Don't Legalize Marijuana

If you want to legalize the herbal Jew you're not a right-winger, you're a leftist cuck or a Libertarian shitbag. I'm a real Conservative, I want Americans to be a strong and intelligent and proudful group of people. Marijuana is there to passify young poeple so when the LGBTQ+ agenda takes hold everyone is too drugged up to complain. Marijuana is disgusting and should not be legalized. My family also own a lot of shares of Geogroup, a private prison company. If weed is legalized my family will literally go bankrupt.

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nice flag Rabbi

>I want Americans to be a strong and intelligent and proudful group of people

You are a literal kike

>he doesnt know what left wing or right wing means and just arbitrarily picks whatever side he thinks he identifies with

You're a Jewish shill.

Posts that are even vaguely boomerish should be deleted desu.

It's clear you're uneducated on politics

Posts that are vagley marxist should be deleted.

Kikes want marijuana legalized.

Based and checked. Do not use the Herbal Jew. It will turn even nearly all users into unproductive apathetic slobs. It also causes mental disorders.

Yeah okay boomer

>What is post-modernism
>What is neo-marxism

Ok zoomer. You young kids these days think you're cool and right-wing but you're just hippies from before my day.

>actually admitting you're a boomer
>meaning there's a 90% chance you're from reddit
This thread is over.

I'm not a boomer. I was born in 1969 dude.

lmao whatever gramps

I love it when some 20 year old brat thinks he knows more than me

Everyone replying to this shit-tier bait

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You're a shit troll.

I am a combat vet. When I got out, I had a huge insomnia issue. I tried every Pharmaceutical under the sun and they made me feel drunk or just like shit.
>inb4 workout and read!
I am an avid reader and my body has been conditioned to workout first thing in the AM before working all day.
Anyways, my wife suggested weed a few years back and convinced me to try it.
I did.
And slept like a baby.
Today I grow my own herb, make my own cannibutter, and use it to help me sleep. It's been a godsend.
So, whatever your idea of recreational weed may be, it has genuinely helped me continue to be a productive member of society,

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What if I am already unproductive and have a mental disorder?
It'll fix me right? Right?!

says the actual shill that uses a meme flag.

How do I grow Marijuana? And how it does affect someone's political views? Asking out of curiousity.

I don't need your permission to do any drug

Explain the basics of left vs right wing to me, each in 2 sentences or less. GO

>Right wing
>less government regulation
>any illegal substances

You should

Left-wingers end goal is egalitarianism, right-wingers end goal is a stable-strong hierarchical based civilization.

>My family also own a lot of shares of Geogroup, a private prison company. If weed is legalized my family will literally go bankrupt.
Good, kill yourself.

>my family also profits off of it being illegal
>but I swear i want it banned for moral reasons

Fuck you and fuck your family

Right-wingers want more government not less. "Muh small government" was there to mock libertarian nutjobs. Real conservatives want a bigger government

>more military
>more prisons
>more police

>Take your pills goy
Fuck off

Why should i kill myself so degenerate potsmokers can get high and stink up the road

The two aren't mutually exclusive.

You don’t even understand basic terminology google it dumbo

>Right-wingers want more government not less.
lmfao do boomers really believe this?

Did your son help you set up your cumputer Ed?

yes take ibprophen or tylenol and fuck your livers up its much cheaper then.planting and growing a free plant

Nah, let people smoke if they want to, fuck the alcohol and tobacco cartels. Same shit happened with vaping before the jews got their claws on the industry.

Weed's fine, people who wear flat brim hats however, are not fuicking fine. Fuck every one of those douchebags.

The fact that you directly benefit from it means you’re using an emotional argument about morality to cover up the fact that you want banned for your own personal profits. This little detail completely defeats your argument about national pride. You don’t care about national pride. You care about making money and are using national pride to manipulate others into letting you make more money.

You're so uneducated it's laughable, you don't understand basic definitions, this is why you're white trash.

I'm barely in my 50s moron.

Trump expanded the government by hundreds of billions.

Stoned rn to be honest :)

Burn Israel, burn the Jews, bring hitler back, let bashar be the world leader. We can make the world great again, fuck you zionist cuck.

If you're blackpilled, quit smoking weed and cooming

I think it's past your bedtime, Mark

Shut up kike!
just because you can not tax what i make off of it, is more a reason for you to keep it illegal

Lol you’re still in your 50s lmao . Boomie.

Someone can be anti-war for moral reasons but also personally benefit from anti-war policies (due to less taxes for example).

You're retard, I am opposed to weed for moral reasons.

I think those things should be banned too.

A plant that rots your mind.

Fuck all hippies.

>more prisons
nice try slipping that in there retard

U on the right of big fed

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