Coronavirus has 0.1% death rate or even less.

Previous threads:

--- RESEARCH ---

>Death rate 28-55 times LOWER than previously thought

>Infection rate 50x higher; making CFR much, much lower

>ALL Human coronaviruses are seasonal
>Common cold is a Coronavirus

>Iceland CFR between 0.01 and 0.19%; Smaller population = Ability to test everyone = Real CFR revealed

--- VIDEOS ---
>Doctor destroys Coronavirus narrative [REMOVED BY YOUTUBE]


>Corona BTFO by USC

>Illinois gov. confirms that ANYONE who dies while infected is considered a COVID death

--- REMINDER ---

Sweden: No lockdown, No collapse!

>208K Dead from Coronavirus after 5 months
>The world is ending!!! Society will collapse!!! We can't sustain this!!! Panic!!!

Friendly reminder:
• 151,600 people die every day
• 50,900,000 people die every year
• 360,000 people born every day
• 130,000,000 people born every year

>but muhh exponential broooo
Been growing linearly for what, 22 days now?

>noooooo but that's only because we locked ourselves inside!!!
We did nothing for months to stop the virus which spreads faster than the Flu, can spread undetected in its incubation and has a multitude of transmission vectors, yet it was only the recent lockdowns which saved us from those millions dead that was raved about? I highly doubt it.

Pastebin: pastebin.com/WDyxECJi

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Other urls found in this thread:


Hey Yas Forums,
This white, Aryan doctor is telling us that medication / vaccines are good and you should take them.

Why would you disagree with him?

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>>Iceland CFR between 0.01 and 0.19%; Smaller population = Ability to test everyone = Real CFR revealed
Thats not what it says. It says IFR and you changed it to CFR, youre a fucking retard.

I don't

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Fellow nothingburgerinos!
When do you think they will finally let us back to our joberino, to earn zogbuckos to buy producterinos and capeshiterino action figurinos?
I really hope they open up soon, I really need to get my g*sh d*ng H*CKing haircuterino.

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Thanks for the bakerino

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Why are niggers getting sick at so much higher rate than whites?


Killerino yourselferino beforerino youerino geterino therino roperino inerino minecrafterino

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1 is literally muh China
2 is wrong pic related
and 3 is correct, Japan is great.

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I cant wait to get back in the cage and make shekels for Mr Goldberg and Mr Silverstein!

Pic related. Bigcorp globohomo technocrats are profiting hand over fist from this “””pandemic”””. Small business is taking a critical hit while McDonald’s, Amazon, Walmart and Pizzahut are gaining marketshare and fucking the middle class right in their assholes. And to make it worse NPCs are begging to be fucked bc they’re so afraid of a “”””deadly virus””” which hasn't even managed to cause as many deaths as the seasonal cold.

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Tips when posting in /cvg/
>board names and thread names have a slash before and after the name. It’s /cvg/ and Yas Forums, not cvg, /cvg, pol, or /pol.

Social distance warriors are running out of dialogue lines. Could this be the confirmation of the coronavirus only effecting NPCs?

The cope will start flowing in: 3.... 2.... 1.....

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Yeah, and the bodies on NY streets aren't real either? You are so gullible you retards, I'm glad is shitting up every schizo general like this. People are legitimately dying in inhuman proportions, and you want to go to work?? Or get a haircut?? Stay at home, no one wants to get infected by a subhuman like you.

Can you use a different line? Every fucking day you morons use the same "argument". Fucking NPCs...


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Okay, frienderino, now let’s try 1-3 and then 5,6,7,8,9 and 10:

1) The world economy was already going to crash into a second Great Depression in 2020.

2) This was going to cause mass chaos and riots in the streets in every country around the world, as well as a public awakening about the robbery of the financial elite class.

3) Some way had to be invented both to excuse the economic collapse, and to get people quarantined into their houses for the police state to take over.

4) The coronavirus was made the pretext for this, and people were cajoled into accepting it by the media incitement of mass panic.

5) The coronavirus therefore not only saves the elite class from blame during the inevitable collapse, but allows them to impose any authoritarian measures they wish.

6) Totalitarianism will be implemented. People will be made isolated, jobless, and, with the UBI which is now coming out, dependent on the state.

7) People will be forced to take vaccinations and be microchipped in order to come back into normal life (see Bill Gates on Reddit recently with respect to "digital tattoos"). These microchips will be the beginning of a system which controls your life.

8) They will tell you that you need this microchip to go back to work, get on an aeroplane, or participate in society in any meaningful way.

9) The vaccines will also weaken your immunity and make you sick.

10) This sickness will be used as a pretext for more quarantines, more totalitarianism, further vaccines, ad infinitum.

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That graph is cropped to not show the flu season that happens literally every year and creates a visible spike in deaths, every year.

No its rich jews losing the most

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Source on the first 3?
And the media ignored corona the first month and downplayed it the second.

I got my backpay for unemployment yesterday and got $3200. I now know how niggers feel when they call responsible blacks that criticize nigger culture "Uncle Toms". That is double what I made at the job I'm getting unemployment for so I hope this shit lasts until July.

This, they will become second to none in the US and push the government around

Show me whats cropped out. And that would imply the flu season is not now, so why are we having so many excess deaths now?

Your retarded bullshit boils down to:
1)"dey wnted gud talkin point 4 colaps"
No one fucking cares about the talking points.
Everyone blamed the banks during the recession, yet they still got bailouts, despite everyone hating it.
2)"muh totalitarino"
This talking point got throrougly molested in the last thread. I'll post it again:
Like seriously:
Why come up with some elaborate scheme to usher in "muh totalitarianism", when before the pandemic, you couldn't do shit without getting banned from faceberg, twatter, jewtube, get any organization you create sued to oblivion by ADL and SPLC and kike judges ruling in their favor and glowniggers infiltrating you and every protest beaten up by antifa and you arrested for kicking few of the antifas oversized hooked noses in AND when the over all populace is so meek, docile and castrated to do anything about it?
Pic related: this is the level of societal cuckery we are talking about. (I had the picture of lockdown protesters the last thread)

Your talking points are false and a form of cope due to the inability to accept the possibility that the globohomo (you love and are used to, might collapse) or a "normalcy bias" as it is called.

The best way to keep the "cattle" docile is to let them consoom and keep them comfortable, so that they would have something to lose, and whip them and take their comforts away when they step out of the line. That's how the current society functions. Everything else is a homoerotic leather jackboot fantasy.

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historically quarantine has been for people that are sick, infected or suspect of being infected.

Mass shelter in place over a pandemic has never been done before and there's no proof that this will do anything to stop a plague. It is likely to collapse the economy and cause mass suffering and poverty though.

I don’t trust that bs infograph. I keep
Seeing it posted but never see where the data is coming from... can you please show your work?

In the meantime, here’s some stuff:

Dr. Deborah Birx, the White House coronavirus task force coordinator) admits that anyone who dies of say a heart condition is marked as a Covid-19 death,

They are recording all deaths as COVID deaths. The numbers are obviously being fucked with to justify the lockdown and ushering in of the NWO. Also 5g is being rolled out in a hurry while everyone is inside. No ability to gather, protest or even be around other people. Divide and conquer. Gain more control by using fear and misinformation.


Doctors are even speaking out now. People are catching on. Hospitals are still empty. #filmyourhospital did a pretty good number on exposing the CoronaHOAX but many NPC’s will say you’re schizo for implying that the billionaire elites just may not have the public’s best interest at heart.

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This is european data. America is shit when it comes to reporting deaths timely.

It's a higher spike than normal, but it remains to be seen if it's more deadly than a normal flu year. Hope I don't have to explain why that could be the case.

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You can stay at home and not get infected. If you think this virus is so dangerous, nobody is forcing you to expose yourself. How are people supposed to feed their families? Or is it that you are so self absorbed in your delusions that you forget some people have responsibilities and without a job they can't afford to support those who rely upon them? You are like those Karens who call the police because someone sneezed in their own house. Fucking pathetic, govt. worshiping bugmen. You can stay at home for 2 years for all I care, people will need to return to work eventually AND POTENTIALLY GET INFECTED, or else you won't have anything to eat in a few months, brainlet. People will die, you can't save everyone. Fucking twat.

I swear to god this is the new reddit. Normie fucking central.

Dont forget before we were letting in hundreds of thousands of shitskins every year through immigration, now there is ZERO immigration
This is what really makes the kikes seeth.

Critics claim that ALL tests by Erickson and the state of California are not “random enough” . youtube.com/watch?v=Zpczagv3oTg&feature=youtu.be&t=238
Critics say the State of California only tests people who are sick which gives too many positive cases to decrease the death rate per case, but testing only sick people would ALSO INCREASE the number of deaths attributed to covid, since they get to label the death covid (see Dr. Birx and Dr. Ngozi E.)and thus increase death rate, if the test is positive. This inconvenient fact is left out of the critics criticism. Dr. Erickson is right which is why he was censored.

critics also ignore what Dr. Birx and Dr. Ngozi Ezike, admit about overcounting deaths
“The definition of people dying OF covid, means that at the time of death, it was a covid positive diagnosis, if you were in the hospital and had three weeks to live, and then got covid, that would be counted as a covid death, even if you clearly died of an alternate cause but had covid at the same time, that is still listed as a covid death, everyone who is listed as a covid death does not mean that was the cause of the death but that they HAD covid at the time of death”


the number of deaths in inflated due to CDC policy of overcounting-thats where the fake high death rate comes from.
Where is the number of tested number, why is the policy to only test the sick?

Dr. Erickson mentions the recent Stanford antibody study, which claims to be a random sample, which predicts 4.5% percent of the population were found positive which supports a .01% death rate, similar to other studies were only sick people were tested

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>no lockdown


You pathetic panic neetnigger need to understand one thing and that’s the Shangai shivers are contagious, but not very dangerous

independant information >>







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>please just one moar (you)!!!!

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Dr erickson and the other guy are retards.
They extrapolated their test results to the entire country like retards.

>Chinese say they have super weapons


>Chinese city that is dense as fuck and by reports had the first cases at the end of Novemebner has less than 10k deatsh