I just got off of a 12 hour shift where I had to see a child say goodbye to their dying parent over the phone because...

I just got off of a 12 hour shift where I had to see a child say goodbye to their dying parent over the phone because of covid19. I put my life on the line every single day and yet we're being made into some kind of joke, like we don't even care. I took a fucking oath. I took an oath. I might not be a superhero, but I'm the closest thing to it right now.

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Other urls found in this thread:


Fuck off

You're a murderer.


Fuck off and do your job.

Jesus Christ, you want a pat on the back for doing the job you wanted to do?

Fuck off

Go twerk on TikTok for likes.

This but unironically. The only positive in this is that statistically several people from this site have died from COVID-19.

is cringe bait the new hotness?

Real heroes don’t look for credit.

Why the fuck are you posting this shit in Yas Forums are you retarded or something?

Hope you turned it into a tik tok video

Omg The greatest honor I could ever receive would be to have spiderman bow to me. How do I sign up to be a nurse?

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The bigger positive is that far more from leddit died.

I ate a fuckload of sausages and eggs this morning, was delicious. Took the dog for a walk, had a big shit. I'm basically like Iron Man and Harry Potter put together.

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Oh yeah now i know

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More people die each year from medical malpractice than corona chan could hope to kill.

Based nurses/doctors dabbing the fuck on Yas Forums niggers.

that looks so fuckin real

Did you at least make a TikTok video afterwards?

Ok now get back to the kitchan.

how fat is your ass?
the answer to this question is how I will form my decision about you

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I was at sandy hook. The EMT workers walked into the school after the shooting with tears in their eyes and they all said "oh my goodness gracious"

>I might not be a superhero, but I'm the closest thing to it right now.
No, you get nothing, go make another tiktok video

Shut up, Karen. Everybody hates you chubby chop bitches. You get away with a lot of shit because people are too sick to slap you winding.

fuck off, you glory seeking faggot. this is your job, this is what you signed up for. if it is too much, change careers. my mom has been a nurse for 35 years, seen dozens of patients die and never tried to get anyone to feel bad for her.

Youre a joke

Are there really enough emotionally under developed man children to warrant drawing that picture?

How does someone have the discipline to learn to draw yet lacks the ability to see how poor taste this is?

This shit came from reddit didnt it

>I just got off of a 12 hour shift

I have done this for the last 3 months icluding weekends.
You think you are the closest thing to a hero because of 12h shifts?

> I might not be a superhero, but I'm the closest thing to it right now.

because of your 12h shift?
please, please kys

I wish that I had the time for breakfasts
being an alcoholic sucks. you need every possibly second of sleeptime

No one gives a shit about nurses. You signed up to be a nurse. Do your job.

All this clap for this and that shit is retarded.

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> the one on the left

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Put tiktok in pic related, plox.

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