We pay for schools because we are part of a community...

We pay for schools because we are part of a community. We want to produce tax paying employed citizens who will contribute to society The only way to get this is to pay taxes and fund the schools.

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>government schools create smarter people than any conceivable alternative
Interesting assumption, please explain.

Unlike my opponent, I think cancer is a terrible disease and should be eradicated.

>me hate stoopid so i pay inefficient corrupted goberment monee
Based i guess...

You can’t undumb dumb the dumb dumbs Tabitha they will always stay dumb dumbs

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U.S. Schools are Marxist indoctrination camps

And, penalties for the kids that drop out before finishing. Maybe 2 years on a work farm.

American schools are more for indoctrination now

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He is not assuming this.
He is merely acknowledging the fact that schools exist to train slaves for (((them))).

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implies that gov't schools are the only kind of schools
implies that gov't schools will remove stupidity

Churches makes a similar argument
without your money, churches will close
without churches, morals will not be taught
without morals, society will collapse

Better funded schools don't make non whites as smart as whites. You could spend a billions of dollars on every black student and they still wouldn't be as smart as us. We reject this whole way of thinking because while it's true if we lived in a serious nation we currently live in a diverse shithole. I pay my taxes so schools in my white neighborhood have money, not so inner city niggers can steal LeBron's and sexually harass their teachers.

>The only way to get this is to pay taxes and fund the schools.
This is what you already do (/have been doing for a long time) and the results are shit. I'm not saying you should stop (I have no skin in the game) just don't assume that you won't still live with stupid people.

I'm refering to the literally who in the pic, not to OP who is even more irrelevant.

People go to public school for 18 fucking years and come worth minimum wage.

You’re argument = BTFO

Publicly funded education should be abolished entirely.

>public schools
>making people smarter

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Parents who decide on private schooling for their children have to pay for the public school and the public school still falls behind.


Wow, he must really hate niggers and spics.

That's far from true, some people graduate college who can't read/or write well and have below basic skills in anything useful

my biggest regret is not lurking pol in high school to btfo my retarded teachers. they taught us the most pozzed shit like islamic golden age and your pic. even seemingly harmless questions like "are you born with intelligence or can you develop it." all the studies show the first one, but a young kid was programmed to think the latter
all of it was bullshit. all of it.

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Yeah ok but those schools are filled with brown people who’s intelligence keeps them from ever being competent tax payers.

Gibsmedat, white goy. And leave your children to be under the "care" of the "famiglia".

Reminder that this guy is a literal cuckold.

OP is part of a discord raid attempt to try to slowly subvert Yas Forums to more centrist and democratic socialist ideals

everyone laugh at them

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You pay for schools because you are forced to

Modern schools serve one purpose and one purpose ONLY. To indoctrinate and subvert our future generations. Why do you think Harvard's new plan now is to go after home schooling?

Taxes reduce inflation. Money is infinite.

Who would've thought

kill yourself

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Kids goes to public school and come out on average with an iq of 90, you're wasting money in taxes at this point.

Sure, after we audit the schools to remove the dead weight and turn them from indoctrination machines into actual educational institutions.
In Milwaukee, WI, the city spends $12k per student and most blacks drop out by grade 9-10. In the suburbs, they spend $9k per student and turn out high test scores. Obviously, putting more money into schools doesn’t improve education, so strip it all down and start from the beginning doing it RIGHT. The current system is toast and a fucking waste on all fronts.

doesn't even hate stupid people, just ones with differing opinions

This, kids are actually better off spending school time honing a skill or trade instead. All a child needs to learn is reading and arithmetic, the rest (critical thinking, problem solving, abstract thinking, science) can be learned through real world experience outside of the controlled environment (((schools))) provide.

>dick cereal guy

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>public indoctrination center

Since South Carolina allows for online schooling to be utilized, I do not mind paying taxes for schools. Now if it was solely for government run leftist indoctrination centers, I would be against it since it is a mill that produces stupid people.

Why can't schools stick to the basics? Reading, writing, and arithmetic. Probably some science and technology.

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public school is like 50% day care