A message to niggers

Its not that I hate you, it's that you have no right to exist. Inferior races spread degenerate cultures and ideologies and have no right to be. Your entire race deserves to be mercilessly exterminated to the last man, woman, and child.

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yeah ok incel, it won't stop me from breeding pink tight pussy stay mad cuck

Muh dik

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cool story bro

i'm actively replacing you cracker, white genocide now

This is why they hate us

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You forgot the line of beauty, especially black women, can honestly go below 0

It's been proven that asians on average hence smaller peens than whites, your explanation?

lmao @ france

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Yeah, sure that behaving uncivilizated isn't the reason, the reason is your penis. This is why also horses are being hated since ages , true story

Melanin blak genes

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Everyone including niggers hate niggers. You're universally hated subhuman trash.

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Breh don't complain about slavery and ships next time

Whites don't belong in south africa, no matter how many lies you sprad. im glad the white pigs in south africa are being murdered and no one can do anything about it.

I hate how cute they think they are when they act shitty.

Pardon me, Good Sir, I would also like to take this opportunity to brag about my genitalia.

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Whites made what South Africa today is. But hey, whenever a negro murders a white farmer in RSA, his chance to die of starvation is enormously high. Plus, negros kill and eat each other. We're still here and we'll be here for eternity, and you can do nothing about that but watch your mutt empire slowly collapse

aw baby incel mad!

It sounds harsh but the general concept of what op said has a lot of truth to it...

Whites will be easily replaced and murdered, its not like you guys are hard to spot. And there were inhabitants before you invaders came. you also brutalized the native khoi and bantu. all it takes is for one leader to point all this out and its over for whites in south africa.

Your women will be smutted and your kids will be mutted.

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blah blah blah we wuz africans n shieet. Get killed more whitey lol. Get off our continent.

This is now nigger ultra nigger hate thread

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Glow nigger spotted

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A lawyer's take on niggers

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OP has a degenerate ideology, and by his own logic, would be mercilessly exterminated. Oops, didn’t think that one through, did you?

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most evil group of whites are the afrikaaner/boers in south africa. they act exactly like the jew the complain about in south africa. but its okay because the natives are "niggers"

Hey, if you put that dude in a skirt Biden would select him/her/they as his running mate. At least he is prettier than that fat Stacey Abrams dude.

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my nigga

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Who are you to tell who have a right to exist goy, that is G-d thing, if it is like that all goyim need to die, animal

How is that cat chiller than my cat.

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Bruh he has a claymore in his lips
a fucking m18 claymore mine

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>Its not that I hate you
It is.

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If you were to shoot it, would his head explode?

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Oh, hi, monkey

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Yew Wh*yes be wassis an sheeeiiiit. Dont yo no dat we blaks be kang's an quains??? Kum home wh*te man!!! Cuz our brothaz won't fuk us! Dey be wassis tu!!!! Fukin niggaz! Camt handle a reel quain an sheeeiit!

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Attached: NiggerDead.webm (320x182, 2.45M)

They also consume precious resources that shouldn't be wasted on them in the first place.

Can't wait until niggers achieve independence from white culture and completely implode due to their innate idiocy.

You aint nothing but a future slave to arabs in France you stupid animal.

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kek how will you "easily" replace anyone when negros murder more negros each day, while the government pushes the "collateral damage" for that. And how will you replace anyone when the government sell confiscated white owned land and other forms of property to their Chinese masters? I mean I don't even mind chinese anymore considering what they think about negros. also, bantus are the invaders. Whites built everything on that land

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>get off our continent
>North America

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OP is extremely based.

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Attached: NiggerFairyTale.webm (1280x720, 2.86M)

Imagine thinking about a group of people this much

Imagine a sphere and in that sphere random text puts up and that random text is OOGA BOOGA KILL OOGA BOOGA KILL OOGA BOOGA KILL. The text just keeps popping inside of that empty sphere. The empty sphere is the brain of the black nigger savage.

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What a cheeky parasite. You are aware, though, that only the police and sustained opulence is guaranteeing your out-of-place shitskins their safety, right? Do they even teach you cockroaches any history? You'd be a little nervous if you knew any French history.m, especially during the coming crisis.

Cant wait when they become a recognized expendable non human slave caste for all other humans to abuse to their heart's content.

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Attached: NiggerJail.webm (1280x720, 1.08M)

You aren't doing yourself any favors by being retarded, niggeranon.

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The state of the "civilized native" bantus

Lol imagine a nigger in Europe saying cracker thats a dindu nuffin word yet it says it proving all blacks are mindless stupid animals with no real culture. All of these french monkeys recreating that rap horseshit our americoons created then wondering why people cant stand these black animals.

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