Kim yo-jong general

post ALL your kim yo-jong memes here.

I can't believe there's not a general for this active at all times, shame on you

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bite a bullet nargentino

she is a monster ʕ̯͡ʔ༄

we don't support female leaders here
Juche will die with her

probably a china puppet
first she gets pushed
then we get news Kim died?
nah I'm not buying that

tipping for the ladies

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She so plitty.

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Leave it to this whore to drive NK into the ground, undoing her father and grandfathers work of resisting globohomo Rothschild banking clans and creating a virtuous and ethnically homogenous society. She'll open up talks with the south and next thing you know American investors will be pouring in and turning the country into one big corporate hell-scape with a McDonald's on every corner and some 13 year old girl ready to start sucking cock after listening to some degenerate kpop/psyop bullshit. Just you wait and see faggot. Fuck you.

she doesn't have a chance at being successor you are all just a bunch of sweaty incels.

i happen to be a very dry incel thank you very much, youre just jealous because no american leader will EVER be as pretty as her, who did you almost have as female president? hillary? hahaha

if my superior nationality triggers you you know where the door is you bleach injecting inferior healthcare burguer

Built for bwc

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Look at the emotionless gaze of this complete psychopath. If you thought Kim Jong Il and Kim Jong Un were bad just wait until she takes charge. She'll clean house.

come on lucky 7

9 plz

y not

Can someone post the copypasta from the thread last night?

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i need the footjob pic NOW brothers to save a thread in /lit/

4 incoming


tfw no arin gf

Attached: [V LIVE] When Your Pretty Friend Brings You Down [The World of My 17] EP.01-186772-[13.56.544-14.00.340].webm (1920x1080, 2.48M)

Unironically think she's cute.


I want 0


God I want her to sit on my face



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It's the luck of the dice

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I'll just leave this here.

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7 get, she's so beautiful in this pic

step on me plz
rocket mommmyyyyyyyyy

8 pls

Check em


Give me nr 1
I want that cold disgusted stare

>inb4 she gets betrayed and replaced by some unrelated member of the party