"Fascist concentration camps" on El Salvador

Faggots on Twitter are seething and calling pic related fascist and inhumane concentration camps, and demand fair treatment for them.
All those rows of men are gang members from El Salvador, and they're from rival gangs.
Salvadorian president, Nayib Bukele, just authorized police to use lethal force, if necessary, against gang members who resist their arrest.
Do these people, who have devastated the small country, and are illegally entering the US, deserve to be treated with dignity and respect? Do they deserve human rights?
Here's a gang, demanding their human rights to be guaranteed on prison

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>those rows of men are gang members from El Salvador
Are you sure? They look alot like Americans?

They're from MS-13 and Barrio 18. They're fierce rivals.

Humane treatment is not a right for the inhumane, based messcan.
Are the carjels getting their shit pushed in yet?

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Down here, the cartels are even stronger than the army. And that was proven to be the case on October 17, when the Sinaloa Cartel sieged an entire city of almost a million people, because one of El Chapo's kids was arrested.
In the end, the president bent the knee and the guy was released.

Fuck, man. That is such a shame. I hope something changes soon down there.

the sinaloas are rowdy, you also gotta remember they stem from the guys who set up the first mexican cartel

What's this, Ernst Rohm reincarnated in El Salvador?

El Salvador is nonwhite thus cannot be fascist under leftard definition.

Bukele is based. We often overlook non-white leaders who are doing even more based things than Trump. Bukele could probably defeat MS-13 if (((NGOs))) didn’t get in the way.

It can be they just won’t care because it’s in a third world country.

>~21 guards
>~690 prisoners

Some day, God willing
>21 guards
Authorized to use lethal force

They should all be hanged for being a virus to their own people.

>foreign intervention is a jewish plot
>far right South American governments are based
will Yas Forums ever resolve this contradiction? You realize this whole "anti-gang" thing is funded by the US for nefarious purposes

Kill every single one. Just like Islam these fucks should be removed the same way we removed the Kali cult from India.

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I see the disinfectant that knocks it out in a minute, one minute. And is there a way we can do something like that by injection inside or almost a cleaning? As you see, it gets in your country, it does a tremendous number on your country, so it would be interesting to check that

Brainwashed tard’o’s think there’s a good guy and bad guy in every situation because of TV.


The same people who get angry at seeing a bunch of tatt'd up gang spics stacked up like this are the same people who fantasize about doing exactly the same thing to innocent white men because of what their communist professors told them.

If they riot in this moment all the guards would be fucked anyway

I am rooting for you guys.


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I just want them to get their shit together so we're not expected to look after them anymore.

Is that the female reproductive system?

I think a bullet to the brain is the correct solution for these worthless pieces of shit. Not worth feeding/housing. They've made their choices, can live and die by the consequences.

Me too, bud. I don't think it will ever happen unless we close the border. No reason to stay and fight if you can just leave your country behind for a better life without sacrificing anything.

Forced labor is a a far better punishment and could also be used to make up for the damage they cause. I'm not a fan of private for-profit prison systems, but we should be using prisoners for building infrastructure. Imagine how fast we could have had the wall built if our government actually wanted it done.

Ballistics Matters!

that's why he make a big hole at his new mansion

>Do these people, who have devastated the small country, and are illegally entering the US, deserve to be treated with dignity and respect? Do they deserve human rights?
Not really, no. They shouldn't even bother imprisoning them, but rather just execute them and clean out the gang problem.