Why do lower IQ people tend to believe in God more? I though religion was for smart people

Why do lower IQ people tend to believe in God more? I though religion was for smart people.

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Because believing in god isn’t for high IQ people, only for dumb niggers and retards. If you find value in Christianity and are high IQ that means you understand the context in what is written and when and it’s historical and fictional relevance.

i went to the number 1 school in England for my year group so I'm objectively one of the greatest minds of my generation
until 25 all I knew about the God were kike lies
once I read the Bible myself I became convinced not only is God real but Christ is clearly the real deal and anyone claiming otherwise is a satanic Judaizer

which book is more full of shit, the communist manifesto or the bible?

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Why don't high IQ people breed enough, I thought intelligence was good for survival

Which ever fictional book imports the most brown people to white countries

Because white people arent niggers who thrive off of impulse.

Godan ( God or ᚷᛟᛞ ) is the chief god among many others in the polytheistic Germanic pantheon. God is not a title, it is the Lombardic ( shortend ) name of Godan, or more commonly, Wodan. God is named after the Germanic god Wodan ( ᚹᛟᛞᚨᚾ ) and the Norse allfather of the gods, Oðinn. Like it or not, the name God doesn't come from Judeo-Christian origins.


Those so called smart people just replace faith based religion, with dogmatic ideologism. Nothing changes.

low IQ people have a weird parental relationship with religion. It's usually some toe deep shit like theyre good and youre bad, and when good things happen to them it's god, and when bad things happen to them its the devil, but when bad things happen to you its because god doesnt like you. High IQ people have a passive relationship with god. They understand the fall of man, and that god permeates all things good and bad, and know Jesus will speak for them at Judgment.

Because they've never considered Gnosticism and the possibility that this world was created by a malevolent being. Hinduism, Gnosticism and Nihilism. In those you will find the answers.

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That's Yahweh, not God
When you read the Bible, and read about all the magic shit, did you just sit there like a retard and believe it?

High IQ people are more degenerate and ambitious.

autists typically don't do well in life

Because God exists outside of all created forms. All matter, thoughts, emotions, etc. You need mental clarity and peace to perceive that which is beyond your mind.

A noisy mind can block the view.

You’re a stupid nigger OP, can’t even make a decent thread. Clearly in the lower IQ side but also atheists so this refutes your own graph.

Take your neck beard cringe back to rrrredit

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>things happen to them it's god
grammar check: god needs an article, i.e. "a god"
>to you its because god
grammar check: god needs an article, i.e. "a god"
>High IQ people have a passive relationship with god.
grammar check: god needs an article, i.e. "a god"

This. I’m convinced there must be a god, and it may even be Yahweh. However, the god simply has to be dualistic. Part evil, at least what we conceive as “evil,” and part good, what we perceive as “good.”
I think this is a reality that a lot of Christians can’t understand. God is also malevolent.

>Because God exists outside of all created forms.
so do goddesses, is this true?


niggers are degenerate and lazy.

In Gnosticism there are two gods, and the Demiurge, or the god of the old testament, is said to be the false god. He is described as a "jealous God". If he were the supreme being, what would he have to be jealous of? That is where the Truth comes in - the supreme deity that is above the Demiurge - pure light. So the Jews follow the Demiurge - the evil God.

Man you satanists are easy to control, rent free

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It's almost like English is a Germanic language and wouldn't have imported a Hebrew word you fucking retard

A thing not subject to time, change or choices would have to create the universe in order to be evil or good within it.
Omnipotence is full of silliness, it's just a dumb idea.

Right. That’s what the Cathars basically believed as well. What most Christians know as “satan” is really the other half of God. And yes, it’s pretty clear that the Jews are following this material god. It’s all pretty ridiculous, when you think about it. But it’s really the only logical conclusion you can come to.

>doesn’t understand the purpose of free will
>wants to be spoon fed happiness like niggers on welfare

Oh user I...

It's a spiritual thing, a community and something to be a part of. Met my wife at church, when I lost my job I had an entire network of people to find a new even better one and when my neighbor went through tough times we all helped him through it. It's why alot of these crazy feminists, lgbt and atheists tend to be so miserable and crazy they have no one that cares about them and even their own friends are usually toxic and more than willing to throw them to the wolves alot of our newer parishioners are ex atheists or generally crazy leftists, it's not about believing in the bible so much as being a part of something. Religion fills an inherent evolutionary need to be a part of a pack/troop the women can gossip and socialize the men talk about sports, hunting and BE men. Plus, intelligence doesn't mean anything there are engineers and doctors in my parish.

This is known since the Jesuits in the 1700's, get with the times.

Ever read the old testament? God isn't some happy go lucky hippy, he's a stern vindictive motherfucker. It's why I prefer Old Testament to New Testament cuckery.

Perhaps it is subject to choices and isn’t omnipotent. Maybe the two sides are forced to eternally battle. One can’t just destroy the other outright.


>Hinduism, Gnosticism, Nihilism, Buddhism
The ultimate cuck philosophy for losers. Imagine being such failures in life that you need an entire fucking religion to validate your worthlessness.

Yes. Why would God create gays, pedophiles, murderous psychopaths, and gluttons if he were not evil? Why would he give challenges to certain people but not others? Why would some people be given a shitty hand while others get easy lives? Satan, as described in the Bible, cannot create, so there is only one answer: it's because the creator God is malevolent and cares very little about what happens here on Earth. The Jewish pedophilic ritual abuse happens because they still worship the Demiurge.

spiritualism is more universal though. these atheist jerk off threads are just a fucking waste of time just so you know.

take the math pill nigger, evolution is mathematically impossible

Sex is risk of getting infected. In this times it faded because we have good healthcare

>Hebrew word
not a word, a name. Yahweh is a name.

The lower spiritual class, dumb people as you call them, believe in God because they are followers. The middle spiritual class, people of average intelligence, usually don't care either way but many become agnostic or atheists. The upper spiritual class, the intelligent and enlightened, absolutely believe in God but have to decide if they are to lead the followers to God or away from God. This is the truth of Rígsþula.

>cares very little about what happens here on Earth
I’m not entirely sure that’s true. For me it isn’t even about the psychopathic serial killers or any of that shit. It’s the jews that really amaze me. There’s this whole Abrahamic tradition that they contrived and two other religions spawned from. Then this evil, tiny, inbred desert tribe ends up basically taking over the world. That can’t be coincidence. I’m not sure what the purpose of it is, but it’s almost certainly divinely guided, and the god very clearly has a hand in the good and the evil.


I was given a study as proof that religious people were dumber by someone who probably would have argued that IQ doesn't matter when entering /different conversations/.
It turned out that the study was done in Singapore, which has a large atheist chinese population and imports a lot of labor from the middle east and south-west asia.
Without controlling for more specific groups, you can't possibly tell. McScientists do this all the time to "prove" whatever they want to claim day to day, having no care whatsoever that it's wrong. They just aren't committed, philosophical rationalists. They got into these positions to bullshit people.

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