
You’re not an American if your mom doesn’t cook you a proper Sunday roast like this every week.

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Is this a raccoon?

Do you think raccoons have teeth like that?

Sopa de raycon e uma

pupper is resting whilst his coat is in the wash?


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Whoever skinned that must be banned from touching an animal for the rest of their life.

Coon creek outdoors is that you?

Could have been a kid practicing, no one's first time is perfect.

>tango down

that racoon is really fatty. I've read you really have to cook them down to get the grease off

I would not eat critters

Ahhh yes, the English classic of chips and Goblin

Who says it was alive during the skinning?
How is this different than any "stock" animal?
The selectivity we have for which animals are & aren't "okay" to eat or kill is as retarded as the way we put human life on some vastly elevated level of importance, when most humans aren't even as intelligent as stock animalsd.

How did it taste?

>Who says it was alive during the skinning?
What? You think you skin animals while they are alive? Are you chinese?
And I didnt say anything about whatever animal that is, since I cant really understand if its either a dog, a rabbit or some local american animal.

Very tasty.

My mom died of cancer when i was around 9

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>Rabbits are carnivores
Look at the teeth you fucking gypsy.

>You think you skin animals while they are alive?
I like how you imply the idea was even retarded for me to have or ask at all, then immediately follow with
>Are you chinese?
Where do you think I got the notion from to even suggest it?
>I cant really understand if its either a dog, a rabbit or some local american animal.
imo it's clearly a racoon.

Will you make a soup?

>Where do you think I got the notion from to even suggest it?
I dont know, I thought you actually respect what you kill, unless you are an asiatic bug
>imo it's clearly a racoon.
Never seen a racoon head in real life since I never killed such an animal, hence why I said I cant identify what you have hunted.

I haven't seen my mother in 16 years when I buried my sister because her husband shot her.

Roasting it, João.

>I thought you actually respect what you kill
I do. No part of my statement was intended to imply I considered live flaying to be proper procedure.
>Never seen a racoon head in real life since I never killed such an animal
And that's fine, I wasn't being snarky with that response, simply informing.

You’re not American then.


Thats a cat

Not with those claws it isn't.

>some local american animal.

It's a hamburger.

looks like a Mexican child

I presume the meat is very hard and has a bitter taste?

Congratulations. You finally killed Warwick Davis.

I would totally eat a trash panda. How did you prepare it?

No, but its too much bone and other tissue and little meat to no meat.

What is the taste of this nutria?


Imagine eating something that subsists entirely on garbage

can confirm

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Turned it into hamburger meat.

Hasidic flavor ?!

raccoon isn't tasty, you can eat if you have to it but it is disgusting. Don't listen to these people who have never left their house let alone eat a wild animal.

Better trim the fat off that coon boy!

Better throw it in the dumpster.