Ok, i'am gonna give you christian guys a chance. What exactly is said in the book of revelations that you consider prophetic to our age? I read it and it seems to be that people just nitpick whatever prophecy fits the current situation and ignore all the ones that contradict it.
Anyone care to elaborate as to why i should care? What exactly is going to happen in the next, say, 150 years (to make it easy for you to explain)?
Revelation is fulfilled user. It wasnt written fir us, but those who went through persecution in the first century.
Futurism is for christians who don't read scripture.
Nathaniel Moore
I don't really pay too much attention to Revelation. I just stay faithful, read my Bible, and stay away from anything that whiffs of Satan.
Hunter Kelly
Revelation is just a vision of the Heaven which mirrors the Mass.
So everything that happens at Mass will be in Heaven times infinity.
It’s not a secret code book like evangelicals made up whole cloth.
Dominic Walker
13:16-17 >It also forced all people, great and small, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hands or on their foreheads, so that they could not buy or sell unless they had the mark, which is the name of the beast or the number of it
These Plus the beast itself has been thought to be our world governments. One of the heads gets stricken and is healed by a false prophet. I think this affliction is kungflu, the subsequent mark on the hand is the chip (ID2020) and the forehead is temperature. Things like scorpions with faces like lions and wings that sound like hoofbeats and stings like fire are Apache helicopters(tail looks like scorpion, get painted with the tiger face, missiles sting like fire, and the rotors do kinda sound like hoofbeats)
Jeremiah Barnes
Free Gift Have to do something
yeah sure
Andrew Edwards
Men have free will Prophesy is only one potential outcome It's up to us to choose our destiny Most do not know they even have a choice >understand the metaphors or end up in cataclysm
Most of revelation was fulfilled within about 70 years after Christ's resurrection. He prophesied and was proven correct. The last things left are the global tribulations, one world government, and the return of Jesus Christ himself to sort out the cosmos.
Matthew Green
This is your brain on futurism. Misunderstanding scripture.
All prophecy was fulfilled or christ was wrong. "All these things", "this generation". -matt 24
Mason Stewart
Oh so jesus has returned, cast satan into the pit of hell, and the world has been remade? The bodily resurrection of believers has happened and God has stepped into our physical universe? Oh wow yeah that really seems to be the case... oh wait
Jeremiah Jones
You have a choice to accept or reject a free gift.
Thomas Russell
Yes... Oh wait, what? Christ lied, or was mistaken?
All of those things did happen.
Jacob Wood
No, clearly you are mistaken with your attempt at reading scripture. Either biblical innerancy is wrong, or you are. You clearly have misread matthew 24 and are falsely conflating the claims that Jesus says will happen within a generation, with what he says about the end times. Tldr; learn to read english properly
Oliver Jenkins
Yeah when was the bodily resurrection of all believers? i guess you havent read isaiah, or revelation. Did every human on earth bend the knee as Christ returns from the clouds to establish his everlasting kingdom without death or suffering? How many people died today?
Noah Parker
here is the key to understanding Revelation, in the end God wins. All of the fancy wording and such makes it obscure, but the FACT the good guys win is something that even during hard times you can hold onto.
Lincoln Johnson
The prophesies that signal end times: - Jews take back Jerusalem and rebuild the temple a third time -peace in the middle East -the gospel will have been preached to the people of all nation's -there will be a significant increase in natural disasters -a charismatic man beloved by all nation's who suffered and survived an injury no man could is going to unite the nation's and establish a new world order. Jews will declare him their Messiah. -this Messiah will eventually stand in the third temple, declare himself God. The Jews will reject him for it and he will slaughter them. -mark of the beast. People without this mark will be shunned and unable to participate from society. -rapture (there is ongoing discussion as to when during the timeline this actually happens)
The parallels people are drawing from modern events are things like the Reformation of Israel in the last century, the increase in disasters (blamed on global warming), the constant push for a globalist Utopia lately and this bullshit with Bill Gates wanting to implant microchips in people.
Adrian Perry
Its all over scripture, just how imminent the "last days" were. Time statements that youve ignored, but its ok, i did most my life too. Its in English and greek, this generation, not all here will die, at hand, at the door. Please read the first verses of revelation.
Jerusalems temple was the earth/heaven system that was destroyed and judged, the new heaven/earth is christ reigning on his heavenly temple not made by human hands. The ressurection was Christ bringing the dead out of hades, and well follow upon death
Ryan Martin
nothing about it is relevant to our age, it happened in 70 AD
Jayden Ramirez
So you didnt read isaiah or revelation. See, you make the worst mistakes of all. You interpret these through your cultural grid, and spiritualize the reality of which the prophets speak. Hubris and arrogance of the highest order.
Jack Robinson
>And he saith unto me, Seal not the sayings of the prophecy of this book: for the time is at hand. time is AT HAND
>11 He that is unjust, let him be unjust still: and he which is filthy, let him be filthy still: and he that is righteous, let him be righteous still: and he that is holy, let him be holy still Why would God tell Christians that they should not work on converting people if the end was 2000 years away?
Levi Garcia
Just remember the jews rejected Jesus because they believed he would set up an earthly kingdom too
Ian Myers
Stop imagine and follow other peoples suggested imagination usury +lie = jew truth is not imaginary, lie is.
Xavier Turner
Christ fulfilled Isaiah, thats a given. Go read the opening of revelation and tell Christ hes wrong about the timing. Cultural grid? No, its called exegesis
Landon White
Gee, why would you remove the context of the chapter? Seems you wish to have your own interpretation of things, instead of what God has given.
Notice that >Seal not the sayings Because its near! Then ask why did god have daniel seal his prophecy when it was a few hundred years off, it was far off. Can god tell time?
Tyler Taylor
is this the original meme? It looks like the normal "reply to this post or your mother will die in her sleep" (no for real, you better reply) posts people share on social media
Luke Evans
Its ok. You obviously want to deny that Christ rose and ate fish with the disciples. The resurrection is BODILY. Have the dead been raised and a new heaven and earth created? No they havent.
Zachary Gomez
>5 And there shall be no night there >6 God of the holy prophets sent his angel to shew unto his servants the things which must shortly be done >7 Behold I come quickly Why is there a change in tenses between verse 5 and 6,7? Verse 5 is in future tense while 6 and 7 are both present
Nathan Clark
Why do both jesus and paul state the resurrection is real, bodily, and on this plane of existence?
>You obviously want to deny that Christ rose and ate fish with the disciples. Ummm. Say wha...?
>The resurrection is BODILY. Have the dead been raised and a new heaven and earth created? No they havent.
Yes, new bodies that arnt earthly. Where are the dead from hades since christ preached the gospel to them? They went with him into his kingdom. We go to, after youre planted here
Caleb Rogers
Really weird how you directly contradict their teaching. Are you catholic?
36 While they were still talking about this, Jesus himself stood among them and said to them, “Peace be with you.”
37 They were startled and frightened, thinking they saw a ghost. 38 He said to them, “Why are you troubled, and why do doubts rise in your minds? 39 Look at my hands and my feet. It is I myself! Touch me and see; a ghost does not have flesh and bones, as you see I have.”
40 When he had said this, he showed them his hands and feet. 41 And while they still did not believe it because of joy and amazement, he asked them, “Do you have anything here to eat?” 42 They gave him a piece of broiled fish, 43 and he took it and ate it in their presence.
Nathaniel Torres
This verse goes against your argument >As is the heavenly man, so also are those who are heavenly Jesus is not currently walking on the earth right now and yes I do believe he was resurrected
Hunter Wright
Really weird how spiritual bodies eat fish and the disciples could.touch his wounds. Must be an allegory or metaphor, or youre just a heretic
Chase Russell
I don't think anyone here is saying Jesus did not physically resurrect
John White
Yet you claim the resurrection is some spiritual realm that happens after death, even though isaiah, jesus, and revelation all contradict that position
Alexander Lewis
Ok? He hadn't ascensed to his throne yet. He was covered by a cloud of smoke at ascension, he returned the same as the angels said.