Say something nice about my country, please.
Say something nice about my country, please
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Its shit lol
I'm glad the croats destroyed you in the war, too bad you didn't go extinct.
Some of your women are fit.
Zivi srbija
Kosovo je serbia
Crnagora je serbia
RS je serbia
Eat muslim dick swedecuck
Not wrong, but I still fucking hate you
Kinda lacking in grammar, but I like your spirit.
based drzava palacinke top
>I like this
Кocoвo јe Cpбијa
Serbs are sadistic murderous fucks for allowing war crimes like this.
Have a nice day!
Says the man from a country that wages war non stop on the entire planet lol , kys mutt
alcohol is pretty cheap
Hvala, burazeru
What to expect from a Gypsy traitor?
Look who talks. Don't they teach you about 99 bombings in your nigger-riddled schools?
The Dinaric people are the premier kebab removers in europe.
Tough country.
oy vey alcohol is not cheap here you faggot now i look retarded
I love you neighbor.
Flag looks cool and women are kinda cute
Milosevic and Mladic were based
Absolutely Based music.
something nice about my country, please.
please come back
don't invade poland
get back to work josh
>I like this
I like the art Lepenski Vir's prehistoric site. Specially the ful distress face.
It has one of the best designed flags in the world.
i like to rape s*rb woman
Nikola Tesla
great war songs
I've bang a girl from this country she was hot but her pussy smelt bad. 5/10
Novi Sad has the best womans
Belgrade has the best nightlife
Overall, great peoples
Fuck off, you fuckin immigrant coward.
Kosovo je Srbské
kosovo je srbija
Free Millars Ulemek, song of the day -
Remove kebab
Жeлим ти пpијaтaн дaн
a slezsko je české
His coming was foretold.
should be bombed without a reason