Joe Biden owned Trump so hard he pinned the tweet

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I do not believe for one nanosecond that Joe Biden made that tweet himself.

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How do you know

Because he is clinically dead

I can't believe I have to say this, but please don't rape women.

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Imagine running for president and pinning a tweet that proves that you can't read. You Americans are going to elect this retard?

Based Biden

Because he cant speak let alone use social media on his own.

"drink", kek, everybody knows you have to insert it rectally.

Holy cringe

Oh look, more zero effort spam, I am now a Democrat.

Ridin with Biden

Oh God what I would give to see Trump reply tweet with this. I’ll even settle for Trump Jr


How will orange man (bad!) ever recover?

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What is this malarkey?

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fuck this gay earth

It's literally over for Bimfelgordt.


I can't believe I have to say this. Don't forcefully finger fuck your staffers.

trump should absolutely tweet something along these lines
biden would probably have a heart attack

lmao based

when trump said to inject bleach, he wasn't talking about corona-chan

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Why? Trump can't win a battle on sexual assault, he has more accusers, more audio proof, and even partied with Epstein ... Biden probably welcomes that battle

Trump is on tape saying it's ok though

Has Trump ever received 1.6 million likes on any of his Tweets?

Get rekt Republifags lmaooo

Remember to #believewomen

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4D chess ?

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>Biden probably welcomes that battle

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which makes it even better you idiots

trump never had conflicts of interest. can't fuck someone who works under you

Haha Twitter likes don't count as votes...yet.

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I can't believe I have to say this, but ...
is your giveaway.

that was so coherent there's no way Joe actually tweeted that, must have been a staffer

So he basically is saying "I think the people that follow me are so stupid that they would actually resort to drinking bleach if I don not warn them."

most certainly checked. biden doesnt keep up on internet maymays, he wouldn't have written it that way

38D chest

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its pronounced "mehmehs"

It's a complete thought

he shouldn't do that
the more stupid Trumpkins die, the funnier it will be.

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Because Burger King posted the exact tweet at 10am then Joe plagiarized it verbatim aside from we/I 4 hours later.

Holy shit. It's real. It actually is a pinned tweet on Joe Biden's official twitte baccount.

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>i do not believe for one nanosecond that Joe Biden made that tweet himself.

What if Trump made that tweet?

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...or eat paint chips, or bite lead
sinkers onto your fishing line, or your wife will end up having to read your teleprompter for ya on live TV

it'd be funny and we'd all have a good laugh because we're not deranged idiots without a sense of humor

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