American tipping is retarded and people get very political about it
so for doing the same job to bring a plate to my table I have to pay the waiter ten times more depending of what's inside?
if you have more people with you that's more dishes and more work so they get tipped more
I hate tipping but niggers don't tip so I avoid going places where it is expected
Looks like caviar, shaved truffles, some sort of smoked pork fat, and probably grassfed cheese.
don't get sidetracked, this is about a single customer and servants feeling entitled to their money
Example2: In a bar one man orders a bottle of cheap booze or a bottle of very expensive Armagnac
why should the servant get paid more for literally doing the same job, passing on a bottle?
>be in casual Australian restaurant
>pay $25AUD for a meal
>be American
>pay $12USD for a meal plus $15 tip
Tipping is retarded jewery .
I just cook for myself like a functional adult. Tipping is a problem only degenerates deal with
>some sort of smoked pork fat
it's lobster
Left is some sort of faggot sandwich right is a burger. Really activates my almonds desu.
I'd rather tip $2 on a $10 meal that the waiter can pocket tax free than pay $15 for """livable wages""" that the restaurant just pockets instead
It's succulent lob
>I have to pay the waiter ten times more depending of what's inside?
No, you’re paying them 15-20% of the meal’s total value. Eating out is a luxury—it’s not necessary to sustain yourself. You can always go to a deli and make yourself a sandwich, you don’t tip anyone and it’s a lot cheaper.
only jews and niggers don't tip. which are you?
Same. I always pay in cash at restaurants, in the hopes they don’t bother with the tax part.
a gipsy :^)
Tip waiters, waitresses, and hosts 20% because they make less than minimum wage.
But also tip massage therapists the same that make $100 an hour.
I don't feel like pretending to like gourmet caviar.
What a waste of ingredients to place on a burger
>grassfed cheese.
Post is extremely low quality, and off topic. Ignore slide threads. Saged and reported. Clean the board up faggots.
1. A cow is grass fed.
2. Milk is extracted.
3. Cheese is made.
People wonder why restaurants run on slim margins and barely survive month to month.
Then you realize 20% of the incoming cash walks out the door in a waiters pocket.
fuck off bootlicker
>YOU need to pay my wages directly and not my employer!!!
>You disagree? YOU'RE the problem!!!
If I ever visit Muttistan, I'll make it a rule not to (((tip))) and always ask for a recalculated receipt without sneaky (((gratuities))).
Expecting tips is the most jews thing you.
Doesnt tip also go to the chef?
You can't be this ignorant.
fucking retards
yep. tipping is retarded. if you tip it should only be like 5 bucks. nigger restaurant owners should just pay them like a normal employee. like say, the cook. who does 100 times the work of the whore waitresses and makes 3 times less. retarded.
>having no friends
>functional adult
come on, they are americans. no history, no culture and thus no traditions. let them have this one at least
what else are we supposed to do here but shitpost americans?
>not having dinner parties with your deliciously prepared food
>Two top buns
Well I fucking hate everything about that.
This is the most pretentious load of garbage I've ever read. You probably weigh 300 lbs, get offended if people don't use proper pronounces and like getting fucked in the ass.
i dont believe in it.
>Tipping researcher Michael Lynn identifies five motivations for tipping
>Showing off
>To supplement the server's income and make them happy
>For improved future service
>To avoid disapproval from the server
>A sense of duty
literally herd mentality cuck culture.
beat it snownigger
based and pinkpilled
He's doing that on purpose. Why? It's painful to watch.