Why do Muslims hate black people so much?

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Who doesn’t hate niggers? They’re stupid, violent and lazy.

based turks

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Sandniggers have been in contact with the Sub Saharan beast longer than whites and so as logic would dictate hate the shit out of them.

I'm surprised they allowed the wedding and didn't beat them both to death.

why would anyone hate black people?


Literally Everyone hate niggers

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Normal, healthy people hate those nasty monkeys

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Most middle-easterners I have met hate Blacks.

Someone should post that map which polled if parents would let their child marry a Black person. Only Turkey said okay while 95% of people in other ME countries said NO.

Lmao, first thing I noticed.

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Also the 14/88 guy.

I keep seeing people asking "Why does XXXX hate black people?". You ever ask why black people make themselves hated everywhere? That's a good question.

Turkey is lying, the only reason there arent nigger slaves in Turkey is due to british cucks.

I think so too. I can't imagine them liking Blacks.

Muslims hate blacks, it says so in the Quran

They feel they would be a better mate

Shut up bigot and respect muslim culture and kill some whites with us for suggesting blacks shouldn't get cast in every single movie/tv/commercial to replace whites.

>that fucking ending
Perfect video
less than zero self awareness

this has to be all staged, right? there's no way they legit did all that

everyone hate monkeys

Seriously who doesn't.
Muslims hate em
Whitey hates em
Latinos hate em
Chinks hate em
Even they hate themselves amongst each other (this nigga is to black)
Not trolling just saying at what I seen

Because muslim women are the biggest coalburners in the world, it's very hilarious.

your nephews will be black, Ahmed.

Found the Belgian nigger ape, only niggers have this stupid idea people hate them because of beastiality.

Ahaha kek

Muslims hate everyone basically, they even hate themselves.

nice meme flag faggot. I can tell that you are just another muslim seething because you women fall in mass to the kike propaganda. Enjoy marrying your niece after she fucked a dozen niggers. If she didn't just take it up the ass, she 100% payed a kike to stitch her hymen back together.


it's funny how muslims over here pretend to be on the black's side

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I don't think so. The slam is against racism.