Stop claiming that national socialists were socialists

Stop claiming that national socialists were socialists.

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Well, they were not really. They purged socialists in night of long knives and made alliance with private sector.

This is some peak pilpul right here.

It's like comparing incels to sjw's. Both degenerates who think they're completely different yet, they have more in common than they believe.

It all depends on how you define socialism. Obviously, the Nazis didn’t collectivise/nationalise that much, and they still had a private market economy, but what they DID do was increase social welfare, public works, and make organizations defending the rights of workers and improving life for the very poor and workers. They also banned speculation and usury, and made laws protecting small firms from very large corporations. Sorta like the whole Nordic model in scandie countries.

>there is only one form of socialism, and it is marxist
damn you're dumb

Imagine believing this hahahaha.

>the Nazis didn’t collectivise/nationalise that much


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This is why we need to stop clowning on Berniefags and instead recruit them. Their greatest fear is for the disillusioned left to join forces with the far right. It's a natural union and our only hope for final victory.

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Shit he hitting you memes bro so it's got to be true.

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you are what you hate

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What if you don't hate anyone?

And I'll end with a very beautiful painting.

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Then you haven't been paying attention.

Literally national socialists

Well the obvious difference is thar Socialism is an Internationalist ideology with the main goal of equality for the whole earth. while Nazism is Nationalistic and only focus on their own

Socialism is also 100% State owned planned economy, while Nazism uses a Fascist State Capitalist economic model (like the Nordic countries)

Communists started calling themselves Socialists because it had a bettee reputation. Another thing to keep in mind is that Hitler executed Communists/Socialists and were his main enemy in the rise to power

No you're the one who has been thought to hate. You're corrupted.

Was Welfare only reserved for Aryans?

Get REKT, nigger.

If by “Aryans” you mean legal German citizens (which obviously excluded kikes, gyppos, and other foreign races) then yes

I mean anyone with Blonde Hair and Brown Eyes unlike the typical German who have Black Hair and Blue Eyes?

Fine. They were Democratic Socialists. Better?

No that's just a radical liberals view on marxist socialism. Obviously reality is very different and ethnic state like china prove this. I agree that natsoc was only for the Germanic peoples.

Ironically fascism is more like China's state capitalism than nordic social democracy. The Chinese socialists have ''nationalised'' the economy and any businesses are ok as long as it's for nationalist interests.

Hilter was owned by the capitalist elite and was well funded just like Mussolini. The whole fallacy that both were anti capitalist and anti Marxism is a false one. Every country depends on trade and they wanted to restrict and privatise that. Nationalism is alot different to fascism.

Nazis were The National Socialist German Workers' Party. It’s in the name. Top pilpul garbage.

They fought the Democratic Socialists and the Communists.

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Welfare by the state is 'socialism'. Social democracy is the beginning of socialism. But some how fags think if you just give it to a certain ethnic group then it's something totally different or the opposite of 'socialism'.

No, not just them. Blond haired blue eyed people were not considered above everyone else, or privileged in any way. Ethnic germans of all hair and eye colors were considered citizens, and thus eligible for welfare.