Boslonaro will lead Brazil to greatness

Bolsonaro is mining and bombing every communist in the government,sergio moro was one. Now will be more communists to leave,this will lead Brazil towards greatness after we solve that crisis Brazil will be a first world country. #BOLSONARO2022

Attached: CapitãoLevanta-te.jpg (840x500, 67.46K)

Other urls found in this thread:é_Levi_Mello_do_Amaral_Júnior

How are his jewish and freemason allies doing today?

He is kicking out freemasons like sergio moro and mandetta,there is no jewish in the gorvenment.

Seething as usual

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the communists and labor unions are literally as masonic as you can get, its called brotherhood of man and long march for a reason.

My friend, I need my job.
When will Bolsonaro reopen this damn jungle?

Brazil is well on their way to being the hardest hit nation on earth by Coronavirus. Brazil is going to be devastated. The entire world will be terrified by the things we will see from Brazil in the coming months. Millions will die.

Brazilians of this thread, do you think Bolsanaro will still be in power in a year?

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why are there so many fucking flip flop cartels in brazil?

found the freemason
are you a furry too?

Yeah of course,he is doing a great job!

Stop posting this shit everyday, retard.

Imagine denying reality and inventing an opposite fantasy to take its place, then expecting others to follow along with your larp narratives.

He will be because otherwise an election has to be called.

After two years into his period, the Vicepresident takes charge.

If somehow he calms down, he'll be impeached next January. If he manages to fuck things up even more, it might be sooner than that.

>waaah muh investor user isn't a larp, just you wait waaaaah

There's no way he reaches 2022 without being impeached. He knows that and is blatantly buying support from Congress by offering seats at his Ministeries. He copied Trump too much, now he is going full Michel Temer


>flip flop cartels
You have to go back

Bolsonaro is retarded and a Trump wanabee. The perfect president for monkey people.


If I understood this correctly, I hope so.


For new elections to be held, the vice-president must also be removed from office, even if president stay less than 2 years.

Imagine be this delusional. No kikes, sure....

If he's buying support, how can he leave office?

There is only ONE way to make Bolsonaro lose support, and that's the supreme court investigation. Moro needs to give a more juicy set of documents and records to make congress think it's more profitable to support the vice-president.

He was elected by election fraud with (((foreign))) interference, then went on a crime spree that includes even treason.
His VP would go away too in a reasonable country (not here, you are subhuman).


>Boslonaro will lead Brazil to greatness]
the greatest mass grave the universe has ever seen


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Stop being hues.

> a first world country
I like your sense of self-irony.

Okay, retard.

>Novo Ministro da Justiça apoiou Lula.

>Novo Ministro da Justiça e Segurança Pública foi favorável ao "juiz de garantias".

>O novo AGU, José Levi, foi secretário de FHC, Aécio Neves, José Serra e Dilma Rousseff.é_Levi_Mello_do_Amaral_Júnior

If election fraud happened, it was in Haddad's favor.

I really hope so, there are way too many subhumans in Brazil that deserve that. You're probably one of them.

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>will be a first world country
your country will be good if this manages to kill a million of you disgusting subhumans

Yeah, Haddad had a cohencidental knife attack to boost his rating and a flood of forced memes with astroturfing all around social media. LOL
When will you subhuman inbreds shut down this 24/7 surveillance over my life? With the retarded synchronized sounds and weird jewish human trafficking stuff?

Brazil will never be good. That's why I left.

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If everybody got sterilized and real people slowly moved in to replace the local subhumans, maybe it could work.
Or other solution similar in nature.

I'm not saying that would work, but I can tell you for sure that something of the sort would never happen.
I reiterate: Brazil will never be good.

Imagine how much of a schizo leftist cocksucker you must be to think that someone would plan getting stabbed in the gut and have shit flow in their own abdomen and almost die from it. Be thankful that your people failed to kill the guy because things would be way worse for you now if he really had died a hero.

Meanwhile your allies controlled the voting machines and very likely tried to win the election by messing with them, but even then still failed.