What's your most tinfoil hat conspiracy you don't have proof of?

What's your most tinfoil hat conspiracy you don't have proof of?

I'd say mine is that the Israeli or US government have backdoors and take pictures of people through their phone whenever they go on porn sites so they can blackmail them if they ever become an enemy of the state

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the cia lost control of an egregore, have attempted to utilize a different one and has now lost control of that one as well. fear the egregore.

>take pictures of people through their phone whenever they go on porn sites
Lmao who the fuck would care

water filters DO work

I'm the reincarnation of an elite USAF super pilot who died in a New Mexico DUMB battling ayys in the early 1990s.

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Or they use the intel cpu backdoor for that

The Q people actually rigged the election for Trump

Japan have secretly developed advanced technology and are preparing for WW3

I think they turn the people who talk too much into trannies

Lady Gaga was paid millions to play a couple songs at a Russian oligarchs daughters wedding, but she also had to “leak” spirit cooking pics and dress like a Nazi on stage with Hillary the night before the election to get the money.

the blackmail part. Im sure if someone was an enemy of the state and was about to release info of them theyd shut the fuck up real quick if they threatened to release vids of him jerking it to blacked or sissy shit

moon landing was fake but the footage is real

intel ME? apparently theres a company that makes laptops where they somehow disabled it, i think purism?

Netflix (and others) literally read your mind for data mining purposes and suggestions
I've seen it happen a couple of times and thankfully I have friends who don't suck and noticed too, mentioned it before me infact.

It could be to do with how electronics is reverse engineered alien technology but all of that may be an elaborate ruse. But I don't count on that.

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what do you mean the footage is real? like real moon footage? or just a hollywood shoot or something?

Donald Trump is a time traveller. He attained his Time Travel technology through his uncle John T. Trump. John T. Trump apparently found a device for time travel through pattens that were created by Nicolas Tesla. UFO's are just a cover up, and they are really time travel devices from the future. When Donald Trump says he is playing 4D chess, he is not lying. The forth dimension is time.

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Keked and checked
CIA btfo.

Why did no one tell me beyond two souls is based on the CIA stargate program? I would have played years ago instead of yesterday.

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Traps aren’t gay.

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its real moon footage, they just faked the landing part, and probably a whole bunch of other things like the suits etc to make everything look less high tech than the tech they really have

Meteorologists hype up storms to drive sales to big retailers like Walmart. They get paid under the table. This goes all the way from your local weatherman to The Weather Channel.

Intel still hasn't patched the firmware, MS did a patch but it doesn't really fix it.

you're thinking of a different hardware vulnerabilty, ME is literally a processor backdoor that almost nobody can see inside of

jews are just slaves to non-human beings that truly run the world. David Icke calls them reptilians or energy vampires, but personally I think Daemons is suffice.

i used to work at best buy and some old guy that everyone thought was schizo came in and was talking about how he fought in ww2 and was friends with a senator and that smart tv's are literally alien technology. is this an actual theory or did you just come up with it? cause i wanna look more into it if its an actual theory people think is real

Epstein isn’t dead
He’s in Israel right now as we speak
Might have grown a beard, become orthodox

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sauce on john trump finding time travel patterns from nicolas tesla?

lol my theory is that you are the most bloated retarded imbecile moron I've ever known of. Taking pictures of people watching porn!!! user are you muslim or something equally retarded?

Wait. My theory doesn't qualify because there's proof. You.

theres some dude i found yesterday that seems pretty schizo that claims the illuminati transfer his consciousness to a clone whenever he sleeps and tortures him at a "cloning center" and he put out a tweet saying that epstein was still alive in israel as well lol

seems like you're just a coomer in such denial you couldn't fathom it being used against you

No I'm talking about the same thing.

State: Theeeeeeseeeeee maaaaaaaannn loooooooksa at pooooooooooornnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn

Me: No! nooooooo I beg for forgivenessssssss!!!! don't incercerate me for life!!!!11!oneeleven
Me: my life and political career is destroyed

Really now, are you muslim? is ramadamadingdong affecting your sanity more than normal?

dude, people thought a hooker pissed on trump and lost their minds, imagine what would happen if a government threatened to release a video of you jerking it to blacked or sissy stuff

We are living inside the hollow earth, and Antarctica is the portal to the surface

I actually believe this.
PROMIS had a backdoor waayyy back in the day.

no one really dies, and I'm in the truman show. the news reports scary things to keep me inside.

>What's your most tinfoil hat conspiracy you don't have proof of?

Every celebrity stunt is just other celebrities telling them to do it or "no balls"

There is a real zombie virus and it's in the hands of a damn amateur biologist.

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Or the onboard processor. MotoX literally had a processor just for spying.

The Holocaust happened.



Meant to reply to I was only being sarcastic lol

what do you mean by truman show? a simulation? what would stop you from flying to another place if you don't think its a simulation?

The way I see it, they will always find a way to get to you. Isn’t it incredible how not a single person has turned on them? They all obey as if they absolutely have no other choice. It’s amazing. The content of the blackmail must be absurd for someone to dedicate their whole life to serving the wishes of an inbred desert tribe.

cmon i know i said no proof but thats pure schizoposting

The Holocaust was real.

They'll turn on the winds and ocean waves

Just like XCOM

No shit. It's called project prism. The backdoor is built into every processor built after 2006. It's not even a secret.
