How do people like that exist? What do they look like in real life? Did bullying make them like that or was it a lack of bullying? Single mother raised them? Uncle abused them? What makes a "homosexual weebo furry" exist?
Was gonna lurk his reddit but the faggot deleted his account kek. These people are certainly social outcasts. Probably got diddled young which fucked up his development and ruined any chance he had of having a normal social life. Becoming a homosexual furry is the only way he could find community (among other rejects).
Ryan Bell
Every time I see this guy it feels like it has to be an elaborate joke. How can anyone look like that?
I honestly can't believe Warner bros got away with this, Jews get furious about being compared to goblins because they know it's exactly what they are.
Austin Gutierrez
The series served their purposes so perfectly that it didn't matter. I would even go so far as to say they intentionally let them get away with it to encourage JQ-fags to make the comparison, so they could then bitch about the comparison and claim "antisemitism".