Peterson is right about everything

In the last 6 months all the women i've met were atheists, deeply nihilistic, deeply struggling to find meaning, and had no intention of having children.

When he will make his comeback? he made impression on a lot of young men, now somehow he needs to reach women with his message.

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Other urls found in this thread:

unfortunately my canadian warlord is now braindead from opioid use. All he does now is vroom RC Cars. He used to be the king of Pinocchio and other retro disney fandoms, no longer.
Unfortunately his daughter also made an onlyfans acc so even if the boi could think again, he probably wouldn't want to. Probably he would instead use a bunch of opioids to go 'back in'. forever.
RIP kermit the frog

Except the Jew, whom he desperately smokescreened throughout his entire career

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Labadiena, my fellow Lithuanian. Our men must first learn to lead again. End the degeneracy. Stop drinking, smoking, doing drugs, acting like children. Become men. Ignore women online. Ignore thots in public. Become respectable leaders of men, and the women will follow, because it is in their nature.

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Great post , you will make it.

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he discredited himself by being dishonest about the JQ and race

benzos aren't opioids
t. used to use benzos (diazepam and clonozepam, 10-15 pills min./day) every single day for like 5 years

do you honestly think that men are any better?

benzos are not opioids but they fuck up your brain too

He couldn't be racist, sexist, or anything else funny and good because he has to keep his job

Whats the point of a paternal figure who can't speak

I am sorry friend That you are deeply affected by a zog like JP, he is one of them
It's a good thing he is gone now, better forever.

Go read /pol collection better for you user

Peterson speaks! Latest message from rehab

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He needs to stick to a stable dose of adderall and different strains of weed. Since he's gonna be a druggie might as well be a productive one. The weed will edge off the meth so he can sleep and aid his stomach which always gave him problems. Wish I had some adderall but I can't get it...he surely could.

JBP is a vegetable now. Ironic for a carnivore. Maybe he should take a bite of himself.

>In the last 6 months all the women i've met were atheists, deeply nihilistic, deeply struggling to find meaning
So is he.

Fuck they shutdown

Autism intensified

I'm still looking for a copy of the pedo copypasta of JP. "How could anyone get off to the idea...."

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has there been any update at all from him? if he hasnt spoken on camera in months he probably gave himself brain damage overdosing on more than just benzos. there are rehab clinics in america to come off benzos lol

> When he will make his comeback?
Never he's far too s oy.
All the little boys without daddy's chose a bad substitute.
This guy advocated to WHITE PEOPLE of all things that they only take credit for what they've done as an individual, not their race. Yes ignore race white people as your countries are being taken and your people erased.
This bitch didn't even eat meat until it made him sick and then he ate it.
He's a fucking moron and Canadian. Yea for a Canadian he's half sane but that's not saying much.

nu/pol/ hates him because he literally said identity politics is bullshit.

benzos fuck you up way harder and peterson is extra fucked because he couldnt taper off

>Peterson is right about everything
Peterson is right about a lot of things
but he's in denial about a lot of things too

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dude Adderall and meth are not the same

t. a person with ADHD

also I fucking love when someone asks to try some or borrow some and im like fuck off, I for my adhd, go away druggie lol

adhd is made up jew shit to hook you on meth retard. you are a junkie.

>Peterson is right about everything
no he wasn't. he had some relatively good stuff on the individual struggles of life, but a lot of his stuff on politics was shite.

The guy was bragging about being made an honorary member of a Native American tribe while telling white people not to feel their ethnicity/ancestry is significant or worth preserving.

There's no fucking way he'd ever have the balls to look those Native Americans in the eye and tell them not to feel any kind of pride in their ancestry, not to consider the self-interest of their tribe, not to work together to protect it's interests, etc...

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dave rubin apparently met with him not long ago and said that he will be back soon

Women wont be interested in giving him patreon bux or buying his shitty rug, so he's not interested either.

if theres videos of him playing with toys but not speaking even a word on camera im pretty sure hes totally fucked. could be wrong i guess but the photo i did see his daughter posted looked like a weird candid photo to just prove hes even alive

I thought he was working on a Twitter alternative with some rubin guy.

his son must be the only sane one
staying away from attention


this. he's right about the shallow end shit that doesn't matter and in denial about the real important issues.
THE MARK OF THE GATEKEEPER - mix some gratuitous truths with poison to keep people away from the deeper truths