NY opens its windows at 7 every day and cheers their essential workers while the Southerners...

NY opens its windows at 7 every day and cheers their essential workers while the Southerners, Midwesterners and Trump supporters screamed in the nurses faces and blocked hospitals.

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Yes southerners are the worst. They're all a bunch of uneducated retards who will kill you over your skin color or political beliefs. Stay the fuck in New York never leave. And...fyi Florida is the most retarded state, avoid it at all cost. Be sure to tell all of your friends and neighbors too.

>Florida is the most retarded state
This statement is actually true.


And yet whose dying? It’s almost like they aren’t stopping the spread.

Social distance warriors are already lonely people, they want you to feel just as lonely. Probably best to disregard them.

Why should rural peoples act as if they live among the parasites is the cesspit that’s is NYC?

The thought of gunless starving city faggots getting eaten by their pet chimpniggers is one of the things that keeps me going.

I guess that means conservatives are the REAL revolutionaries while antifa cucks are reactionary faggots

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Lol this never happened.

Me too fren me too

but NY is the biggest hotbed of it and continues to grow in infection?

Civil war when?

You wont be able to use nukes, and it won't be some shitty proxy war, so it would be an actual old fashioned war.

The absurdity of NYers having more virtue than southerners is hillarious.

Oregon is super shit. Never ever move there OP. Nothing but rednecks and nazis.

Stupid faggot Bill De Blasio told all New Yorkers in March to visit Chinatown because it was just the flu.

>And...fyi Florida is the most retarded state
Because of New Yorkers. Where do you think all the retirement boomers come from? NY people are definitely some of the worst people around. I know because I fucking live here.

Stupid comparison. Southern states weren’t pozzed by Coronachad like New York was.

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Atlanta tried doing the same thing. After couple of days some people started singing the national anthem. That was deemed hateful because some of the hospital workers are non-citizens. That ended the whole thing.

OP you honestly believe your "unbiased" news sources that people other than unmasked antifa and the other usual anacharicsts are in the streets "protesting"? If you said middle management and corporate executives were protesting about reopening the economy so that the slave labor can fatten their porfolio again then I would have your back.

I threw my used diaper at a nurse today.

Tell that to all the old people from NY that move to Florida

New Yorkers

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>some screencap of a yankee fuck‘a twitter who wants a pat on the back for sitting in time out for a few weeks
>the thread actually has replies
Everyone who posted in this thread including me should be banned But especially OP FOR A FUCKING SLIDE THREAD

They only stayed because they were panicking about being infected, they are literally state worshipping NPCs and they have no guns.

Liberals should be pushed towards, then off, the coasts.

Imagine giving yourself a medal for being a NEET


t. Jew Yorker

>Don't say jew yorkers are rude
>Proceeds to mindlessly insult half the country for little reason
These people really need to be taught a lesson in humility

Thank god no one in my neighborhood does that gay shit

>while real Americans were respectfully disrespectful to their elected representatives in defence of their own freedom we Jew Yorkers stayed home and did what mommy government told us to because we were scared of the jackbooted NYPD.

t. florida

Jesus, Poe's Law

True, but when you’re a dilating fucking faggot whose life goal is to turn your asshole into what amounts to a roast beef exit ramp bigger than the midtown tunnel staying home is a no fucking brainer.


What’s wrong with supporting nurses and doctors? That’s not something that’s dumb or a waste of time

Wheres Michigan on the map?