other urls found in this thread:


You guys, I think we've been wrong about China, and the WHO was right in saying they are a model for handling the virus. Look at how based China is and how well they are handling this. Soon we will be virus free.

Attached: CHINER.png (1196x957, 115.27K)

I agree. China is based.

Formerly a pandemy.

You pathetic bootlicking retards never fail to make me laugh with your “cvg” threads and your exaggerated statistics that don’t hold up to any scientific standards stay in fear lmao

Checked. Witnessed. China is a model for handling the virus.

and one day for no reason, they stopped having cases

Faggots still don't know how IDs work

LA user here. Got a dropper lads. Spotted him while taking a quick drive to keep car healthy. 911 has been called. Will post updates.

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RIP Sneed

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The nothingburger shills need to be taught how to shitpost properly

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Isn't that just a sleeping homeless, or did you see him drop?

Clearly just taking a nap

where is evidence that corona virus exist?

Put gun in the jew mouth and ask that question.
The Empirical evidence, also known as sensory experience, is the knowledge received by means of the senses, particularly by observation and experimentation.

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What the fuck even is this general? You want people to suffer from a fucking respiratory infection and die? Why?
Do you realize how fucking warped in the head you'd have to be to find this kind of shit funny during a literal pandemic?
Regardless of how severe you think the virus is the fact that there are people who want other human beings to become ill is just messed up.
I don't get why you think you're immune to this either, one day YOU or YOUR family might start coughing and then it won't be so funny will it?
Loved ones are literally being put into intensive care by this thing and you want that to happen more? Well I'd say that's pretty based.

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just a homeless fag

More pics

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kill yourself

Why do people simply drop in China and the US, but you never hear about such things in Europe?

could be just a bum though?

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Retarded antifa/CCPSHILL is retarded.

is he ok?

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Phase 1 is wrapping up

Here's another picture I took.

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Every time you thing nothingburgers reached the bottom they find a way to become even more pathetic

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ITT: Shills shilling other shills

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Do you have a site or some shit with these videos? I want to make something.

Covid-19 will not be eradicated and will return become a seasonal virus, Chinese scientists predict

Attached: Screenshot - 04282020 - 09:59:52 PM.png (840x646, 99.65K)

I'm not interested in HAPPENING either, but /cvg/ has been my go-to source of info. Shuttup dumbass.

Is lockdown a joke in any other country? I went for a ride today and there are tons of people walking / running / cycling outside. At this point might as well have no lockdown at all if people ignore it.

Tell that to the dancing nurses, not me.

Ok, you got me

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The more people die the bigger her tits and ass get. Yes it's based

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First day on the job?

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Check /wsg/ corona threads, bro.

>We FINALLY have a few places that require masks
>everyone is wearing pieces of random fabric
yeah sure it will be over in two weeks guys

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Sounds about right.

Anything new?
(From japan anón post)



I have been speculating that macrophage infection has caused granuloma disease with this virus. These are little clots of immune system matter that act as little time release capsules causing recurrent and wavy symptoms.
I learned about this by studying cat coronaviruses because human coronaviruses don’t infect macrophages.

When this granuloma disease occurs in cats it’s called FIP. This disease takes 6 months to progress and is 95% lethal. It affects kittens the worst.

This article up top sound a fucking lot like FIP. Watch out for kids getting fluid filling up cavities inside them. Fuck! 95% kidderinos NOOO!!!

>virus reemerges every flu season with a newer, more deadly strain
>adults have permanent balls damage even if they survive for 5+ years
>children massively drop dead around November
haha wew lad this is a n-nothingburger I swear this will not depopulate any part of the world

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>Chinese scientist predicts
Yeah, I've said that since fucking January. That's common fucking sense and I'm a half autistic fucking retired welder.

I'm in Kraków and everyone is wearing masks etc.

Boosting the morals of troops in a battlefield is important.

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They keep giveing us new Chengs. You think they all die from the virus or get their organs harvested for shitty job?

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>they find a way to become even more pathetic
The posts you linked here worse I mean....
>wut is id

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>chinese scientist
so the exact opposite will happen

Just found this. It will be a joke unless you do this.

See flag an you know why

I totally want a horror VN of this, with this art.

New Zealand, Australia, Japan and South Korea have even better numbers. It is Europe and America that failed.

If warm weather doesn't stop it how come they say it's going to be seasonal

Hello schizos.

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Masks are everywhere and people keep distance, at least from what I've seen in Warsaw

Even if people cared, where would they get proper masks from now?
Governments are seizing and buying up all everything they can get their hands on. People can either wrap cheesecloth around their heads or order masks from masks that may or may not work and may or may not get delivered because international trade is dead.

lie to world to hide truth so no one is prepared
secretly buy up world supplies of PPE
sell back at inflated prices or defective
quarantine billion of your own people
wall people into their homes
drag away people suspected of infection
ban internal flights but not overseas so it spread to other countries
cremate a million bodies to hide the evidence

could not have done more to wreck world if they had done it on purpose?
fuck china and the cabal bastards who backed them

The impression those troops give to those they protect through their public actions is also important. They should have known that people would take offense.

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>trusting Chinese scientists

in america

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We're all going to die

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Masks are useless defense. They might help stopping you from spreading it if you're infected. Not to mention possibility to get infected via eyes / particles stuck to your clothes or hands.
I'm from Warsaw and people still wear masks, but some of them don't even wear them over the nose or just have them hanging below chin.

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there is no lockdown
"lockdown" = closing off a pozzed city/state so they don't contaminate the rest of the country, only Italy and China did it if I'm not mistaken.

Changing your flag doesn't change your ID, retard.

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It’s just another cope.

Normally there'd be like 5 of those in that frame. Not only is it a NB, but now there are less junkies

Being in lockdown with my family makes me realise how much I hate them.

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Stop spamming this retarded shit leaf. FIP is an alphacoronavirus which uses the CD13 receptor to infect macrophages. Coronachan has no CD13 affinity (though it may infect macrophages in different ways)

Sometimes it makes me wonder if governments HAVE to take liberties away because people are just too retarded to comprehend the situation. I know some reporters in my country who complain about people "giving away their liberty" and shit yet when they have it they do nothing but stupid shit

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schizo freaks who made /cvg/ return to Reddit

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Warm weather will slow it down but not stop it, seasonal weather is when it will thrive.


>it's attached to pollen and fine particles, it's over

Coronavirus detected on particles of air pollution

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Why is it always nurses? It's not like this behaviour is new, nurses have been doing this shit since tiktok got popular

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theres no lockdown ffs just normies that cant go to clubs, trendy restaurants and shopping as much

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Egypt take the lead. And they have done much less testing than SA. Expect them to pull away now. Watch out for Algeria as a darkhorse if they start testing more.

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Don't teach them you fucking retard. Let them look like the complete fucking newfags they are.

yep, no wonder we still see so many new infections weeks after restrictions (I guess that's better word) were imposed.

>most countries are going back to work next monday
Soo are we being sacrificed for the gdp?

So, we'll either end up like "28 Days Later" or "Children Of Men".

Doesn't seem particularly slow to me in Brazil or Mexico

hopeporn for the masses, cope deluxe

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been confirmed fake

Given how every terrorist group ever out there was given free samples of Corona Chan to play with, I wouldn't bet that it will end anytime soon. Inb4 CORONA AKBAR *COOF*
>inb4 "I wouldn't worry about it"

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no it won't, this virus survives over an hour under 65ºC

This guy gets it.
I bet this guy keeps that screencap to use as evidence of CCP shills in /cvg/.
And another one.

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The Event 201 scenario
>Event 201 simulates an outbreak of a novel zoonotic coronavirus transmitted from bats to pigs to people that eventually becomes efficiently transmissible from person to person, leading to a severe pandemic. The pathogen and the disease it causes are modeled largely on SARS, but it is more transmissible in the community setting by people with mild symptoms.

The disease starts in pig farms in Brazil, quietly and slowly at first, but then it starts to spread more rapidly in healthcare settings. When it starts to spread efficiently from person to person in the low-income, densely packed neighborhoods of some of the megacities in South America, the epidemic explodes. It is first exported by air travel to Portugal, the United States, and China and then to many other countries. Although at first some countries are able to control it, it continues to spread and be reintroduced, and eventually no country can maintain control.

There is no possibility of a vaccine being available in the first year. There is a fictional antiviral drug that can help the sick but not significantly limit spread of the disease.

Since the whole human population is susceptible, during the initial months of the pandemic, the cumulative number of cases increases exponentially, doubling every week. And as the cases and deaths accumulate, the economic and societal consequences become increasingly severe.

The scenario ends at the 18-month point, with 65 million deaths. The pandemic is beginning to slow due to the decreasing number of susceptible people. The pandemic will continue at some rate until there is an effective vaccine or until 80-90 % of the global population has been exposed. From that point on, it is likely to be an endemic childhood disease.


What level of coping are we on now?
The summer wont kill it , its not just going away.
It will keep on ticking till its ovet 7 billion.
Clown world will burn in the fires of human extinction

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What if it is literally just like SARS and stops like that did? That seems to be the way its heading.
>eat your 5kg of rice

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