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check the stuff out, it's extremely horrible
but that is far from the only bullshit going on on this planet
just crime against multiple children
in this video you can hear Bill Clinton talk in a public speech about how Hillary regularly communes with the dead
advises him on every important national policy with the words of Eleanore Roosevelt
and if the dead tell her important things, she immediately calls and tells him so he can act accordingly
I'm really interested tho in your answer to this question:
>had a chance to form an opinion on the fucked up ness of WHO and gates being involved in Kenya and that even after getting caught they still contaminated half of all charges?
>also really check out figure 2 what it is advised as and how it works as an abortive if early enough
>that are the kind of people we are dealing with
you might also want to check out the Epstein, Bill Gates connection, it's a massive one
especially involving many other people, scientists
various think tanks and constant parties
it's a big rabbit hole where you'll probably recognize a lot of names

Just one more than I be normal I swear.

Bruce Lee learned all his fighting skills from prepping BLACK MALES like all Asian Bois do.

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>this scares the jew

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>we need to increase regulations on agriculture, we need to increase taxes on cars and flights, we need to stop much of global trade etc.
And you're still surprised that people call you a commie/socialist

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Now drop flag and join us as a fren. The Catman of Greenock wills it.

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Also there's so much wrong with this post besides the taxes
if you're wondering what modern economy supposedly will be like
Citigroup is one of the big 4 finance institutes of the US
Apple and Amazon are both disciples of this plutonomy and it's extremely horrible
Amazon uses research papers on how diversity destroys union movements and social cohesion to stop them from forming and has training material devised by psychologists.
in the plutonomy paper they describe to use disruptive technology and other means to further a wealth distribution into their hands
> In a plutonomy there is no such animal as “the U.S. consumer” or “the UK
consumer”, or indeed the “Russian consumer”. There are rich consumers, few in
number, but disproportionate in the gigantic slice of income and consumption they take.
There are the rest, the “non-rich”, the multitudinous many, but only accounting for
surprisingly small bites of the national pie.

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What's your take on the swedeflag?

What the actual fuck... And yeah I obviously know about the Epstein stuff, it’s fucking sick that people like that are among the richest and most powerful people on earth.
If wanting to stop global warming makes me a communist then I guess I’m a communist.
For example?
The fuck, thanks now I hate big companies even more. Sadly it’s almost impossible to avoid them which kinda sucks.

Did you ever hear the tragedy of the commons? I thought not. It's not a story you cubicle'd bugmen monetarists would be gossiping about. It's actual reality.

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>muh commies

Just keep sucking that Globohmo dick, Im sure some day something will...trickle down

You needn't be Globohomo to be against commies. Globohomo and commies are two sides of the same (((coin))).

Atm I got 5 BMAB threads up and running.

noone cares, catafag

>We need to invest more into renewable energy, we need to increase regulations on agriculture, we need to increase taxes on cars and flights, we need to stop much of global trade etc.
This is not a solution, youre just chanting the same crap leftist political parties are chanting, there are huge consequences to all of these proposals and even then it's not a fact that it would stop a global problem and again, it's not something Sweden can effect to the slightest bit, but there is something Sweden can do and that is the no1 problem that it faces today : Mass imigration from 3rd world countries.

Is it him? If so, his anti-Asian sentiments are taking grotesque forms.

really curious to your opinion on possible dangers of vaccination, independent of complications
but in reference to making half a million women infertile
teaching physicians to use it in a pregnancy as early as possible to abort
and after getting caught, to still think the people would trust them enough that they still send half of every single charge contaminated
and we're talking about the WHO and Bill/Melinda Gates Foundation
and that is far from the only strange clusterfuck the WHO has been in
without any heads rolling
or even real criminal proceedings
you live in sweden
WHO said the reproductive number is at least 2.6 and the phases are 5-6 days
you could calculate the rest yourself or use available tools
you can check studies like
or have a look at CEBM Oxford
Are you not in the least bit worried about the intentions of such people?
Why would they see the rest of the world as less of a burden or annoying cattle?
They think they are responsible to save humanity from calamity, through causing calamity.
Check out the case fatality rates on the CEBM link or the attached picture.
The Princess Diamond study is also pretty clear.

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Nice use of the elipse..

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Of course, it's him. Who else would be enough retarded.

He has his good days. Bright guy. Sometimes his bottled up autism really pours out like a fountain.

Bait is simply too good. That must be a Turk. Also he only posts women.


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ment for

I'm still working so I'll keep it short. Globalization is generally more efficient than producing locally therefore it's also better for the climate and keeping the ecological footprint low. One of the biggest disadvantages of global trade, from an ecological perspective, are the extremely high emissions of cargo ships, which could be fixed. Next let's talk about agriculture, I'm somewhat convinced that you never actually grew vegetables or butchered an animal in your life. It might be hard to believe but food doesn't grow in the supermarket, and most local farmers are already struggling to make a living these days because of the competition and high regulations. I'm not familiar with the situation in Sweden but in Germany smaller farms are shutting down in high numbers every year, we even got a word for it "Bauernsterben". Increasing the already high regulations will kill the remaining small farms which is great when you prefer that the entire market is controlled by a handful of big players but as far as I can tell you dislike larger corporations. Keep always in mind that large companies love regulations. Regulations might increase their cost by a few percent but they will kill smaller competitors which then can be cheaply acquired or they swallow their market share after their bankruptcy

Just another naive zoomer

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Its a genius-level bait, only Aussies, Irish and Turks are capable of this.

You sure know how to farm, Tay. How else would you have always picked the lowest hanging fruit.

>This is not a solution, youre just chanting the same crap leftist political parties are chanting, there are huge consequences to all of these proposals and even then it's not a fact that it would stop a global problem and again, it's not something Sweden can effect to the slightest bit,
Well we can still do something and if everyone thinks like you nothing will happen. Also the things I’m saying are solutions if all countries started doing them. And if Sweden comes up with for example a good cheap renewable energy source we could not only lower co2 emissions in our own country but also in others too.
>but there is something Sweden can do and that is the no1 problem that it faces today : Mass imigration from 3rd world countries.
We should stop that I’ve said repeatedly.
>but in reference to making half a million women infertile
>teaching physicians to use it in a pregnancy as early as possible to abort
>and that is far from the only strange clusterfuck the WHO has been in
>without any heads rolling
>or even real criminal proceedings
I think that’s really really fucked up obviously and also fucked up that I haven’t heard about this before.
>Are you not in the least bit worried about the intentions of such people?
I guess I’m a bit worried about that, though I think that corona is serious, but yeah some people use it for bad purposes. Also the WHO protects China WAAY too much imo and if China had decent animal rights this pandemic wouldn’t have happened.
>They think they are responsible to save humanity from calamity, through causing calamity.
>Check out the case fatality rates on the CEBM link or the attached picture.
>The Princess Diamond study is also pretty clear.
Well they had good healthcare for them and if our healthcare system is overburdened we won’t be able to handle all the patients also we don’t know the long term effects of corona too. And I still think those rates are kinda high.
Seek help.

>I think I can make judgments about these things
Nah, youre 20 years old and have no idea about anything.

>Nah, youre 20 years old and have no idea about anything.
Einsicht ist der erste Schritt zur Besserung

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fuck you memeflag

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Ment for

Meand for

Funny, posted this on Syrian general, the American general and the British general too. And every single one accused one of their own of doing it.

>I'm still working so I'll keep it short. Globalization is generally more efficient than producing locally therefore it's also better for the climate and keeping the ecological footprint low. One of the biggest disadvantages of global trade, from an ecological perspective, are the extremely high emissions of cargo ships, which could be fixed
Wait how is producing things in countries were it’s as cheap as possible to produce them because their regulations suck and they treat their workers like slaves that are also half across the world so you need to ship stuff in large distances good for the environment? Also the fact that stuff is so cheap makes us buy more of it and consume more which is bad for the environment in itself.
>Next let's talk about agriculture, I'm somewhat convinced that you never actually grew vegetables or butchered an animal in your life.
You’re right about that :/
>It might be hard to believe but food doesn't grow in the supermarket, and most local farmers are already struggling to make a living these days because of the competition and high regulations. I'm not familiar with the situation in Sweden but in Germany smaller farms are shutting down in high numbers every year, we even got a word for it "Bauernsterben". Increasing the already high regulations will kill the remaining small farms which is great when you prefer that the entire market is controlled by a handful of big players but as far as I can tell you dislike larger corporations
I know that farmers have a hard time, and we should make regulations that protect small farms that care about animal rights and the environment and laws that punish large farms that aren’t sustainable. Like I would basically make it illegal for industrial agriculture to exist and I’d make so that farms basically have to be eco friendly or they’re illegal. And obviously know that food doesn’t grow in the supermarket, I don’t like how you seem to think that I’m a dummy or something.

Fuck off Turk

Every /general/ has its fags, apparently.

>Keep always in mind that large companies love regulations. Regulations might increase their cost by a few percent but they will kill smaller competitors which then can be cheaply acquired or they swallow their market share after their bankruptcy
It depends I guess, if the big companies write the laws then they probably like them, but if they don’t write the laws and those laws protect the environment and hurt their profits they don’t like the laws.
And also I’m not naive.
Well I literally listen to the scientific consensus among climate scientists...

Like I never claimed to be a climate scientist myself so I don’t pretend to know better than the people who actually research climate like a lot of people seem to think they do on this site.

No one here is denying the existence of climate change.

I do, actually.

Just the importance of it

Most people I talk to on this site deny it and look someone literally proved you wrong lol.

He's not dumb, just socially challenged.

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