I hate white people so much

I am a self hating white person. White men are such pathetic little faggots. White men let niggers fuck our women, shitskins invade our countries, white police protect niggers. I hate being white I am so fucking embarassed. Everyday I feel like shit because I am a part of this pathetic shit race. I do not hate myself but I hate this shit faggot race.

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Yup, checks out.

Try being a true white man, you worthless whoreson. Instead of raising the curve, flatten it. People like you are unironically the reason our whole race is failing.

On second thought, just go and become an hero. Worthless self-hating whiners like you are worse than all niggers and sandniggers combined.

it hasnt even begun

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Yeah I am a white man but most white males are fucking faggots. This shit is not something to be proud of. This faggot cuck degenerate race is an embarassment.

Keep whining. You've become the very thing you hate. Worthless skinsack of guts and bones. I hope you get killed, and not by niggers, but by whites.

No I'm not. I am fine. It's this race that is shit. Stop trying to drag me down with you subhumans. That's what pol is about: subhumans trying to drag others down with you. I don't give a fuck about being white anymore. White people are shit. It is nothing to be proud of.

>Not killing white mormons every day

So you hate freedom and individuality like a good goose stepping nazi going off the ledge a nut. If psychopathic overidealist purity ever were a reality we be all gone. That includes most advanced technology. Steve Jobs was half middle eastern. All the great scientist were brunettes

Same bro, i feel you, the white race isn't what it used to be, i can't stop coping but it's come to the point where the whites are fighting against one another, how?

>most liberals are sheltered whites
>most liberals encourage this shit
>whites are becoming traps
>whites are seen as stupid now thanks to west virginia being full of retards
>whites are letting niggers fuck our women
>whites are most of the simp culture
>most cringe redditors are fucking white
>jews are white
>grindr is dominated by whites
>white women enable shitty behavior
>whites are race traitors

i can't handle this anymore i wish our race
was strong again but i think i'm gonna rope, if this
shit continues i don't wanna become the canada of race, it's so pathetic, i'm glad you made this thread bro glad to see i'm not the only one.

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white genocide has already happened, we are a docile and domesticated zoo animal who no longer carry any of the old instincts we can see from history and like any zoo animal all of our instincts are completely dulled, with the tamest being the most likely to breed and survive in captivity, those who want to rally against the system that protects them are thinned out every generation.
we've had too many generations of comfort and conformity, with all of its un-natural socialisations leading to an entire new subspecies of humans being enabled and protected by urbanisation, law enforcement, health care and the welfare system. all combined they allowed the sickest, weakest and stupidest to breed freely, leaving us with a white looking human species but with none of the traits that made white civilization possible in the first place, we're living in a museum built by great men in the past.
ww2 was the last great white reach back in time, none of this is our fault, the battles were all lost long ago.

and yes, even the most angry and 'redpilled' users on here fall into this category, myself included, who also have our instincts dulled. sure we might be unhappy about replacement but none of us are really doing anything about it, corruption goes unpunished, nobody is willing to give up their petty comforts, none of us are living like we're experiencing a near death experience.
its a bit like another zoo animal, a 5th generation zoo tiger might hate the world he lives in, he displays this by growling at the zookeeper bringing him his bucket of food, his instincts and what made him a tiger to begin with are gone. whereas the first generation captive wild tiger in the zoo for the first time, would either kill the zoo keeper or kill itself, banging its head against the cage bars until dead, rather than facing the insanity of being captured.

Nope. You’re a Jew

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Cope harder meme flag
We're just seeing reality for what it is
Instead of defending degeneracy of our race
Why don't we encourage our white race to be proud again

Only you can stop yourself user. You know what you have to do.

Speak for yourself bitch. That's what you are not me. I lived in the hood and beaten niggers in fights. I have publically denied the Holocaust. I am not domesticated but most white faggot cowards like you are.

This. I think this is what makes it so hard. I literally see so many whites absolutely weak and dumb as shit, they love their niggers and spics and hate themselves and their own people.

I told you Nordcuck I love myself but I hate my shit embarrassment of a race

kill yourself, it would solve your problem unironically

Today I had a very solid shit. My tender anus bulged and tore with every push, as this massive sewer manatee slowly breached my rim, one millimeter at a time. It took almost fifteen minutes to just get it half-way out, at which point my red-eye was at its maximum limit. My erection was pulsating over the rim of the toilet and my toes curled as I decided to fully commit and push with all the fury I could muster. The head of my penis looked like an overfilled baloon and my eyes were bloodshot with an intense sexual rage as the hoglog dislodged itself from my now prolapsed asshole. The hot cum ran down my shaft, then my balls, then my turkeyneck, finally reaching and soothing my quivering hole. I wiped gingerly and inspected my mess. The sight of blood mixed with shit made my balls ache and I released again. My toilet looked like a back alley rape scene and I left it as a reminder to myself, a momento, a testament of my inner strength. Today was a good day.

If you read the post you would see that I said I don't hate myself.

I somewhat agree with your sentiment. Post arm to confirm you're white though.

Go back.

Mason niggers are a disgrace to the white race

>>jews are white

Lol no.

Nice blog post, retard

Damn, ive seen other Brits post very similar critiques of the white race before. I agree with what you are saying but what makes you bongs so black pulled in general apart from other euro flags?


Dude the populace is severely brainwashed and you make a peep about an npc is going to inform the local jew. Then bye bye job.

Stop being a pussy and just prepare, build a family, find others like you, and stop engaging with these people. You just sound like a cucked fag as it is.

Also I would like to emphasize you can engage with people who might just have a normal sense of right and wrong and can hopefully break their conditioning but don't even bother with the guy who looks like a fag or a brainless consumer. Those people are plugged into a zogged hyper reality.

They have the tools necessary to not be brainwashed they are just too subhuman. And you are a pussy. If every white man was openly anti Semitic and racist there would be nothing they could do. White men are just emasculated pussies with no balls. And plenty of leftist women deep down know that niggers are scum they just side with them cause white men are such unattractive emasculated pussies.

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There just in the critical mass of people who organized enough to engage against zog. That is litteritly the only issue. You are just so engaged with this hyper reality so heavily with the constant bombardment of Yas Forums, Twitter, tv, etc, that it has consumed your psyche. You don't know how to step back to the abyss anymore. In fact your openly submitting to this abyss and your post is a either a cry for help or you are just so hypnotized you are just trying to drag others down the abyss. Go be a nigger crab bucket somewhere else. You are just joining the mutts that you supposedly despise not standing above them. Turn back now you retard. Go pray, go outside for a walk in nature, go fucking decompress.

England is NWO ground zero. A really, really depressing place to live. Like Orwell’s 1984. It’s as if a bunch of elite jews sat round a table and asked “how do we ruin the lives of these people as much as possible?” - modern day England is the result. I should know - I used to live there.

I can understand the logic. Jews wanted to destroy the two cultural centres of the reformation in Europe because those historically are the two centres of power that threatened semitic hegemony during the medieval period. Those are Britain, particularly England, and Germany as a whole. This explains why those countries are getting hit the hardest in terms of mass immigration. If they can dilute us out of existence their future is guaranteed.

>I agree with what you are saying but what makes you bongs so black pulled in general apart from other euro flags?
anyone who isnt blackpilled about the current stock of whites worldwide is a turbo npc and has completely decoupled themselves from reality.
i wouldnt say im blackpilled in general though, there are things we can do with our lives and theres still futures out there for us but you have to let go of the romantisised White Race that exists only in our imaginations, the rump will always hold us back.