only mirror i've found (so far) anyone know of any others? why do the kikes hate this video, Yas Forums ?
Other urls found in this thread:
daily reminder for the braindead npc subhumans
found the jew
It's truly fascinating to see the backlash from a person using their first amendment right to express opinions in response to his circumstances.
In my own social circle i've heard otherwise logical people decry this guy and demand he be censored or worse. The Chinese Virus pandemic has been definitive proof the populace will exchange their liberty for (the illusion of) safety.
if you watch this whole thing, what possible legitimate grounds would there be to censor or silence this guy?
i've watched almost the entire thing and I have yet to see one
inb4 retards who don’t know what a DO is
darn I was too late!
I keep seeing this being spammed but I have yet to see anyone post a source. they don't let chiropractors into the ER.
if you actually watch this and listen to what they're saying there's no way they're just chiropractors
Ok but why? Who can orchestrate this in almost every country? And don't tell me it's (((them))).
Stop sharing this retard’s video. It makes everyone opposing the lockdowns look like a retard. This guy is not an MD and butchered basic statistics within minutes of beginning to speak. You are falling for a psy op meant to discredit people who don’t want to turn into China
more people need to see this. I was 100% doomer a month ago but the numbers don't add up.
Behind the covid-19 smoke, they've been banning "wrong think" in general.
We are living through the biggest censorship in history
Goggle said they'd ban anything no approved by China and their proxy,.. the WHO.
The jew wants you to share this video because it’s so easily discreditable. The guy is talking out of his ass. It’s much harder for them to censor dissidents if they aren’t making fundamental errors in their statistical inferences within minutes in their presentation
ok kike, please explain the statistical errors they've made
I'll just wait right here
reminder that guidopsting is cringe as fuck
make a better fucking meme, retards
hence why the video keeps popping back up as mirrors. It's getting harder and harder for them to censor and silence the video/those that have already seen it. You've been exposed. Just leave.
It's economic warfare against the west by the powers that control the CCP.
He took the percentage of positive tests in the county and extrapolated it out to the entire population of California. You can’t do that. The testing wasn’t randomized. People who were already showing symptoms were the ones getting tested. The sample is extremely skewed towards over-representing the sick
This belongs in any thread mentioning YouTube censorship.
seems more like global economic warfare to me. how many countries HAVEN'T been drastically altered by the response to this? this like WW3 without established sides
The World Health Organization is shutting the anibody testing down because it doesn't produce the right answer
Youtube's CEO depends on W.H.O. for all direction in how they handle COVID-19 content
and here we are
GLOWBOHOMO Critics claim that ALL tests by Erickson and the state of California are not “random enough” .
Critics say the State of California only tests people who are sick which gives too many positive cases to decrease the death rate per case, but testing only sick people would ALSO INCREASE the number of deaths attributed to covid, since they get to label the death covid (see Dr. Birx and Dr. Ngozi E.)and thus increase death rate, if the test is positive. This inconvenient fact is left out of the critics criticism. Dr. Erickson is right which is why he was censored.
critics also ignore what Dr. Birx and Dr. Ngozi Ezike, admit about overcounting deaths
“The definition of people dying OF covid, means that at the time of death, it was a covid positive diagnosis, if you were in the hospital and had three weeks to live, and then got covid, that would be counted as a covid death, even if you clearly died of an alternate cause but had covid at the same time, that is still listed as a covid death, everyone who is listed as a covid death does not mean that was the cause of the death but that they HAD covid at the time of death”
the number of deaths in inflated due to CDC policy of overcounting-thats where the fake high death rate comes from.
Where is the number of tested number, why is the policy to only test the sick?
Dr. Erickson mentions the recent Stanford antibody study, which claims to be a random sample, which predicts 4.5% percent of the population were found positive which supports a .01% death rate, similar to other studies were only sick people were tested
Sigh. He's not publishing a statistics paper in a peer reviewed journal. He is asking if the response is commensurate with the risk. Yet in every developed country where trustworthy data is reported all signs point to this being less risky than thought. That he is extrapolating from those presenting symptoms to the general population is not statistically acceptable but useful as a general measure of the number of sick. Cut it by 75% if you want. There is still no evidence that society wide lockdowns are justified by the resulting IFR.
Engineerfag here, Ill do it.
>uses 12% positive rate of his own covid tests to suggest 12% of all of california has covid
Non representative sample. 65% of gout tests are positive. Does that mean 65% of the whole population have gout? No, because the sample of people who took the test do not represent the population. Before you say that samples are always extrapolated to represent a population in all statistics, you are wrong. RANDOM samples are extrapolated. The set of people who got tested is NOT a random sample.
>says the total deaths is similar to the flu to suggest its not a problem
But hes not acknowledging the fact that the flu death number is for an entire year while the covid death number is only after a few months. which means we're on track for it being 6x more deaths than seasonal flu over a year.
>compares REPORTED total cali covid deaths to his EXTRAPOLATED cali infected total to get a death rate of 0.04%
The whole reason he made the extrapolated number was to try to account for those who were not tested. But the death total he uses is only the number of deaths within people who WERE tested. He is not applying the same extrapolation to the death total. If he applied the same extrapolation to the death total, the resulting rate would be 4%, which is many times higher than the known death rate for seasonal flu of 0.5%.
>claims sweden deaths vs norway are statistically insignificant
If you calculate this you get p
Even assuming this is true, there are FAR fewer deaths than what we were led to believe would be coming, even if you were only to look that subset of tested people. Those tested should be dropping off like flies, since they, in theory, should be the people who are showing the symptoms that led them to be tested. It’s a smaller sampling, but a higher % of them should be *sicker* than the general public, since they sought out testing.
In California the number tested is 33865/280,900 tested positive cases=.12=12percent
In California we have 12 percent positives, which implies 4.7 million cases for California
The CDC records total deaths for all causes in California for the last three months is 60k total all cause deaths. 60Ktotal all cause deaths/4.7million cases=.013=1.3% chance of death per case. However if we just use the deaths from Covid-19 for California we get: 1227 Covid19 deaths/4.7million cases=.00027=.03% chance of death per case. Coronahoax busted!
here is the full story, you left out many things globo
Whether you are a just the flu bro or pants on fire happening fag one thing is for sure. Government is going to let schlomo rape the white middle class.
What evidence is there to believe the reported deaths from covid are significantly less than the actual number? It seems to me that there is not a single hospital in the US not testing for it now, especially in major population centers.
On the other hand there is good reason to assume the number of positive tests is lower than the actual number of cases. New York state just reported they think 25% of NYC had it at one time or another, yet this means the IFR is far lower than we thought.
They are certified in virology and microbiology both are registered ER physicians as they mention in the video. You lie faggot.
Not going to listen to these two Nazis. Bet they are white supremacists too.
>In California we have 12 percent positives, which implies 4.7 million cases for California
12 percent positives does not imply 3.7 million cases for california. See Gout example in
>Praise your health care workers goyim
>NOOOOOOO goyim not THIS health care worker. He is your enemy and wants you to get sick for his own greed
>Clap for the funny tiktok nurses instead
>This media circus based on nothing but fear mongering is not a psy-op
>These 2 doctors calmly and intelligently laying out the numbers and asking common sense questions is a psy-op
"Misinformation" is the most distopian word I've ever heard.
>On the other hand there is good reason to assume the number of positive tests is lower than the actual number of cases. New York state just reported they think 25% of NYC had it at one time or another, yet this means the IFR is far lower than we thought.
This assertion relies on there being more people who had covid than we thought - but why are you not also applying it to deaths? Deaths are only marked as covid if they had a test. So that same assumption could also mean many deaths from covid that were not marked as from covid because they never got the test.
>what possible legitimate grounds would there be to censor or silence this guy?