Be white

>be white
>never receive stimulus check despite qualifying

Attached: whatever.jpg (600x405, 31.58K)

>be black
>entire lifestyle is paid for by government

If they give you a stimulus check how are they going to give money to the endless niggers they imported?

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>be blue
>people keep calling me Papa Smurf and I want to murder them

>not checking and screenshoting denial reason from
you, sir, are a propaganda tier shill

Bills are being pushed to give everyone $2000 a month and yet we realistically wont get everyone their initial $1200 by the end of the year. This country is fucked.

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Did you do your Taxes in 2018? If so you should of been able to get it!

Their website still says it can't determine my eligibility, so I guess I'm not getting anything. Typical.

>dont actually know anyone who received a check

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Honest question, why did you ever think you were getting anything as a white person?

>Bernie gibs
Non-whites and low income only
>Yang gibs
Non-whites and low-income only
>Trump gibs
Nobody because lmao IRS federal reserve

got mine direct deposited two weeks ago nigga

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log onto the irs site and ensure they have your direct deposit information. did that got it literally the next week.

Were you close to the high end of the threshold? I think they did the poorfags first.
Spouse and I just barely qualified for gibs. and they only just said I'd be receiving it-- still no date as to when.

Got mine, am white. Haven't gotten my unemployment though, my state is fucked

Check your bank account tomorrow

Got mine. Maybe you should have done your taxes last year faggot.

you have to follow the instructions precisely. get your taxes out and put in the number on your return from whatever boxes they ask for.

>Be White
>Get NEETbux, Trumpbux and $600 a week Federal Unemployment

You're it wrong, nigger.

Attached: Trumpbux.png (636x853, 1002.93K)

I did literally nothing and it just showed up at like 8am on the first day they were handing shit out

>receive check
>bank intercepts it
>uses it to pay off current credit card balance
>only used credit card for $600 this month
>now have a credit card balance of -600.00

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>kansas city

my condolences

I'm at about the middle of the qualifying range

I wasn't asked for a number on my tax return, I was asked for SSN, address, and birthdate

I make $30k a year and fully support my fiancee, who's a full time student. No parents or other family.

"Can't determine your eligibility, check back later corn pop!"

But she got hers already, because she gets direct deposit from doing taxes, but I've always just opted for the check. From what I've heard, if you don't have direct deposit info, there's still a lot of backlog for the physical checks.

I live in North Carolina, the check came from Kansas City.

I known a mexican dudes who grandma is here illegally, shes getting the trumpbux

I honestly cannot imagine sharing the same skin color with people who don't have checking/savings accounts. That's an element of nigger culture in line with rap music and drugs

They aren't allowed to do that. Literally the only thing that the stimulus payment can be withheld for is unpaid child support so just don't be a nigger.

You wont get a check if you arent working or didnt file in 2018 and 2019

Welcome to the JewSA user.
Daily reminder that no Social Program proposed by Jews will EVER help white people.
Pic fucking related.

Attached: AlsoMarxists (1) (1).jpg (1000x1000, 104.6K)

Actually, I'll correct myself - when I last checked on this (two days ago) it was still in limbo, but I just checked again after posting and I'm now eligible and can either enter direct deposit info or wait for the mail.

Looks like it updates once a day. Keep checking.

>I wasn't asked for a number on my tax return, I was asked for SSN, address, and birthdate
Well ensure everything is filled in properly. I'd pull out your taxes and type what was precisely on the form. After that it will take you to the tax screen anyways. So you need them out for that.

Yes, you can. You can input information as a non-filer. Income isn't a cutoff (including no income) but if they don't have any contact info for you, you'll have to register as a non-filer online.

I owe $33,000 in child support arrears. I won't get any free money.

Oh No! No! No! No! Imagine bragging about being so poor you got a stimulus check first. Kek

It even says that the system updates at midnight you dumb nigger.

Salsa on this girl

I get NEETbux and haven't ever paid taxes.

They mailed me my check.

Attached: NEETbux.jpg (871x653, 88.43K)

Well then I dont know why OP didnt get his Trumpbux