Big mouth is Jew propaganda

I’ve never seen the physical embodiment of the phrase “fuck it mask off” until I stumbled across this show. I saw my little cousin (12) watching this shit. I watched the 3 seasons after he told me about it and it is literal Jewish propaganda. Best part is the fact they joke about it to.

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They're jerks

fuck this shit

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Ay yes goyim reject religion (unless it’s us) and embrace race mixing and feminism

We know it's true pedo cartoon shit.

It’s conditioning children to become perverts, and subvert their minds. It’s fucking disgusting

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Nice drawing bro

someone made a petition to get it off air and it was scrubbed off internet even if enough signature
the fact you can't even block it from being suggested to kid is batshit insane it's Weimar 2.0

Today I will remind them

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Who actually watches this shit? I've never heard anyone say
>have you seen big mouth?
Everything about it is revolting, from the character designs to the story and the juvenile humour.
What's the target audience supposed to be?
It's obviously Yid shit but has anyone even been affected by it? It seems completely irrelevant apart from it being the perfect example of kike subversion.

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Yes it's satanic kike brainwashing. Even the art style is gross and semitic.

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What kinds of degeneracy are in this show? Asking for a friend.

What the absolute fuck.
It's time for the day of the fucking rope.

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(In minecraft)

>Who actually watches this shit?
Retarded kids using netflix when their parents aren't around
>has anyone even been affected by it?
Aforementioned kids.

Reminder children are fucking stupid when it comes to aesthetics, they love ugly shit. Look at the toys in Target aimed at the really young children, they're fucking repulsive but I can tell you from working there that the ugly stuff is the most popular around christmas.


Ive met a bunch of kids who say they watch this show. Its disgusting.

I've never heard a kid mention it though, they're much more likely to watch something like family guy or American dad because those are edgy.

It seems that most of the reviews made for this shit are paid
the father of the creator is a literal rich jew, that's why it already has 3 seasons and a shitton of propaganda, i never saw anyone unironically liking it and the comment section of videos related to it on jewtube are filled with comments pointing out this show's pedophilic nature.

Big Mouth sucks though
Pretty sure nobody actually watches it

I asked my pro Israel boomer grand parents to watch this show. Loved telling them that all the writers of the show were Jewish.

>pic related
another jew flick

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Do their parents know they watch it?

>loli nudity in a western cartoon

>the designs are fucking atrocious and the humor is disgusting
Why do the always have to fuck it up?

All Jewish media is shit & propaganda. Watch anime instead

also, in jewtube netflix actually made a compilation of the ORGASMS of the (Underage) characters

That says a lot about the chosen ones' nature.

It's incredibly ugly. Jews can't draw

They cannot be that blatant, source?

Every series with niggers in it is jew propaganda = american cinema since 1950.

Christian's are the chosen people, not Jews.

Be a shame if their addresses and phone numbers got into public hands.

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I mean, we all jerked it at the times, but I don't want to see children doing themselves in Netflix cartoons.