Not sure why I even watched the latest episode. Spent 3 hours talking down to tim pool and being an apologist for the MSM (literally said YouTube has to promote CNN over independent content in order to fight disinformation) and promoting UBI.
This guy has become such a dope, and has no respect for the constitution. What is he 60 now? Maybe gramps should start to lay off the weed or something.
This guy has really lost touch're aware that most people support a Universal Basic Income to take care of everybody's needs, and most people trust the mainstream media, right? Sounds like you're the one losing touch
Marijuana rotts your brain. He has brain damaged.
Omg i know him he goes to my synagogue
fuck off with your blog post
youre a faggot too
he's a podcast host
his purpose is to entertain
if you took anything else out of his content, you're a fool
Is it really that simple though?
Nigger detected
tim pool is such a dishonest little shill that i derived great pleasure from Joe dunking on his ass.
>This guy has really lost touch
>They say I lost touch, Jamie pull that shit up
In what way? Tim pool is one of the most consistent people I know, he's awesome
>Spent 3 hours talking down to tim pool
he would do that to the lesser of him
Alex jones was 100% right when he said "they" got to joe. Alex is rarely wrong you know...
>being against UBI
Aside from pulling a legacy media and acting like Tim actually believed humans came from Venus even though Tim prefaced the statement as BS it seemed ok.
Neither of those things is even remotely true.
>Jamie pull that thing when I lost touch... what no article?! I guess I never lost touch to begin with
one of the things I disagree with him about. UBI in a country full of subhumans doesnt work.
Not just that but it leads yo schizophrenia so add that.
You're a faggot too lol
This post wins. Very effective dismantling of the faggot shill. This thread is now closed.
>hurr durr free shit.
kill yourself contrarian douche
also wrong
Lol you niggerfaggots need to gtfo so many new and summerfags now that everyones not on quarantine leave neet hours to the real neets and just lurk like a good lil cuck
>Has to promote disinformation to fight disinformation
He got Miley Cirus'd, didn't he?
joe is such a fucking faggot. he changes his views on a dime to please his guests. he talks about things as if he's the worlds best expert on the subject. he's the most arrogant person there is, a complete faggot dick sucker.
Joe will say whatever he has to say to keep that cash cow of his as long as he can, and to an extent, i can’t really blame him. He isn’t a seeker of the absolute truth like AJ.
When will you dildoes learn to stop following people. You are goddamned sheep just as much as the libtards you try to trigger.
Anyone who takes advertising dollars is going to be corrupted.
UBI hasnt worked in countries the were optimum either.
its just another failed marxist scam
You are, plenty of studies show that.
Joe Rogan just can't shake the bum look, there's something unhealthy about his look.
He says that taking good care of your kids makes them boring people. He literally promotes child abuse
You know what's not on there?
Gay Nofappers obsessed with other men touching their dicks BTFOed. These faggots claimed it would cause brain damage but science debunks their antimasturbation bullshit yet again.
Coomers, you're free to gasm!
Acting like he didn't call Tom DeLonge full of bullshit literally 2 podcasts after he was on. JR is an entertainer/host he's supposed to be polite and go with it to keep the guest talking. When have you ever seen him actually challenge someone about their bullshit.
he's consistent in his dishonesty. he can come out and say he's for trump but he doesn't have the balls to even do that. also that video where a dudu takes off his beanie is some off the funniest shit i've seen
>i'm wearing the beanie so antifa doesn't recognise me
you're wearing the beanie cause you're a bald cunt that is too insecure to deal with but in his dishonest little mind everyone is an idiot that can't see through bold-faced lies.
Look at this guy you just know there's something unhealthy abut this guy.
You died several posts ago. As an oldfag from 2004, I declare that any post from this faggot from this point on is null and void, and renders you gayer than the last one. The man embarrassed you. Get over it baby boy.
yeah if you have predisposition to it. weed just speeds up the onset