Attached: vaping.jpg (2000x1124, 484.66K)

So you know who to target.

what happened to him

Its a new vaping trend. Its that jaw exercise ball jawercise with a building vapemod. You bite and then you vape while exercising your jaw.

Some cheap knock offs explode if you bite the battery.

Shot or hit by white phosphorus bullet/ shrapenel

paliwood crisis actor

just take the gas thing out of your mouth retard

Is that from Gaza

Tri-citizen reporting in
3 passports FTW

loophole for jews
extended to the general population because otherwise it would be far too blatant and obvious

When the bong hits hard

To help us identify those eligible for the purge. It’s time for some DISINFECTANT.

That's what happens when you take a year gas can to the face. Might of been in Venezuela.

Fucking retard, its not WP if it was the light would be so bright it would was out the lens.

Its a tear gas or CS gas canister to the face - dude probably choked to death on it still.

It aint WP you fucking mong

In the early days of the US it made sense initially since there were a lot of Europeans who couldn't hack it in the new world so it gave them a plan B to run back to their countries

>not having dual citizenship
it's called having options in case SHTF, numbnuts

Attached: file.png (1024x1024, 2.14M)


nerve gas

shrapnel from white phosphor artillery shell

we get it bro, you vape

What's up with the Abbo flag on the bottom right?

Attached: 1200px-Australian_Aboriginal_Flag.svg.png (1200x720, 9.59K)

You immigrate from one country to another, congratulations you have dual citizenship. Trying to get rid of it means you want no person to become a citizen of somewhere else. But i dont think dual citizens should hold political office.

That's the universal passport symbol retard

I have a polish and a swedish citizenship.

Tear gas grenade in Iraq.
>3 seconds of image search

Why so antisemitic, just becaues dual citizens have no pride or affiliation to their countries of origin and just hop places according to their economic interests does not mean that it's all bad.
For example if you hated one of the countries you have citizenship of you can commit financial crimes and go to the other one, then deny your citizenshit in the first one.
Or you can take advantage of gibs from both countries, especially if you have a first world and a third world one, and if you're especially lucky you can have triple citizenship, be a piece of racemixed shit from parents of two different countries and be born in a third.

It's the new Coca Cola flavor: Extra Acid

Ah shet I have it on my Australian passport and thought it was just an abo thing.

It looks like he got hit with white phosphorus any marines can verify?


Get Aussie gf and pls try un-mutt your country.

how is this possible?

>dual passport
>fine taste in high quality ikea table in the best (BLACKED) color
dare I say this man is... based and redpilled?

Born in America, Irish citizenship through descent, married and Australian citizen.

This seems very plausible.

I pledge allegiance to , nothing, to my own interests in detriment of humanity, to take as much as I can without giving anything in return, to hopping places when things get rough because problems are for faggots that actually have to live there, to extracting and leeching to being a drifting soulless kike.

I hope you get raped by a pack of illegal beaners for shitting up your own country.
But I bet you'd like it being a kike and all.

Attached: juan will kill you.jpg (684x960, 128.01K)

Shit hits the fan shat do you do?
>stand your ground?
>fight for the fatherland like your ancestors have done before you
>"nah m8 I'mma run to the mountains like a bitch"
Good fucking riddance you soulless faggot.

money-grubbing governments serving the interests of money-grubbing people

Dual citizenship isn't inherently bad as long as those who have it agree to never hold public office of either or any country. Also they should be absolutely barred from lobbying. People wanting dual citizenship for cultural reasons shouldn't be thrown into the same category as traitors who have foreign political leanings. Like when Israel is destroyed, I want to keep my citizenship to the US (my country of birth, where I've lived my entire life) but i would also love to take on Palestinian citizenship as well to keep my stake in many acres of family land that gets passed down to me. I also want my children to have easier access to their ancestral homeland in the future, and dual citizenship helps with that.

Attached: Palestine 1.png (1401x785, 1.15M)

His teammates were camping and he was ptfo’ing all by himself.

>dfw dual citizen of US and Canada

Feels good man

3 centuries ago there were no passports, you literally could go live wherever you want. That was invented around the time welfare was invented, before every government equated people= tax.

It's great for hiding money from the US and getting around bullshit FATCA bullshit since I can do all my banking with my other passport.

Why don't just admit it was all your fault?

All of my ancestors died in wars, fled or were enslaved. Its good to flee.

i dont understand how this could even be bait so you are a brainlet

What is my fault? Socialism was not invented by Karl Marx, variations of the same idea have existed forever. Its just Kumbaya brotherhood.