Nothingburger fags are dumbasses

The grey line in this chart is the historic average weekly deaths (all causes) in NYC. The red line is observed weekly deaths since 2017. Of note: the 2017-2018 flu season was severe -- one of the deadliest in the US in decades -- which you can see around Jan 2018 here.

Don't trust the COVID-19 case/death reporting? Take a look at the ancillary data.

Attached: NycWeeklyDeaths.AllCauses.png (1050x549, 11.3K)

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Oh, Hi shill.

Just keep them in the ghetto, open the rest and voilà.

Ok retard its just dead boomers

Much as you would like for me to be some paid operative, I'm not. I'm a Trump-voting dude, but I can see what is obviously going on with this virus. It's not just the flu, bro.

Na, Shekelberg needs this economy open and your life doesn't matter that much. Get back to work wagies.

look at that drop
two more weeks bro and it's all over

that's because of the interventions you lunatics hate so much

Wisdom for the masses.
He really did fuck this up.
Third world countries are handling this better.

It’s the same in most countries. Corona deaths are estimated to be understated by at least 60%.

Attached: 09C7AC29-5ACB-4759-880F-BE1AB2F025E7.jpg (1958x1202, 688.97K)

>Ok retard its just dead boomers
Sure, but it's a lot of them. This isn't a simple as you want it to be. It's a real crisis.

Lock up the sick and the elderly like Sweden did, everyone else goes back to work. Sorry NEETs, the show must go on.

It's a projection. There's paid shills trying to goad pol into protesting the economy open. It's so fucking obvious.

All these boomer Q shills trying to make this out to be a "nothing burger" seems so astroturfed. They keep spamming their threads all over here. Where did they come from?

Good lord...
The OP post is about refuting this shit.

Claims about Cov being overblown are BTFO when you just look at overall deaths.

If your right... then total deaths in New York should see a slight uptick due to this nothing burger.
What you see instead is a huge uptick in overall deaths.

Nice flag moron.

Attached: family guy.jpg (500x375, 57.1K)

More than 80,000 Americans died of the flu in the winter of 2017-2018, the highest number in over a decade, federal health officials said last week.

Although 90 percent of those deaths were in people over age 65, the flu also killed 180 young children and teenagers, more than in any other year since the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention began using its current surveillance methods.

The estimates were released at a news conference held by the National Foundation for Infectious Diseases to urge Americans to get vaccinated and to fight the myths that scare off some people — such as the common misconception that flu shots can cause flu.

The high mortality rate was unusual because it was caused by a “normal” — albeit severe — flu season, not by a new pandemic influenza strain.

>MFW the neighboor arent staying home perfectly, they just caught it early and passed in their appt. no one checked on them for 3 weeks... very sad.

>2017-2018 flu season
Didn't 80k people die from flu that season? An additonal 20k wouldn't show up as a giant spike. There's something wrong with the vertical axis of your graph.

Attached: Capture.png (759x636, 631.38K)

The nothingburger faggots were probably laid off from their burger flipping jobs.

Oh no the houses. Ill buy one for cheap and keep good care of it :)

Two doctors in California compiled their data and concluded it was a nothingburger, and the lockdown should end. I'll believe them before I believe you and your fag chart.

2 moar weeks, huh?

Source for the graph?

This totally ignores what Dr Sucharit Bhakdi calls the vital distinction between “infection” and “disease”, leading to stories such as this, shared by Dr Hendrik Streeck:

In Heinsberg, for example, a 78-year-old man with previous illnesses died of heart failure, and that was without Sars-2 lung involvement. Since he was infected, he naturally appears in the Covid 19 statistics.

How many “Covid19 deaths” in Germany, fall into this bracket? We don’t know, and will likely never know.

But at least Germany is actually limiting itself to test positive cases.

In the United States, a briefing note from the CDC’s National Vital Statistics Service read as follows [our emphasis]:

It is important to emphasise that Coronavirus Disease 19, or Covid-19, should be reported for all decedents where the disease caused or is presumed to have caused or contributed to death.

“Presumed to have caused”? “Contributed”? That’s incredibly soft language, which could easily lead to over-reporting.

The referenced detailed “guidance” was released April 3rd, and is no better [again, our emphasis]:

In cases where a definite diagnosis of COVID–19 cannot be made, but it is suspected or likely (e.g., the circumstances are compelling within a reasonable degree of certainty), it is acceptable to report COVID–19 on a death certificate as “probable” or “presumed.” In these instances, certifiers should use their best clinical judgement in determining if a COVID–19 infection was likely.

Are careful records being kept to separate “Covid-19” from “presumed Covid-19”? Are the media making sure they respect the distinction in their reporting?

Absolutely not.

The fucking SCALE on this graph ahahahahaha.

Show y axis. I know you won't cause it will reveal how misleading this shit is

go back to CVG and fucking die you cocksucking globalist maggot.

Thats the point of cutting it off.

80k died nationwide. This is NYC weekly deaths.

>deaths (all causes) in NYC
Let them die.

Attached: DeliciousLaugh.jpg (857x960, 81.45K)

Source; my asshole

Source: logic

Critics claim that ALL tests by Erickson and the state of California are not “random enough” .
Critics say the State of California only tests people who are sick which gives too many positive cases to decrease the death rate per case, but testing only sick people would ALSO INCREASE the number of deaths attributed to covid, since they get to label the death covid (see Dr. Birx and Dr. Ngozi E.)and thus increase death rate, if the test is positive. This inconvenient fact is left out of the critics criticism. Dr. Erickson is right which is why he was censored.

critics also ignore what Dr. Birx and Dr. Ngozi Ezike, admit about overcounting deaths
“The definition of people dying OF covid, means that at the time of death, it was a covid positive diagnosis, if you were in the hospital and had three weeks to live, and then got covid, that would be counted as a covid death, even if you clearly died of an alternate cause but had covid at the same time, that is still listed as a covid death, everyone who is listed as a covid death does not mean that was the cause of the death but that they HAD covid at the time of death”

the number of deaths in inflated due to CDC policy of overcounting-thats where the fake high death rate comes from.
Where is the number of tested number, why is the policy to only test the sick?

Dr. Erickson mentions the recent Stanford antibody study, which claims to be a random sample, which predicts 4.5% percent of the population were found positive which supports a .01% death rate, similar to other studies where only sick people were tested stanford antibody study

>Show y axis. I know you won't cause it will reveal how misleading this shit is

Scale is what's important, but here's the y axis doofus.

Attached: Capture.png (985x634, 25.91K)

In California the number tested is33865/280,900 tested positive cases=.12=12percent
In California we have 12 percent positives, which implies 4.7 million cases for California
The CDC records total deaths for all causes in California for the last three months is 60k total all cause deaths. 60Ktotal all cause deaths/4.7million cases=.013=1.3% chance of death per case. However if we just use the deaths from Covid-19 for California we get: 1227 Covid19 deaths/4.7million cases=.00027=.03% chance of death per case. Coronahoax busted!

CDC RECORDS THAT in the US, 2,813,503 deaths occurred in 2017, and 240k deaths on avg per month for 2017(SEE PIC), and 60k on avg per week, note how the CDC shows we are in that range for April 2020 (61k total deaths per week for April 2020) SHOWING NO MEASURABLE PANDEMIC
The CDC records NO EXCESS PANDEMIC LEVEL OF DEATHS for the end of March and April. the Covid-19 pandemic is a hoax, a real pandemic would increase total deaths
Even with a two week reporting lag that doesn’t explain the lack of a pandemic level of death for late March AND APRIL

CDC Policy:

“COVID-19 should be reported on the death certificate for all decedents where the disease caused or is
ASSUMED to have caused or contributed to death.”
“Certifiers should include as much detail as possible based
on their knowledge of the case, medical records, laboratory TESTING, etc. "

the testing is positive for asymptomatic carriers
so that is part of Dr. Birx's definition of "with Covid"
How the CDC faked the pandemic: White House CV Task Force Dr. Birx: "If someone dies with Covid-19 we’re counting that as a Covid-19 death”

hence the padding of the numbers in two ways

This allows the CDC to count ASYMPTOMATIC CARRIERS since they can test positive and have no symptoms yet can be considered “With Covid”, and count ASSUMED Carriers which are based on assumptions that prove nothing yet are also counted “With Covid", so they can count deaths ASYMPTOMATIC/ASSUMED WITH Covid19 rather than only deaths proven OF Covid19, the fraud is thus enforced by CDC policy.

Attached: hnoincreasediseasedeathscdc8.png (1356x910, 173.33K)

>go back to CVG and fucking die you cocksucking globalist maggot.
How do you dickwads manage to make everything so simple in your minds? I'm very, very much not a globalist.

But if you scale it differently it doesn't look as severe.

Attached: 1588101925743.png (1050x549, 6.67K)

This is based off of confirmed cases only so the mortality rate is vastly overblown as there are likely hundreds of millions infected globally but most are likely asymptomatic or showing minor symptoms that aren't enough to warrant s trio to the doctor

The virus potentially attacks multiple organs and blood. Including the brain.

We don't even know how long immunity lasts. Second infection is deadly because of Antibody Dependent Enhancement.

Fuck off. We don't know enough yet.