What is pols thoughts on the TikTok war the groyers are waging

Nick Fuentes got in a zoom call with TikTok's most prominent political commentators their combined sub count is literal millions. He was able to school every single one of them and completely stumped them on race and IQ and women's place in society. How is this not being praised on pol 4 years ago this would have been a huge thread I know a lot of people hate Nick but who do you support that actually has any form of mainstream viability in more then 10% of the population? People like Richard Spencer are degenerates who are hated by the media and seen as retards or spergs by most people.

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Other urls found in this thread:


Stumped them how

Any response they had he had a good well thought out counter. (too be fair most were literal room temperature IQ) I can like the call it's 6 hours wouldn't recommend most people on pol to watch it because the questions or responses are so low IQ but I think it would motivate a decent amount of normal gen z people to look into these ideas on there own.

regardless of how pol feels about him he is shifting the dialect TOWARD our side. If pol was smart, you would support him and ride this out so that our views would have a better chance of being adopted as this wave of Identitarian Nationalism makes progress.

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Kinda wanna watch if you have the link. Cheers

You can find it at RiceRealists channel on Dlive as the first 2 videos or here

Part 1
Part 2
Good luck getting through the low IQ gen z responses


here you go

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look above your post bro

Groyper war on tiktok is based, I've been on tiktok since 2018 (started watching nick around september last yr) and it's cool to see all the America first content on there now.

Tiktok is like a low grained version of vine or ifunny but it's the largest platform of young mold-able minds so a worthy cost too influence the masses. The content (especially political) is so simple minded and black and white that I genuinely believe if we can get significant push from disenfranchised people we can have significant influence. It's also much easier to convince young people in their teens or 20's that there world view is wrong rather then older people whose minds are hardened like clay.

Because people here are too old to understand TikTok.

Whi the fuck uses TikTok?
t. 30yo Boomer
Also, Nick is an embarrassment.

Yeah I never really engaged with the political shit on tiktok before now, I initially downloaded the app because of pewdiepie's tiktok meme vids. Either way the app encourages edgy humour so I think there is a lot of potential, racist and sexist jokes have been a staple of the app since the start.

Yas Forums is a zoomer board

This. Even the alt-lite served a good purpose of pulling people away from mainstream media streams and towards alternative outlets where we can more easily reach them. Fuck loads of Sargonites were probably redpilled when he lost all his debates to Spencer and other guys

Gay and embarrassing. The usual for civnats.

fuck ecelebs
fuck catboys (figuratively)
and fuck groypers


Name a viable alternative too Nick Fuentes and people who get along with the America First crowd like Vincent James?

you mean kosher

nick names the jew and talks about race and iq all the time you retarded faggot, he just doesn't scream nigger kike so people are actually willing to hear him out

and hes been disavowing it for years

He literally will call ((Them)) out ever other episode he just isn't unoptical about it. Running down the streets yelling about the Jews makes you look like a schizo. It draws much more attention if you are well put together and speak coherently and occasionally drop extreme red pills or talk about the USS Liberty or other things prompting people to research. It's easy to ban fags like Spencer when you on camera yell about niggas or some dumb shit and no one will really even care at all. Also Nick isn't even that optical by my standards he is often way too blatant about this shit.


Nicky is not a civnat. He is aware of race. I watch AF, and there's a lot of optics cucking bc of terms of service, but he is fighting for a white, Christian, gun-owning America

He calls them out all the time idiot, if you watched the show instead of just spouting bullshit you would know

Back to gaypac, charlie. You're not using the words right.

*christian, not white
also he shits on the second amendment all the time because he just rips off shawn's gimmicks

I really hated this little zoomer spic but the fucker is goddamn resilient as a cockroach, if he didn’t hold such a cult of personality he’d be based.
I think a large portion of hate isn’t because he’s cringey and gay but coming from fucking terrified kikes.
The problem Yas Forums has is that he isn’t for them, if one is banting around here there isn’t much nick would be able to teach the further.
He’s meant for normies, but that’s okay.

Is this an east coast thing? I had never seen people, nogs or otherwise, driving off-road vehicles on the road until I took a vacation to Miami.

The nature of optics isn't lying or disingenuous you do it all the time. Just like how if you are at a fancy restaurant you don't show up in sweat pants and talk loudly like you would at McDonald's or how you speak too different people in different tones or ways this isn't being a snake this is just basic mannerisms you need to appeal to people and to not get banned.

Watch this and you tell me


He calls them out but more in a “I don’t want to support Israel” way. For someone who isn’t jqpilled then it’s a nice place to start, but for those that are it seems very rudimentary and derailing

if youre so worried about the optics of not associating with costume nazis, what about the optics of shitting on the second amendment and being anti-assad?
why does nick care more about what jews think than what white americans think?

>Nick Fuentes got in a zoom call with TikTok's most prominent political commentators their combined sub count is literal millions.
Thank you for giving us all your best personal secrets! It will be of great use to us!

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because only zoomers know or care about tiktok
you must be over 18 to post here

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In this example you can see him bring up legitimate concerns but returns it to an anti Israel stance. That has more traction in the general political theatre then some dude throwing heils. As much as I want that, what this little zoomed spot is doing is laying a base that can hopefully become popular and more mainstream Americans despite political preference can have a opinion on Israel.

He does agree with the 2nd amendment he just points towards extreme gun owners and explains if the 2nd amendment really did nothing to stop the nation from being a tyrannical place that subverted America. He is making fun of them for thinking gun ownership will stop America from being tyrannical and becoming un-American as that defiantly has not been the case.

Tiktok politics? I thought it was literally a dancing app.

yeah so hes shitting on it right? whats he gonna do collect more donations?

it has 800 million active users, one of the biggest social media apps in the world. For context twitter has like 300 million active users. Anyone who would disregard a potential audience that large because they don't understand how the app works is a retard

ok zoomie zoom zoom

Yeah me too it's just a bunch of commies/lefties and neocon right wingers who shill for Israel and are only right wing on like 2 issues generally (abortion and gun ownership)


Zoom? More like zoomer.

I like that groypers who give 0 fucks are infiltrating tiktok.

>t. Timmy Zhang

hurrr I am boomer who doesn't understand how smartphones work durrrrr
need me to show you how to open pdf gramps?

>t. Tyrone Lopez