Social Mobility: How Difficult Should It Be?

What’s your hot take on how accessible it should be for a citizens to rise through the ranks of society’s social strata?

Should the government assist those who get dealt a shitty hand when they were born?

What core tenets should people internalize to rise above their station in life?

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is social mobility good for you?

Mind over matter is real.

True rich people could never bankrupt from the recession
Nuff said

As someone poised to be at least upper-middle class coming from lower middle, I think it's still possible.

pol doesn't want to hear this, and while I am most certainly in favor of not letting jewish bankers financially rape 18 year olds for bad life decisions concerning college, honestly a degree is still the number 1 way statistically speaking for a person to climb the ladder. I got the military to pay for 150k in education, all the way up to my master's in a STEM field. The reality of the situation is that 1) if you have a good degree, and 2) amassed very little or no debt while getting it, you are probably destined to end up at the very least in a very comfortable middle class lifestyle (60k+ as a single person, double that roughly for married couples). Anyone who doesn't know how to live comfortably on those amounts didn't fucking deserve the money in the first place.

60k Is different from what it can get your from state to state and country to country based on spending power. Some places 60k will get you just scraping by and others 60k will get you a very nice piece of land.

wow you socialists are really swinging for the fences on this thread.

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Yeah fair point - I should specify - ~60k in the midwest, where I'm from. Apply whatever math is appropriate to find an equivalent for an area. (I'm sure the deep south is like 40k, the bay is like 300k, etc. etc.)

just gonna see about turning this into a china hate thread. don't mind me.

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I think that it’s good for society to have decent social mobility.

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>Should the government assist those who get dealt a shitty hand when they were born?
No, some people get unlucky and that's it. Giving wheelchairniggers a ramp on all the crucial buildings is good enough. Stop wanting everyone else to pay for "people who get dealt a shitty hand". Who decides what a shitty hand is to begin with? If you have disabilities you get to struggle with the rest of us. If you were born poor, you can hate your parents for that. Stop giving free shit to self proclaimed oppressed people

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>social mobility
>in a jewish plutocracy

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besides well all know who will be pocketing that money. they are doing it now lol

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fucking hell...

last one for today :3

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Simple. You start off with sterilizing and euthanizing all white males and Asians. Next, you have the government seize the assets of all white people and Asians. You then give all of that money to people of color in this order: first lgbtq+ people of color, next black women, next Hispanic women, next black men, and then finally Hispanic males*
So this is how social mobility ought to be achieved. Whites that remain will be slaves. People of color will become the new nobility and heirs of society. We will finally enter a Golden Age of prosperity and peace -- no longer will there we war.

*if you are Hispanic you will be required to take a DNA test proving that you are at least 51 percent non European. If you are a Hispanic with more than 51 percent European DNA, your assets should be seized by government and you should be euthanized with the rest of the whites

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Ah, motorcyclists, the niggers of vehicles.

Its a lie, they just want an excuse why the rich are rich, 'merit'. Meanwhile they recruit the most obedient for the highest functions. You are happy with little, but they tell you on TV and whatever that thats the sign of a loser. You don't want to be a loser don't you? They fuck up your life, your friends, you, with information you have no use for. But now you can become a CEO! Thanks for sharing, its very much appreciated.

I didn't know that this is an Asian gore thread?

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You realize actual slav or asian communists from the 20th century would have you executed?


look at my 3rd post

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>1 post by this ID
>Is coffee good for you
Good thing i saged this thread with my earlier post, what a waste, ever time the same fucking shit, clean this fucking baord up you retarded mods, ban 1 post by this ID faggots already

Why? I hate chinks too but this is a lot of dedication fo this cause.

which is why i was trying to turn it into a china hate thread.

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i have a 2gb folder that i need to dump here.

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Everything you do is complete nonsense and used to funnel money to parasitic sociopaths and their minions, even important services like energy, healthcare, housing, education, infrastructure, transportation, currency...
This creates a distortion in society, securing the wealth of useless psychotic idiots and screwing people who aren't part of the mafia.
Stop being so retarded and everything else fixes itself.

Difficult enough to make it so that lazy people do not rise, but not so difficult as effort goes unrewarded.