Were the christians women of Yas Forums?

Every based and redpill knows that christianity is a jewish religion, driven by emotion. We know that contemporary society has lost its sense of reason and today it only acts according to emotion. Christianity also favored women, see that today man is her slave. You just have to be born a woman and you have a good life.

Is christianity a female religion and are Yas Forums christians, our women?

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>Is christianity a female religion
No, but Brazil is a female nation. So much so that all the men turn into fucking trannies so they can look like hot women and get fucked in their asses.


Oh my god I want to strip her of all that crap and put a decent dress on her

It's really sad how many latina women are sexually abused by their fathers and step-fathers.
The average Mexican household makes even the most vile catholic priest blush.

>A fucking mutt

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Brazil is a female nation because its christian, like the USA.

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Post a pic of your blonde hair and blue eyes

The first adherents of early Christianity were

1. Slaves who say the crucified convict as the symbol of their slave revolt.
2. Wealthy matrons in decadent eastern Mediterranean cities like Aleppo and Antioch. Their Christianity was of the gnostic mystical variety

Good thing they is rich cause they sure ain't pretty.

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>Is christianity a female religion

>Brazil is a female nation because its christian, like the USA.
Yes. There is so much in common between our countries.

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>The first adherents of early Christianity were
>1. Slaves who say the crucified convict as the symbol of their slave revolt.
>2. Wealthy matrons in decadent eastern Mediterranean cities like Aleppo and Antioch. Their Christianity was of the gnostic mystical variety

The jews who ran the christian cults gained money from the second and political power from the first since they could transform their trash proletariat into a braying mob. Christians were the antifa of the antique, and they literally obliterated the ancient med cultures that had existed there before christianity.

That’s right you’re not white, go to a huehue board where you belong monkey

Note a shill raid is going on. Ever notice during shill raids that antichristian threads go on the increase?



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>an amerimutt saying i'm not white
>a fucking amerimutt saying i'm not white

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yeah the religion the way it's practiced today has nothing to do with what the bible says or teaches.
>27 Behold, this have I found, saith the preacher, counting one by one, to find out the account:
>28 Which yet my soul seeketh, but I find not: one man among a thousand have I found; but a woman among all those have I not found.
>29 Lo, this only have I found, that God hath made man upright; but they have sought out many inventions.
Ecclesiastes 7

I was thinking more in terms of infrastructure, global power, and wealth... but sure, if you want to make it a race issue: America has more white people living in than Brazil does. Happy?

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fuck I forgot the previous verse
>And I find more bitter than death the woman, whose heart is snares and nets, and her hands as bands: whoso pleaseth God shall escape from her; but the sinner shall be taken by her.
Ecclesiastes 7:26

read Adam and Eve
its only the first chapter
but you're probably too lazy to even do that

You mean, which christian country has less infrastructure or is more degenerate?

I assess the quality of whites and not the quantity of non-whites.

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I can see why the conquistadors fucked every native they came across.

>which christian country has less infrastructure or is more degenerate?
In either case, the answer is Brazil. As to how you assess the quality of whites, who the fuck cares? You live in Brazil and think Christianity is not just a female religion, but a Jewish one. That's about the hottest, most retarded take I've heard today, and I've been browsing Yas Forums Yas Forums since I woke up. : (

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Adam and Eve? Is this (((Disney's))) story of women's empowerment?

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How is this thread still up?
OP posted a pic that showcases how he is a pedo


I know, Brazil is more Christian and the USA is more jewish.

So I understand more about christianity and whites and you more about jews.

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>Christian mangina talking about pedo.


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Whenever strangers on the internet tell me that my people are kike allies or insist that they understand Christianity better than I do, it always makes me wonder...

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Athiest vs Christian vs Pagan threads on Yas Forums are all part of a divide & conquer effort (that also includes Nord vs Med threads).

White Ethnic Nationalists generally do not care if their fellow Nationalists are one of those three. Right-Wing Christians tend to be far more ethnocentric than the general population, hence the need for these D&V threads.

Anons shouldn't take the bait or bump these threads.

Most recently these threads have been started by Brazilian & German flag posters.

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>Yes. There is so much in common between our countries.
sure is lmao

>third world shithole
>population of part black part indio disgusting mutts
>low iq
>failing infrastructure
>systematic corruption
>both puppet states of israel
>both are lead by a zionist populist
>both are VERY christian

you re pretty much the same!

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