Pros: >Learn discipline in boot camp because parents don't discipline anymore >Pays for college >See how retarded the gov't actually is - left hand never knows what the right hand is doing, total cluster-fuck >Learn about weapons because you will need them to defend yourself >Get free medical the rest of your life
it already is. i was army artillery - was mostly niggers
Daniel Rivera
Americans are obsequious nigger lovers, doubly so for conservatives. Subhuman scum. It's extremely entertaining watching their multicult military get BTFO everywhere it goes. They are starting to panic because their recruitment numbers are awful and the recruits they are getting are so dumb and brown they can't keep up with Russians or Chinese. That this is happening despite all of their best efforts to make society as unlivable as possible to funnel people into the military means their state is collapsing. Memetically, they have lost the narrative and once it goes you can't get it back.
That's your whitepill.
Jeremiah Murphy
That is sad. Military by it’s own citizens is way stronger. They fight with spririt. Because they do have something to lose if they fail.
Jackson Brooks
if you have half a brain you'll have a comfy job and never see actual combat. retards get the meat grinder, and that's probably not a terrible thing
Julian Ross
Watching you die and lose is hilarious. Watching you niggers cower in fear on your aircraft carrier was the highlight of the year so far.
Oliver Stewart
The military isn’t for everyone, you’d be surprised. Going through MEPS and seeing so many people getting disqualified I’d doubt a decent majority could be considered medically qualified.
On top of that throw in how many people wouldn’t even make it through basic training. I was in the Air Force and by far it has the easiest basic of any of the branches, still you’d see a good amount of people dropping out like flies.
Elijah Sanders
So am I not a citizen of my own country?
Brandon Cooper
No, you aren't a citizen. Only Whites can be American and your imposter "state" is failing. Love to see it.
Samuel Gomez
Just go full heinlein. Not necessarily military, but teaching, fire, ambo and police too. As long as you don't include dummies who work for driver licensing and parking offense offices and you're golden.
Angel Richardson
While I can say that basic training has improved me, the person has to be willing to take on military duty, otherwise the quality of the armed forces of the country goes down.
No. The Anglosphere and it's rancid multicult is going to be destroyed, not extended.
Brody Garcia
Why can only whites be Americans?
Aaron Watson
Yes. Men only. Women should be required to have a minimum of 3 children for citizenship. Then, all they get is a fancy card that says "citizen" on it, no vote though.
Colton Watson
>Watching you die and lose is hilarious. you are truly a noble gentleman
>The military isn’t for everyone this is true, but people who can't physically handle basic can still learn discipline and train with weaponry, like this:
Sebastian Clark
Why not have conscription?
Hudson Morris
>for our posterity Not that you've ever read it.
Jordan Hughes
>>Learn discipline in boot camp because parents don't discipline anymore Military shouldn't be a kindergarten. >>Pays for college First world countries have affordable higher education. >>See how retarded the gov't actually is - left hand never knows what the right hand is doing, total cluster-fuck You can see that anyway. >>Learn about weapons because you will need them to defend yourself You can do that anyway. >>Get free medical the rest of your life Again, first world countries have affordable heathcare.
But whatever makes you happy. Go get your legs blown off in the desert for the Jews and billionaires.
Brody Jackson
If the US had affordable college their recruitment numbers would crater even more than the already abysmal level they are at. It's not a coincidence that the explosion in costs has come along with this israeli-nigger hijacked state in the aftermath of the Cold War. It wasn't even that long ago, maybe a generation or generation and a half, that you could pay for most of your upcoming school year with just your summer job.
Brandon Mitchell
False. That's just all you saw because you're insecure and obsessed.
Carter Johnson
>Military shouldn't be a kindergarten. I learned how to tie my shoes in kindergarten, and I learned how to jump out of airplanes in full gear then hike for miles just to murder people in the army. Not quite the same.
Can't really argue with your other points without OT discussion
James Garcia
re-read that. i specifically said ARTILLERY, and, yes, that was true at the time
Militards are extremely stupid, but you should know that stupidity is contagious. This is the reason public schools full of niggers, latinos and morons exist.
Dylan Anderson
It doesn't have to be military, it can be civil service too, but it has to be service. Otherwise you're getting it for free from birth and something given has no value.
Enlighten me then. Where in the Constitution is race mentioned?
Carter Gomez
fuck off, achmed
>Militards are extremely stupid my IQ is 136, but that certainly isn't the norm in military or anywhere else
i completely agree with this
Julian Williams
Yes! Additional benefit, no one with an IQ below 80 gets a vote.
Levi Flores
Macedonian user knows
Cameron Gonzalez
Free White Men. In plain and simple English. You would know if you've read it -- which you obviously haven't. Watching your imposter state circle the drain in real time is EXTREMELY satisfying.
Jason Robinson
No, we should all have to work on a farm (preferably Amish) for 2 years though.
Caleb Nelson
some for of civil service, yes. everyone goes through basic and AIT with added focus on fitness and food, then they go out to some sort of national service for 3 or 4 years
Nolan Wilson
You're just mad America has produced the most attractive whites in the world.
I've never seen someone so upset over America. I love living in your noggin rent free bud. Stop hiding your flag pussy.
Jayden Gonzalez
interesting idea, not sure how that could work, though
Jordan Wright
So following your logic the Constitution isn’t a living document?